Over to Daisy:
Although I have enjoyed Big Brother 2020, I have been disappointed that it didn’t live up to it’s name, or predecessor’s performance. Perhaps this year ought to have been called “Little Brother”, or “Someone’s Grandma”, because it has been rather mild, but also too speedy. “Blink and It’s Over Brother”.
We are now left with lovers; Sophie and Chad, Teeny Tiny Bonsai Girl Sarah, and Secret misogynists Dan and Matt. They would never admit to being misogynists but they have way too much ‘Bro’ in them not to have at least a hint of the old “Me Tarzan”. Still, Tarzan did love Jane, and he did rescue her.
Anyhow, enough of that nonsense. Who would you like for the win? It’s looking good for Sophie,who has been given the producers’ cut, and leg-up. But when it comes to Australia’s vote, it’s anyone’s guess. After all, these (the general population) are the monkeys who scoff at social distancing and self-isolation. These are the donkeys who can be a doctor, yet can’t answer 2+2 on Hot Seat.
There could be some Dan love, and maybe people might see Sophie’s return as unfair (it was). The yobbos might be loving Matt. Many might see the fair play and perseverance of little Bonsai as worthy for the win. I’m not seeing the chances of nice guy and human Road Map, Chad, as being great. Well he does look like a road map when he removes his shirt. There you go.
Will you vote? Or will you just watch? I can’t care enough to vote, but I hope Sophie or Sarah win, even though a Sarah win is against my rtv principles. Enjoy your last week. Fingers crossed that next year BB is ramped up a little.
Footnote on the return of Sophie: Although I was glad to see Dan and Matt’s victory dance turned on its head, I remind myself how angry I was when TAR manipulated the race to push the footy boys out. One thing people need to keep in mind now when entering rtv games, it’s not “You who decide”; it’s the producers who decide.
BB airs Mon, Tues, Wed (last episode).

I’ve been watching a Eye on Big Brother podcast, Kieran has been on tonight. He poses a great question / statement that with the edit Australia isn’t really choosing the winner. He has a completely different view on people than what people who haven’t been in the house do.
It seems producers of these types of shows have been choosing the winners for a long time, not just with editing, but with their “twists”, “Exile” Islands”. (Survivor), and blatant manipulation (TAR)’ allowing the the four remaining teams to vote off the footy players who had won almost every leg of the race. I wonder if the entrants sign a contract agreeing to the producers deciding who wins?
I have to wonder about Guy Sebastian’s brother winning The Voice🤔 on Sunday now.
Last night BB redeemed himself and Sophie by giving her some hefty handicaps, and Matt a huge advantage. But poor Sarah was the fallout of that schmozzle of producer interference. BB producers probably got wind of how unfair that was, with a very real $250 000 at stake. I suspect Dan and Matt had some words to say to the producers that we didn’t see. I don’t like Matt, and Dan is a doofus but it was nearly as bad a producer manipulation as the footy players booted off TAR so that the gay married guys could win, giving the show a better pc profile.
But having said that, Sophie, or now Chad for the win. Chad is not to bright and could use the money for some grammar lessons.
I didn’t like that the challenge loser was automatically nominated, especially when Sarah was so physically disadvantaged. If you are going to do that, at least make it endurance or mental. Dan obviously wised you that the public doesn’t like grown men having tanties.
Broken Hill, broken dreams and broken Mat. He was a mean, sore loser beneath the ocker facade.
Yeah and I bet he’s a mean drunk too. (Watching Sean McCaulif on Aussies and booze ATM)
I now want Chad to win because when Sonia asked Sophie what she thought of Chad’s win, she could only talk about herself. She responded with how it was good because now he could save her and how winning BB had always been her dream.
Hey Soph, Sonia just asked you about Chad. Too revealing.
So I have had an 11th hour change of heart. I also like that Chad isn’t a Bro but that he showed a good heart. Maybe it’s like the Wizard of Oz character who was a lion of great heart but small brain? I’d choose a kind dummy over a smart bastard.
Im now team Chad too Daisy. I woudn’t be upset if Sophie won, but Chad won heaps of challenges and he seems sweet under his general not very bright facade. 100% agree – kind dummy should always bear smart bastard.
I hadn’t realized that Chad had won lots of challenge.
He seems a sweetie and, given he can’t travel for modelling work, he could do with the cash. I find it odd that he says BB was his dad’s fave show. I remember watching Ben win in season one, in 2001. I would have been 27 or so. While
I and many friends watched it, none of us
would ever pick it as a fave.
So. Much. Hugging. Felt really odd watching that so soon after the MC finale
Seems lazy of Seven to not even do a two-minute delay. The F bomb was loudly dropped near the end.
Agree Juz. It does seem odd that BB was Chad’s dad’s favourite show. Voter’s got that right. I hardly have Chad much thought because of louder people all around him. I think Chad won that based on his words and actions last night.
I think the show is much better in the old format.
I love that Chad wasn’t alpha, but got along with males and females.
I’m very late to the “party”, but we started watching Game of Thrones. I concede that it’s well done, but I don’t like it. It’s not the violence per ce, but the malevolence and sadism. A battle is one thing, but there is way too much sadism and sexual sadism.
I’ll tell you, it gets a lot worse before it gets better.
When I eventually sat down and watched it? It always screamed to me of trying too hard. Y’know, GoT is the adolescent kid who listens to heavy metal not because he’s a hardcore badass, but he wants everyone to think he is. It’s all for show. And it comes across as quite immature, in a not very healthy way.
Plus, the final season is just *terrible*. The show spent 7 seasons making a lot of promises, and it couldn’t deliver on any of them.
Last night was the final straw. Woolif is watching it so I was drawn in a couple more times, but last night I said he had to turn it off or I had to go to bed. I feel like I am filled with all of the vileness.
I wonder how much people have been desensitized to watching violence but it has gone beyond violence. It’s level of malevolent cruelty that takes it beyond. I feel like I need to watch 10 seasons of Little House on the Prairie or a box set of Anne of Green Gables to flush out the evil that has have saturated my body and mind.
Sorry, this is the wrong thread.