The Masked Singer returns to Ten tonight and is expected to once again rule the ratings.

The bizarre celebrity singing contest is up against The Block and the rebooted My Kitchen Rules, but should sweep the ratings when it comes to family viewing.
Abbie Chatfield (ex-Bachie) and Chrissie Swan (who is giving Osher himself a run for his money in the TV appearance stakes) join the judging panel this season.

I won’t watch any show with flavour-of-the-year Chrissie Swan on it. Scott Cam is another person who has me immediately reaching for the remote.
I will give MKR a try, but continued watching will depend on how long it takes for contestants to start being bitchy and dramatic. I like Manu. Nigella I can take in small doses, but she may be less annoying as a judge.
Fortunately, new Spicks and Specks starts tonight. That’s my choice :).
I will watch with the sound on then off then on then off then on …. 🤣🤣.
I just want to hear the singing and see if I can guess. I loath the judges on this show. Why do they have to stand up with their mouths open in pretend awe?
And in what universe is Hughesy funny. Never in the history of ever.
I can’t sit through the MS schtick so I will watch the performance clips on Twitter and read everyone’s guesses.
That is a great way to watch! The first 2 or 3 eps are fun but boring once everyone has worked out who is who!
I caught the reveal. Well, that was timely
I can’t sing but I’, m ready for book week.
Awesome! We did Captain Underpants in Year 3. This year I think will be Voldemort
Don’t expect any work will be done.
Last week a little girl told me, “Mrs ….., I don’t think you could wear anything I don’t love”. I didn’t, “Wait until Friday”.
I said. Not I didn’t.
Well Daisy, I am not familiar with Captain Underpants so had to Google him. Your costume is quite impressive. And you didn’t frighten your dog,
Finale tonight but I think most watchers have picked the identities
Ugh, to the finale.
There was no secret to the identities of the two guys and their performances were fun to watch.
I didn’t think Mirrorball was that great, and I wasn’t that fussed with her song choices, but then I’m not a fan of high pitched screaming as a substitute for singing. Apparently, it’s my age 🤣🤣.
And Hughesy guessed who it was? I scoff.