Full story on the Logies here news.com.au story, but first a thumbs up to comedian and Logie presenter Kitty Flanagan for these oh so wise comments about reality cooking show:
“I just want to let the kids know that if you want to be a chef, you can go to a place called TAFE,” she began. “It’s pretty easy to get in. I keep seeing all these people on MasterChef, My Kitchen Rules. ‘Cooking has always been my dream’.
“I wish someone told them about TAFE. Obviously TAFE is a little bit different. You will learn to cook with ingredients and utensils rather than ‘cooking with your heart’. You will also learn to put food on the plate rather than ‘putting yourself on the plate’. And just one last thing to those My Kitchen Rules (contestants), if one more of you says you’re going to ‘smash it out of the park’, I’m going to smash you out of the park.”
Some reality show wins:
Best Reality Program
The Block (really? It beat MKR, MasterChef, I’m a Celeb and The Bachelor. Why do these people love Scott Cam so much?)
Best New Talent
Adam Dovile, Better Homes & Gardens (that’s chippie Adam who won House Rules in 2014 with girlfriend Lisa)
The Best New Talent Logie goes to chirpy tradie Adam Dovile from Better Homes And Gardens! #tvweeklogies pic.twitter.com/ck3LmbTATM
— #TVWEEKmag (@TVWEEKmag) 8 May 2016
Best Factual Program
Gogglebox (yay for them but what the heck is factual programming? It was up against the two Bondis (Vet and Rescue), Who Do You Think You Are? and Australian Story. Why are Gogglebox and Australian Story in the same category?)
This one gets it's own shelf!!!!!!!!! #TVWEEKLogies pic.twitter.com/UoBvTHZU0O
— Adam & Symon (@AdamandSymon) 8 May 2016

Good on ya, Waleed .
Dave Hughes ~ Fail
Jimmy Banes ~ Fail
Delta ~ Fail.
Julia Morris ~` Fail
$cotty~ Fail
Reg Grundy must have watched it. I don’t blame him.
Got to say if my obit reads ‘rich as Croesus, dies at home in the Bahamas at 92’ I’d feel reasonably chipper. Well, dead. But chipper.
92’s a good run, these days. If you can even make it to retirement without terrorists, ebola or global warming taking you out, I think you’ve done pretty good.
Vale Reg Grundy. Not a scandal, only innovation and opportunities for many.
I was disappointed “A Place Called Home ” didn’t win anything.
Can’t understand how The Block won.
Pleased for Noni Hazlehurst being inducted into the Hall of Fame .
I miss the old days of Bert and Don, the days when an all round entertainer won the Gold Logie, seems like now its News Presenters who win.
Didn’t mind Dave Hughes hosting, but no one can beat Bert Newton.
Good on Kitty Flanagan having a dig at Master Chef, now that was funny.
I agree Pandy “A place to call home” should have won as they had my vote. Perhaps not enough ah? There is a problem with programs on foxtel, especially if it is in a category that subscribers have to pay extra for. We have sport, drama and entertainment package but I may drop off drama after the next place to call home and buy the DVD’s instead.
I suppose anything on Pay TV (or streaming) will not have the reach of the FTA networks.
I haven’t watched APTCH, but would like to. And certainly, any of the other shows in that category should have beaten Home and Away. With better nominations for the Gold, I was hopeful that the voting was starting to move away from 14yo girls, but it seems not yet.
Even when they panned to Carrie and Waleed showing up on the red carpet and saying how they were competing for the Gold Logie, I thought, “Waleed’s gonna win that, no question.”
I don’t get it, personally. He’s smart, but he can be very patronising and condescending (when someone has the nerve to disagree with him), and that puts me off a little bit.
The thing about Waleed is that he was a star to half the population before he went anywhere near The Project. He is one of the best contributors to SMH and was a quality presenter on ABC Breakfast.
I don’t always agree with his views, but the quality of his arguments is top shelf. He pushes people from their comfort zones, and makes them think about why they believe what they do. I don’t watch the Project at all, but if I had voted for the Logies, I would have voted for him. Far more worthy that Scott Cam, or any of the Home and Away cast.
Bit smarmy and smug. I don’t like the Project. They have a “we’re the cool crowd attitude”, without being cool. But I like Gretel Killeen.
I think Waleed brings a touch of the ABC to people who normally only watch commercial TV – and that’s a good thing. I didn’t watch the ceremony but flicked through the fashion pix – what’s with all the see-through fashions this year? Wearing a leotard under a fish net is not classy.
That dress of Jessinta Cambell’s was horrendous. Pity about Jen Hawkins too but her’s was a good outfit for daytime or a casual night event not formal.
Laurina got a real big slam on her dress with a massive train. Basically they said that she was a nobody trying to dress as a “A” lister. They were right. The dress really was over the top. Not good advertising for her business. Sam copped a bad dress award on another station for wearing polka dots.
I liked her Laurina’s dress.
And I thought good on her. Go big and go bold. I wish had that sort of courage.
She’s no shrinking violet and shouldn’t behave otherwise.
It was very parachutey. If they’d just cut it off at floor length it would have been better.
Okay. I will agree with the parachute. But the rest was good and brave.
Washing my sheets today, so except for the colour, Laurina’s dress looks a bit loke my toussled bed. There are worse though, such as ….
This one was a shocker.
And this toilet dolly …..
I read this girl was pregnant. She needs to eat.
This might be winner of the worst, with Jess Rowe a runner up. Perhaps Leelee Chin is auditioning for a musical.
But this is Li Li Lin’s schtick, whereas the others are try-hards.
My vote for the worst is the toilet brush. Bad colour, bad shape, bad material, looked uncomfortable and unflattering. How would she sit? Just nothing positive to say. Just because you are thin as a coat rack, doesn’t mean that you can wear anything.
I thought Lisa looked lovely.
I do love Lee Lin Chin, but…but…but, no, I have no words.
I like to imagine a circus clown is crying, somewhere, because she mugged him and stole his costume.
On the issue of The Block, it is not helped by there being a new channel with just Reno shows. So I am overwhelmed with choice.
And I do love some of the American ones. Who can not be facinated with a show that has an opening line that goes ‘Leonard is my father’s third wife’s first husband, and he’s great.’
Makes the Australian shows beige
Have you been watching “Good Bones”? They are much less annoying than Flipping Moms.
I love Good Bones but not as much as Fixer Upper. Chip is a hoot and Jo is tolerant and long suffering.
And in both shows, I love the end product.
I think Fixer Upper is the nail in the coffin regarding The Block for me. I know they are different, but if I have to choose, I prefer the renovation without the dramatics.
For those who missed it:
Nice colour, but huge fail otherwise.
A dress needs to be wearable imo. This is not.
… what’s going on with her ankle, there? That doesn’t look healthy.
Big enough for Warnie to hide under for a sneaky ciggie.
The saggy boobs look is never good, especially when you are a senior citizen like Gina
OMG, the woman in the background in the mustard coloured dress. Her face…
And bad…..
OMG, What in the world?
Sex shop bad……
Great to see Erik Thomson win a gong. I enjoyed 800 words, but I don’t necessarily think it is his best work. I’d like to view it as a reward for his total body of work.
As usual, the Most Outstanding awards were much more logical than the popular ones.
Apparently Popular is voted by the public (read 14 year old girls) and Outstanding is voted by the industry.
I liked him in All Saints the best, and of course Packed to the Rafters.
I just can’t get into 800 words as much.
For most of my life I have looked forward to the night of the Logies and I have to say last night was the first time ever, I didn’t even bother to flick over to see what was happening.
I don’t know most of the people that appear anymore.
I’m pleased Wadeed won the gold. I would have been so angry if Scott Cam had won it again. Cannot see the talent in that man.
It hasn’t been good for a few years now. The glory days of Bert and Don are gone.
Wasn’t keen on Waleed winning the Gold, but his wife looked very elegant.
Juz, thanks for all the posts. I agree, love Kitty Flanagan’s humour – she is always spot on without being a try hard, unnecessary profanity or forced comedy. She is one of my favourite Australian comics . Don’t watch the Logies but some of those dresses- oh dear !
I love Kitty too – but I do find her quite profane. Pity, because she has the talent to do it without.
Loved it when she outed Santa Claus. Such a huge media storm over it.
OMG. So much tacky fashion… Aren’t those people having ineough money to get properly dressed? I mean they can clearly afford plastic surgery…
That’s nearly as bad as Aintree in England…