By Daisy
The toxicity of the Forrester/Spencer/Logan “blended family” rises and little Douglas is the meat in the Il Giordino’s Club sandwich.
Now that she has hooked Honey Bear, we no longer have Donna’s flat tummy, but ample breasts grace our screens. She is probably already playing pickle ball with another billionaire.
Charlee is ever sharp as a tack, as he prowls the Forrester corridors, keeping up to date on the family gossip. No designer robberies lately so his work is done.
I’m thinking that Thomas is the mastermind behind the “dob in a child abuser” plot. He confirmed my suspicions by looking very snakes eyed.
Ridge will soon be justifying more kisses with his ex. He’s been sniffing around that Honey Trap with his new found pressing need for “family time”. Family time = pickle ball but without the rackets; only the pickles and balls.
Bill will swoop in and console the falsely- accused Brooke, and side with her and Hope in the battle for Douglas.
Meanwhile, Sheila hasn’t killed anyone for days…..unless she bumped off Flo, Carter, Quinn, Donna and Maya. There has been no fresh body count, but hey, who is counting? Afterall, there have been no follow-ups on the deaths of Little Emma, Allee nor the man who owned the Hope Diamond that ended up in Quinn’s claws.
Happy viewing in LA.

Brooke goes the early crow to Liam about the romantic, reconnecting dinner she has planned with Rasper. Way things are going, some bogus L.A. healer type needs to come in and burn some sage to clear all the toxicity around Douglas.
The roach drowns Hope in flatteries and she falls for it all, because she sees “how happy Douglas is”. It’s all hydrofluoric acid under the bridge with the reformed roach. She’ll bring her toothbrush next time she visits.
Taylor finally tells Steffy to lay off the match making schtick. Taylor goes wandering outside, ruing her rotten luck in love. Just then the local pervert erupts from the pines….. actually, it’s Rasper….the arsehole of Aspen. Brooke will be eating KFC tonight…..unless Deacon shows up…..or Bill. We know Liam is vegan.
Rebounding Rasper and Predator face off from about twenty feet. Curtain.
I’m barely watching ATM because I know exactly the sticky paths they are all taking. Somebody needs to call child protection for real and round up all the kids. They’d almost be better off living on the lam with Sheila and Deacon.
Ridge takes final curtain with his “It’s not cheating if you only gaze lovingly” stare.
Yep. No point in Brooke keeping dinner warm. Ridge might just be home in time for a late breakfast. Meanwhile the fingers of suspicion are still all pointing at Brooke.
Brooke has followed Rasper to Aspen. He’s not answering her questions and he’s being a bastard. Nosy Taylor and Steffy peer through the windows at Brooke and Rasper. They desperately need lives.
Rasper is a dumb as a post. The accusing assclown of Aspen has Brooke ready for the gas chamber. Back at FC, cleavage whipped Eric and Cleavage tell the roach to back off with his interference. The roaches options are narrowing. He bleats lke a n incompetent sheep.
We knew all along, the roach is in this up to his armpits. He’s got an app on his phone that converts his voice into Brooke’s. He admits to the flowerpots and ajar doors that “it was me”. He’s lower than snake shit. Hope doesn’t think so.
The rest of the cast will take weeks to sort this out and Rasper will return with his tail between his legs to honest Brooke .Curtain.
I slept through the last two episodes. Didn’t miss much.
I have had to skim through it to avoid the annoyance. Glad they brought the real Douglas back. He’ll crack the case.
Brooke gets dumped in Aspen by Rasper , who does a bad impression of a stunned mullet, saying nothing. Brooke begs, but the mullet’s having none of it, having believed the roach’s ruse. Rasper thinks he knows it all and that his wife is a liar. There’s a dreadlocked witness lurking in the forest, hearing all this. The same Uber driver Steffi had to get to this “hideaway”. He did stare at Steffi’s arse. Pervert? Or C.P.S. undercover?
Steffi comes out to rub salt into Brooke’s wounds.The way little Douglas is showing off his mobile phone app, Steffi won’t be smug for long. There was a photo of the fake Douglas on the wall, too.
Sheila stole a heap of wine and gourmet food from Il Giardino. Deacon eats it anyway.
Ditto the jubilant roach is counting chickens before they hatch. Douglas will break out his phone app for Halloween. Curtain. I’ve had better half hours.
Steffi makes a fast escape so Rasper and The Predator can consummate their deluded lust..The Predator is in the petit mort but after Rasper had his fun, he’s staring at the ceiling, thinking about Brooke. He could watch tv , if he was a normal person.
The dreadlock in the woods works for Bill. His name is Othello. He fills in Bill on Aspen proceedings and even though Bill has just been dumped by Katie at Il Giardino, Bill is first to tearful Brooke’s place like a vulture . They embrace. Will it turn into a kiss? Who will see it?
Carter offers to support to Katie, who’s second cab off the rank to Brooke. The ugly sister in Cinderella, L.A. style. Carter’s couch can take another pounding.
The roach is still congratulating himself on his feat but he’s laying it on a bit thick to the thick Rasper , who may be smelling a rat….or a roach.
Curtain .crashing waves. The Predator had it’s day.
Poomvwy. That’s the word my grandma made up. And if you want to know what it means, watch Taylor and Steffy being all warm and fuzzy and oh so cute Now where I’d that vomit icon.
Desperate Katie pashed Carter. Carter appears to have lost in love again and will take it out on his battered couch. Katie would have Bill back but he’s busy trying to root Brooke again. Oh, the humanity. Bring out the purple push ups, Katie….if the rats haven’t eaten them by now.
Then Hope threw herelf at the roach, passionately kissing him. It ain’t no mannequin the roach is assaulting this time. He can’t reist her in the revealing outfit he no doubt designed in a sexual fantasy gone awry. Taylor’s counselling has unhinged him even more. Taylor will get a Nobel Prize , just the same. Ridge is getting his piece of ass in Aspen.
Broken Brooke is just about to swig some Vodka but Liam grabs the glass and gives her a lecture. Liam should have jumped on her bones right there, because he’s about to be cuckolded by the app savvy roach.
Curtain. What a mess. Did I miss people kissing? There was that much of it.
I thought Thomas was going to use his knew phone toy on Hope, but he didn’t need to.
I’ve never seen Liam turn her on like that.
The episodes lately seem to be going around in circles. I wonder if it was made during Covid lockdown and they had to splice together scenes from the cutting room floor to stretch things out.
Yes, it has been very tedious, especially the Steffy/Taylor scenes.
We are off to Bali for a week tomorrow so maybe Sheila will be out on an LA killing and kidnapping spree by then.
We can always count on Sheila. 🤣
I just read “news” that Bold fans, annoyed at and tired of the bilge being producec, are demanding new writers
Here’s our chance to submit some ideas.
Surely they use AI bots to write the scripts these days by reusing plot lines from 20 years ago
About time.
It’s like there is only one writer and they are exhausted.
I magine what these critical fans would think of The Real Love Boat….
Deacon proposed to Brooke. Five minutes after the annulment papers are drawn up.
What???? Annulment? How does Ridge manage to get an annulment? Was the marriage not consummated?
Annulment seems to be the answer to everything on this show, like that makes a situation better 🤷♂️.
Maybe they have to do that to keep all those far right Christian viewers tuned in.
Thomas has a real fixation with designing fantasy dresses ……with inflated breasts….with figures that look a lot like Hope. Little Douglas , how the hell does a child get an app like that on his phone? The roach must have poached the little brat’s gone for a while.
I knew someone who got an an annullment to marry this guy. It took ages. Turns out the guy was gay,anyway. He was in the closet for many years. We don’r get storylines like this on B&B.
At the moment all the partner swapping makes it the Bold And The Beaver.
Sorry. I nissed today’s episode.
Yours truly.
Great shot, Dave. I thought, at first, Forrester had a new cast member; Dave the billionaire publisher.
I own Il Giardino.
I’ll be up early enough to catch up with the alleged encore in the morning.
Oh yes. And tv celebrity chef.
Oh yes. And tv celebrity chef.
Actually you look more like an author or film director.
Of course I harbour a secret ambition to become a designer at Forrester Creations. It doesn’t look like hard work at all.
Or a gossip columnist digging up dirt on the Forresters and Logans and splashing it in the tabloids those fools are so scared of.
A gossip columnist in Forresters’ LA would have too much work, but at least eavesdropping would be easy.
You could set up a table at Il Giordino’s and even hire young Douglas to be a junior reporter.
Yep, second option but I still believe in being a designer at FC.
No show today here because of the race that stops a Nation. It’s not even airing in W,A. I’m outraged. We need to know what these predators , roaches and Raspers are up to.
Hell, we need to know what’s going on in L.A. and Aspen. When will little Douglas bust out his phone app? When will Eric’s balls be pickled?
I have to ring someone to find what happened yesterday.
The roach is free to roam L.A.when we know Dr.Phil would have had him packed off to the pony ranch months ago.
Steffy and Finn try to warn the roach not to develop an obsession with Hope. “Too late”, she cried. That’s water off a roach’s back as he gets more florid about an upcoming fashion show that will feature Hope. He hallucinates Hope in some kind of Stevie Nicks tribute gown. He’s having unwholesome thoughts….every few seconds.
He’s not too busy to gloat about how happy little phone app Douglas is with the cosy living arrangements. Litttle Douglas must be ready to bust like an unchanged colostmy bag with the secret app.
Thomas truly believes that Hope thinks he’s hot. Hope tries in her saintly way to convince Liam that “people can change”. Maybe ….but roaches can’t, especially the ones that go for mannequins etc. His last venture like this ended in a vat of hydrofluoric acid. We have flashbacks to Liam and the roach brawling on a rooftop during the “Beth is alive!” saga.
Don’t we love the ad with Deaacon and sheila plugging Ch 10’s “Crime Night”?
Time for the Hope For The Future extravaganza. All the big critics have been invited. Before the show is even underway Carter looks like dragging Katie back to his couch in his lonely man cave.
Half a dozen scrawny models exhibit the hideous designs of the roach and his underling, Zende. It’s supposed to be “edgy”. So is a broken piss pot. The Forresters and Logans flatter the hell out of each other.
Little Douglas walks past Liam like he doesn’t exist. He’s happy for Hope and the roach , but. A kick in the guts for Liam. Hope looks as nervous as a rabbit at a greyhound party.
Liam doesn’t really want to go because he hates the roach. When he finally does show , the roach has his wife in an extended embrace and whispering roach shit into her gullible ear. Liam sees and hears it all and he’s off like a bucket of prawns. The roach exhorts Hope to get done up in the show stopper, but she’s peering through the curtains looking for her husband….when he’s probably halfway to Steffy’s by now. Hope looks all a panic. She has to don the roach’s sex fantasy dress out yet.
This event could end up being an awful failure for all concerned~ except Carter and Katie. We haven’t seen the show stopper yet. Cop this .critics and tabloids. At least the champagne is free.Curtain.
I tuned in for the fashion show.
I was surprised at the number of extras running around in the background. I’m guessing that Covid no longer exists is America?
Remind me again, Carter is the in-house lawyer? So what is he doing taking credit for putting this show on? Why is he even there? From what I hear from people who work in the biz, admin staff are never invited to these things. There just isn’t enough room. My head for reality intrudes again 🤦♀️.
At least the story line has moved on a little. Thank goodness for small blessings.
Carter’s certainly the lawyer for FC, when he’s not fooling around with Quinn, Paris or Zoe. Katie’s next. He should be flat out working on Ridge’s annulment and Quinn’s slice of Eric’s fortune. The size of Carter’s breasts, he should be up on the catwalk himself. I’d say Carter is a sex addict, masquerading as a lawyer. Right, Bobi he shouldn’t be cruising at the fashion show.
The critics think Hope For The Future is passe , a lot is hanging on the show stopper, as usual. The way the roach sees it , it’s grope for the future.
Great write up, Dave.
You’ve summed up the bosomed Carter nicely.
He should have called the upholsterers to get a quote for his lounge.
Best line; “When he’s probably half way to Steffy’s by now”. 🤣
In fact, what Liam did was go to Il Giardino, where Bill and Wyatt are drinking. Liam unloads the mother of all pity parties on them.They almost succeed in building Liam up enough to go back to the fashion show and make a statement ( punch the encroaching roach into the middle of next week) but all the vegan food has taken a toll on him and he does nothing. He’s got too many noble principles…..unless Steffy’s available.
Meantime , the FC bash is a howling success, which for a company where no work is done and employees either gossip,flirt,cheat or eavesdrop all day….this is astounding. The roach, Hope and bandaged Rasper soak up every bit of ill deserved applause. The roach is triumphant. Curtain.
Belated birthday wishes, daisy. Yes, the upholsterers must be at Carter’s every week, reinforcing the springs on his literally seedy couch. Put some luminol on it and it would near explode.
Dr.Phil might see a red flag at little Douglas being exposed to the raunchy, risque lyrics that accompanied the trashy fashion expo. Nothing haute couture about them lyrics. What would CPS think? Just saying. Then again , Douglas has seen enough toxicity to turn him into a serial killer as it is.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Great write up Dave. If I ever need a resume, I am coming to you. You have a flair with the pen.
Liam really is being a pussy. Like a little miaow pussy.
Thomas learned his predatorial skills from his Mom.
The roach was using his phone to somehow trap doe – eyed Hope for the night.Maybe that app of little Douglas’s
Champagne and unbearable flattery all round from the Forresters.
Dumb and dumber. 😆
Sheila’s gangrene isn’t bothering her one little bit.
I don’t even know what happened today. I got home too late for Friday’s cliff hanger.
After leading him on all night and missing all the red flags, Hope said……
Deacon and Sheila did some nauseating romancing and dancing. Deacon managed to not step on Sheila’s toe.
Hope said “Did somebody say KFC?
“Is that Douglas I hear crying?”
I’ll watch Monday morning.
Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley behind Il Giardino’s .
“I was in that new restaurant across the street,” said one. “It’s so clean! The kitchen is spotless, the floors are gleaming white. It’s so sanitary the whole place shines.”
“Please,” said the other roach, frowning. “Not while I’m eating!”
How many roaches does it take to change a lightbulb?
Nobody knows. Once it turns on they all scatter.
Two cockroaches run into each other in a week old baguette
One says to the other, ‘Hey, I thought I was the only roach from around these parts. Where you from?’
The other responds, ‘Who, me? I was born in bread right here.’
Haha, Dave.
This is better than a screen shot of Thomas ringing C.P.S. on his cellphone.
I missed yesterday’s episode. My neighbour couldn’t help me.
Today , it’s Carter’s grim task to deliver Brooke her annulment papers. Soon the tears are falling as we have flashbacks (or “flushbacks the way I see it) to Brooke and Rasper’s few golden moments. That marriage on the beach scene is awful stale.
Another failed marriage, this should be water of a duck’s back for Brooke by now. Rasper says things will be “difficult” because they all work in the same building. “Work” is debatable.
Steffi and the roach have tagged teamed again to drum into the Rasper that he’s better off without Brooke. Thomas in particular lays it on so thick that Rasper is giving him some strange looks. The roach just can’t hide what a freak he is. We get a flushback of him revisiting his phone scam to the C.P.S. He says to himself “Goodbye Brooke”
Soon Rasper goes to Brooke . who is justly mystified about why Rasper is pulling this annulment out of the blue. Rasper ain’t saying why. We go the curtain with him looking like a speechless, stunned mullet. FFS , rasp something!
Stunned mullet. Rass(p).
I’m expecting Thomas to get Liam’s voice on his phone saying something self-incriminating.
I am at the point with B&B where I would be happy if one thing, even just one thing happened.
Maybe Rasper would stop pressing mute, uncock his head and tell Brooke why he is divorcing…..sorry annulment Brooke.
Or the Roach could kidnap Hope.
Or Hope could go home and find that Berh had been kidnapped and gone for a month because that’s how long she has been over at Forrester’s with Douglas.
Rasper’s giving nothing. Dr.Phil would call his arrogance out.
News of the annulment spreads around L,A. like a new Covid variant. Katie hepls spread the toxic “news”
The Rasper rasps that Brooke has no humanity……for giving up on his little roach. He’s not going to rasp about the call to C.P.S.
Steffy and the roach have summoned Taylor to tell her. They play a sick guessing game. Taylor even rescheduled a patient for this. A world famous predator masquerading as a psychiatrist will do that.
No one knows how this out of the blue annulment has happened. “Something must have happened in Aspen” Yeah nah.
Brooke sticks to her long held view….the roach is a piece of ….. Rasper can’t accept this simple fact. He’ll spend the next seven minutes being a stunned mullet again. He’s outsmarting himself, not a difficult thing to do. He rasps that Brooke doesn’t have a heart. I learned in biology that roaches certainly don’t have hearts.
The jubilant roach calls for champagne. No takers. Who’s looking after Douglas. btw?
Rasper has a tear on his cheek and gallantly hands Brooke a pen. Brooke signs the papers to sickly music and the silent Rasper slithers out the door, back to the clutches of his pouting predator and her toxic offspring. Curtain.
Holy he’ll. I thought the same thing, Dave. Yesterday Carter, the lawyer, is blabbing his clients private information to his girlfriend in there wasn’t even a pillow.
And today, Taylor cancels in her suicidal, psychotic patient to run of and play 30 questions with her kids. 🤪 World famous.
I’ve been watching Dr Ramani Durvasula on you tube, talking about narcissism. Better than Dr Phil.
Little Douglas has been giving masterclasses on acting sullen and withdrawn. He was having the greatset time at Eric’s but the roach has come down on him like a ton of bricks since Douglas was sprung playing practical jokes on various family members with his phone app.
Defying Dr.Phil’s usual logic of not involving children in adult matters, Thomas roach coaches little Douglas to say nothing about the C.P.S. call. This to the blabbering brat who declared “Beth is alive” and “I saw Grandma kissing Santa Claus” How long is this going to be dragged out? Douglas is itching to let the cat out of the bag.
The Rasper has put a dazzling rock on the Predator’s finger before the annulment papers are a day old. The roach will be Best Man and Steffy Maid Of Honour. These two dysfunctional meddlers are over the moon about this. The Forresters’ again at the top of L.A.’s food chain.
Cleavage has beaten a path to Brooke’s lair , where gasbag Katie is gossiping about the annulment. Brooke hears of the marriage plans and is getting a feeling that there’s involment of the unstable one in this marital mess.
We go to the curtain with little Douglas and his one thousand yard stare. The fun at Eric’s is over. His father’s let him down again. Liam might be a boring vegan, but not half as toxic as the plotting roach. He needs R.P.S.~ roach protection services.
I watched enough of the three sisters in a huddle for it to remind me of Macbeth.
I get the plot line of the annulment and the lies. It would be entertaining in any other scenario.
I don’t get the instant straight-to-the-next-marriage bizzo. He couldn’t wait a day? Like, a whole day? In what world would any woman want a man like that back?
I have taken matters into my own hands. Sick of waiting for the writers to get on with it, I am now watching on the first ff speed.
Little Douglas won’t be able to keep mum. Roach will have to kill him and get a little boy mannequin to fool everyone that he is still alive.
Great recount, Dave.
You only need to watch on Mondays and Fridays.
On Friday’s there’s the cliffhanger to the resolution. On Monday you might get the resolution.
At that rate, and with that formula, I am guesstimating, that On Friday, little Douglas will say, I have a secret………
On Monday he might throw us a bone.
I put myself out of my misery and went to spoilers. It looks like there might be some action this week.
About time. I will tune in.
I was about to give in completely. This story was just becoming nonsensical.
So will the world famous psychologist marry a narcissist (who needs a much faster car so he can zoom between wives), based on a lie????
Will Douglas even stand for that? Is she does, it serves Ridge right for telling her his undying live was unrelated to the cps call.
And poor old Patrick Duffy got lost on his way to Southfork. Bring in JR.
The wheels fell off the wedding in grand style. More paperwork ahead for Carter the resident eavesdropping celebrant.
Carter first makes an insipid speech about the bride and groom.
Then Steffy starts unravelling the roach’s ruse. The few guests are horrified. That’d be Eric, Li, Meat Puppet, . roach, Steffy and her kid.
Douglas plays the CPS call for the benefit of all.
A furious Rasper starts tearing strips off the roach. A bad time was had by all.
Curtain. After all those Groundhog Days ~ all hell broke loose. Egg on Rasper’s face. Shield the children from this mess.
Ridge needs a much faster car so he can pick up the pace when switching between Taylor and Brooke.
The world famous psychologist was going to marry Ridge knowing full well she was hiding a vital piece of information. I wonder what Dr Phil would say about that. Even a 6 year old boy knew it was wrong.
Steffy was looking good. The bride looked like a skinny witch. Brooke was snuggled up to Patrick Duffy but they looked a bit too close in age to be dad and daughter.
Thank goodness the truth about Thomas and the cps call is out. I think it’s time Douglas went back to Hope and Liam.
I am getting way to invested in this story line.
Thomas is right: Ridge and Brooke’s relationship is toxic and they are both well out of it. Ridge is happier with his family around him. Brooke is just one day of misery after another. Time to call an end to it all and get Brooke another husband. Has she tried Carter yet?
The bride looks just awful. What is wrong with the dressers/makeup artists?
Wait until Hope finds out. Thomas won’t look so hot now. Will any girl want Thomas’s Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde.
Bobi, I think both women should ditch Ridge. Or he can ride off with Taylor. Brooke has no self-respect to want him back.
Rasper has gone from, “Brooke, how could you?”, to “Taylor, how could you?”.
But it’s okay because Eric and Finn got the children out of the room before they could be damaged by the series of unfortunate events that they just witnessed. 🤣
Oh no. Brooke didn’t take Ridge back so he’s going to HAVE to marry Taylor.
Lucky that Katy didn’t accept Bill’s offer of loyal devotion.
Oh , you posted that while I was writing up today’s wreckage. Yeah, he’ll crawl back to the Predator.
We’re on tenterhooks because maybe there will be a wedding…or maybe there won’t.
The roach weakly pleads his case for doing the right thing, because anything justifies getiing that bitch Brooke out of their lives. The meat puppet knows his mother in law is a no good predator because she was not going to tell Rasper the secret and marry him anyway. The roach even offers to go to Brooke’s and sort the matter out. Saner heads prevail, if you call Steffy and Taylor saner heads;.
Rasper has slithered back to Brooke’s , cap in his eternally bandaged hand. Brooke spurns his insipid advances and pleas for forgiveness from the stunned mullet. You could have mentioned the CPS call, Brooke reminds the rasping mullet. Brooke tells Rasper she’s “got too much self respect” to take the crestfallen dressmaker back. Yes, after being married 13 times , she’s got too much self respect. He could crawl back to Taylor with his mullet stare and quizzical looks and cut his destiny loss.
Millionaire Bill drinks alone at Il Giardino, pretty soon Deacon comes along to rub salt into Bill’s love wounds. Katie and Brooke have rejected him. The convict and the millionaire swap insults. Bill could afford the most expensive hookers in L.A. but he’s torn between Logan sisters.
We go to the curtain with tears rolling down Brooke’s self respecting cheeks as she has just sent Rasper packing.We’ve seen this scene a million times before.
Bill’s purple shirt matches Katy’s purple lingerie so perhaps 💜 it’s worth the two of them having one more marriage.
Now that Brooke likes herself, she can swipe Eric from Donna.
Hopefully, that’s the end of “that” relationship forever. It was getting tired.
Time to move on.
The writers seem to have moved back to the older generation. Again. Ho-hum.
In the space-time continuum that is the soap world, maybe it’s time for the grandkids to come back from boarding school fully formed adults and we can get some, and really, I can’t emphasis this enough, new story lines.
Liam is furious when he finds out that Thomas tried to kiss his wife in the afterglow of the hyped fashion show. Last time he thought this happened , he ran off to Steffy’s arms.There’s not time for him to have a Liam meltdown because old Eric has brought back Douglas from the clutches of the roach. Hope and Liam tell Douglas he did a good thing to be a dobber. Little Douglas is a professional dobber at six years of age. He knows who Santa Claus is kissing and where kidnapped babies hide. Whoever gave him the phone has a lot to answer for.
Brooke catches Taylor still in her wannabe wedding dress. Brooke gets her claws in because the Predator was going to say nothing and carry on marrying Rasper. Taylor’s sorry for what the roach did. Brooke reckons the roach needs a shrink who is “objective” ( In the real world , I didn’t think Doctors treat relatives, anyway). They both love the silent Rasper,always will.
Thomas continues to gaslight Steffi that he did a good thing. He’s been “changed” by a world famous psychiatrist, but he’s still twisted and perverted.
Curtain. Hell , yes. We crave new storylines. It is what it is. You’ve heard of Shakespeare, this here is Fakespeare.
Today. I tried……but fell asleep.
I wonder if it’s something to do with the actors not being able to remember new lines so they have to use the only ones on repeat.
Serial dobber, Douglas, has been sent to find Sheila. Well not really, but they might as well have sent him. He’s better at sniffing out and uncovering crimes than detective Sandwichez.
The police had Sheila’s toe but, it seems they never sent it to the forensics lab to test for ursine saliva. Finn has to do that job himself. Steffy, with in her leopard spots and split skirt, confirms Finn’s assessment of Sheila’s toe; it has been neatly sliced; a fact that all the detectives on Sheila’s case missed.
Hope tells Thomas to get lost. Thomas just wants the chance to explain. His motives were pure, he says. Hope rubs his nose in it, by saying she lives Liam.
I expect another melt down from Thomas. Perhaps Taylor might see red flags this time.
The meat puppet is a real dab hand with that microscope. The irony of Steffi’s leopard skin outfit when they’re discussing a bear attack. I love the nail polish on Sheila’s toe.
The roach never got a chance to explain. None of the family will talk to him. Yes, a meltdown is on the cards. He could get a job at LAPD Forensics, from what i see.
The roach is a talented designer, Hope hisses through gritted teeth.
No soap opera today, just Jamie Oliver. Yawn.
I want to cut my toe off.
I wonder if they have given it a break for Christmas. I would be surprised if they did. Don’t the Forrester’s put on a rich Christmas bash? Too much drama to allow that?
Yes. It’s the mercy claus for viewers.
We’ll experience Xmas mid Jan. The family boycotted Xmas when Quinn latched on to Eric, massive wastage of catering etc.
Hahah, Dave. You want to cut off your toe.
The Forresters once again are flummoxed that Sheila is alive, thanks to the genius meat puppett and his trusty microscope.
Everyone is shitting themselves that Sheila is alive. No time for designing. It’s a celebration of wooden acting from all concerned.
Steffi bumps into a blonde in a corridor and spills stuff on her dress, Bending down , Steffy realizes that the beautiful stranger is lacking a toe. Steffy tries to emote shock……but how the hell did she win an Emmy?
Just shoot Steffy again and keep up the good work, Sheila. No jail for you, honey. Curtain.
I only saw the last , gripping minute last night.
Looked like Sheila was either contemplating suicide or hacking off another toe.
See what this morning reveals…
Det Fatass Baker is doing the rounds, asking Deacon, Steffy and the Meat Puppet about the toeless one. Baker should be firing everyone at Forensics rather than “investigating” again. Deacon erased the cctv of Steffy and Sheila. Only little Douglas knows how to undelete that shite.
Sheila’s not done yet as we go to the curtain.
Today, someone even crazier is back in town. Taylor, the bumbling shrink. Nice hairdo, Doc.A lot of hair extensions today. Acting lessons would be money better spent.
Rasper has a Brooke flashback. We’ve seen it a million times. That destiny bilge written in the sand.
Steffy and Taylor lock hair extensions in solidarity. Eric wants his jet back, because Rasper is getting juiced in it and he wants to tell him that Sheila is “out there”. Sheila’s favourite game is tic , tac, toe. Boom boom.
Brooke and Taylor have a bitch fight…..and all for a peon like Rasper. Taylor smiles mysteriously , as if she’s going to emerge the victor here. Jeez, only half way through. Mammoth ad break.Bachelors.Vomit. Are three dickheads better than one?
Steffy and Hope try to make up. No one knows where Sheila is. Hide the doughnuts from Det. Baker, too.
Chief Baker is going to have his men working on it 24/7. That’s comforting. They couldn’t find their own arses.
Rasper has Taylor unwholesome flashbacks on the Daddy’s jet. Wouldn’t a threesome be best for all concerned? This is California, right? Brooke and Taylor are beginning to bond over loving the maggot designer they are in thrall to.
Ridge comes back. His two coiffed lovers are there. Threesome time. Some sort of “choosing” game. How dramatic. They should really be both dumping that toxic turd….but our enemy. the curtain , falls. Alas.
* Presumably Det Fatass has only male staff working for him, hence the use of “his men” in the analysis of this appalling episode.
Ju,, I think this recap of Dave’s deserves to be the next threadheader. Gold.
Yes, Little Douglas could lead the investigation with far greater success and speed than Detective Donutin ‘.
Thank you ,daisy. I combined two episodes.They were basically the same , anyway. Both unacceptable viewing.
Eric was using a mobile phone from the 80’s. Lift yer game props.
As Woolif and I watched yesterday, I quoted him your line about entangling hair extensions. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I have delivered a new B&B header.