I’m a Celebrity 2022 began on Ten tonight.
The cast includes Poh from MasterChef and Beau Ryan, host of The Amazing Race. Given Grant Denyer has already been on the show surely Osher and Andy Allen must be pencilled in for 2023.
What do you think of the cast?

Sorry, gice – late to the party
Thanks for the new thread Juz.
So this year I have ‘heard’ (some more than others) of 9 out of 11. Don’t know Miss Universe or Joey Essex. Celebs seem ok so far, I’m sure my opinions will change in a couple of days!
Also the David is the brother of Layla from Big Brother AU in 2012 or 2013 (the first Ch9 year, she came runner up, Benjamin Norris won) so while not a celeb, not exactly unknown either. I can’t decide if I like the twist or not. David is giving it a good go and pretty funny about it so that helps. I think Beau will have a secret mission where he is told he is not a celeb and tries to trip him up.
Cal is funny, Emily is going well. I laughed when Nathan Buckley and Beau met, both were like yes, someone I can get along with.
I think I’ll like Brooke, never been a fan of Poh, I don’t really know Derek or Miss Universe. Can’t work out if Dylan is acting or not.
Dylan’s flapping face was a delight.
The pretty one is very pretty but I’m surprised at how short she is. She was irritating at the beginning but seems to have now settled.
Poe can be nails down a blackboard to me but is okay so far. Perhaps she is okay when all the attention is not on her. She is starting to be one of those people who volunteers for every reality show. Maybe money is an issue for her. I don’t think she has ever put out a cook book.
I like this lot. This season looks like it could be fun.
Poh has released at least four books. One appears to be a children’s book.
Today I saw a Stan Grant One Plus One interview with Poh on Ch 24.
It was ten minutes of torture. Poh thinks it’s a big deal she’s been in the media for “twelve years”. Cook, artist, actress, author and television presenter. I guess she’d eat $hit to stay in the public eye.
You can buy “unused” cookbooks by Poh On Ebay, no worries. $ 26 bucks. Save your cash for a RAT kit, gice..
She was nominated for a Logie in 2011. I guess she ‘s a monster created by Ma$terchef when that culinary dinosaur ruled the earth.
She lives near me. There was a class resting bitch face shot tonight. I know it well.
I have recorded but not bothered to watch. Reading you commentaries are fun though. I will try to watch.
Thanks, Maz.
It’s hard to put my finger on what makes a good cookbook. I have a couple I swear by and a couple that look pretty but there’s nothing in them that I want to eat.
The publishers must have liked what they saw if they published 4 books.
I have no idea who Joey Essex is but I’m prepared to dislike him just based on his teef.
Joey’s ceratinly not flashing his winner’s teef when he seees that snake in the dark on the promo for tonight. No snakes in England but trouser snakes.
😂 “teef”!
My other vocal pet hates are:
Shtreet and
Anything ending in ing but pronounced ink.
Episode 2 and I still like most of these people.
The pretty one can still put my teeth on edge but not overly so.
Joey is hamming it up for the viewing audience. I’m guessing it will work on the teenage girl audience. He is certainly easy on the eye and knows his best assets. That shirt is destined to be shed many times before we see the end of him.
There is so much high-pitched screaming going on, it is annoying. They haven’t even done any really gross challenges yet. I’m not keen on Miss Universe and the Olympian, but the rest are okay.
I don’t like practical jokes, and think The David’s fakery will fall flat when it’s revealed.
Julia is dressing nicely this season and Chris is managing to pull off his jokes pretty well. I am enjoying the show, but I don’t think people who have only been on other reality shows qualify as celebrities.
The Celebrities are so low key this season that even the celebrities themselves are making fun of the qualification. A reminder that our talent pool is small. Or that genuine celebrities wouldn’t be seen dead on a reality show.
Joey Essex is turning out to be a surprisingly nice fella and continues to earn his money by taking his shirt off again and being very good looking. I don’t know why I should be surprised that he’s a nice lad. Just because he’s a Pom with a horrible accent.
And, yes, way too much screaming.
I forgive a little because my default on stubbing my toe is to repeat a particular swear word until the pain is gone and family finds that really annoying. Except the grand kiddies who find it hilarious. Or maybe Grandma in agony is hilarious. Either/or.
He lost many point from me last night not be in anyway helpful to Emily when he was being ‘rescued’ but he is starting to redeem himself. I did laugh at Emily’s assessment of him last night. Also Emilys face doesn’t move.
I do hope Miss universe realises she can do better than Joey Essex.
The fake celebrity twist is still a bit of a laugh. My theory is Beau has been told to trip him up but the viewers don’t know it yet. Or he has just watched enough reality tv to know to question everything.
We got the the standard current AFL / NRL players who are gay need to feel comfortable coming out chat tonight. It seems they have this convo every season. Would be great to see someone from the show actually make a change rather than just talking about it.
Nathan is clearly getting the AFL star redemption storyline.
Did Beau just dive into a billabong that is only waist deep? Jesus, dude, that’s stupid.
I don’t mind Joey so far, but damn, his teeth are so distracting. He can take his shirt off as much as he likes, I don’t mind looking at a healthy man, but I wish he would smile between closed lips.
I didn’t want to use the word “surprised” again but that why I like IMC so much because there are constant surprises as we get to know people but here goes.
I am surprised that I like Beau. I find him soooo annoying and loud on The Race but here, he is none of those things. I keep waiting for him to do something that will make me turn on a dime (I’m fickle like that) but he is imbedding himself into a good place for me.
I don’t know whether he is in on the joke. He is of this reality world and knows people so I suspect he would be difficult to fool and then again, it’s also difficult to call people out. This is not the sort of environment where you would suddenly shout, “Liar!” when you have caught someone out in a dodge. Overall, its Beau’s, Wait, Wait, What? moments that make this joke enjoyable to me. Apart from that, it’s a little Meh.
Just casually, I’m really, really liking Derek. He’s an unknown to me. I’m not an AFL fan. I hope he’s getting the-final-few cut. I would hate to see him go home before we get to know him better.
Eating challenge tonight. Never really been a fan of these challenges but Derek has the right attitude. I bet they don’t pick him for one of these again.
He had a stomach of steal! Nathan and Beau clearly do not.
Hasn’t started here yet, but I look forward to this bit. I think Derek is cool; nothing seems to bother him. I liked when he calmly asked if he could play the “elder card” when they were choosing beds. You know if he wasn’t given that courtesy, he would have accepted it and simply got on with things.
I am becoming so much a fan of Derek.
Yes I am liking Derek as well.
The UK celebs clearly think a showmance is the way to stay on the show.
And then stuff happens. I was entertained.
Nathan fainted. I wasn’t so concerned. I faint when my blood pressure falls. It’s actually quite a pleasant feeling. It’s possible that I’ve been lucky that I’ve never hurt myself but I think there’s less chance of injury if you’re limp.
I did shed a little tear at the trust circle but then I’m a crier. I used to cry during the Telstra ads 🤷♂️.
I am laughing out loud at some of the jokes.
And I did like the chocolate challenge. The David did have the potential to wear thin but, between the producers and Beau, it is just maintaining itself. Still, I am pleased it is coming to an end.
I’m bored with tonight’s episode. I’ve only got it on in the background because I’m waiting for the denouement. This is definitely all filler.
Agree, very much a meh episode.
Beau is attempting to use the show to launch is acting career.
A new celeb going in tomorrow night. my money is on it being Tottie Goldsmith
I thought Tottie too.
I just wanted to say that 🤣.
It’s the voice. It’s surprising how distinctive her voice is.
The producers have decided to not feed the celebs and that’s a nope, nope, nope from me.
Not funny, not entertaining and absolutely not interesting. Just cruel.
In a couple of years time they are going to look back at this episode and say, “What were we thinking?”.
I think them getting no food at all is a furphy. If Buckley really has problems with low blood sugar, it would be dangerous for them to not feed him. Feed him, feed everyone, even if it’s rice and beans. If that is the hungriest Beau has ever been in his life, he’s a very lucky man.
Maybe they forgot to shop.
I don’t know why, I just can’t be bothered going through Julia Morris and the doctuuuueeerrr, just to get to the 5 minutes of meat and bones if the show, and I have seen all the snake pits and eye ball sundayes.
You didn’t miss anything tonight. No funny jokes, no drama that wasn’t annoying, no nothing.
The only amusing bit was right at the beginning when the singer tried to go to the loo in the middle of the night with no light and ended up in the bushes. One of the crew, dressed up as a yeti (?) had to rescue her. Funny in a that-could-happen-to-the-best-of-us kind of way.
I think all of these shows would be better being screened only three times a week.
Who agrees to go into the jungle and when asked what luxury item they want to bring, you think you know what will help me the most a life size picture of my dad?!
Maybe I’m too much of a team player but I always think the items that the whole camp can play with are the best. Or at the very least surely bring a boredom breaker.
I think that if it’s not a team thing then it should be absolutely essential and practical.
I have no problem with pillows (I can handle anything if I have a nights sleep) and Dylan’s mosquito suit is a fabulous idea. I am a magnet for mossies. Unless Dad is a dart board, I don’t see the point.
I am really liking Davina. She seems very nice and she will come out of this show well. Incredibly brave on the challenge. I don’t think I could have done the last jump.
Apart from that, the rest of the show didn’t hold my attention. If tomorrow is another food challenge then I might give it a miss.
The pillows are fine, and in the past a few people have bought cooking pots or racks or whatever for the fire.
If she had friend dad into something practical that would have made sense.
I’m finding this season kind of boring.
I don’t know if Beau is acting or if he is really throwing tantrums when he doesn’t get enough food. Is he a wannabe actor or just a wanker? In either case, his hissy fits are getting old. Enough.
I thought it was just me. Maybe we know too much about these people so there are no revelations? Maybe that’s why I find Derek, Tottie and Davina the most interesting and likeable because it’s all new to me.
I keep telling myself it’s just week one and there’s editing based on order of evictions.
I have mixed views about Beau and I’m willing to give him another week or two. He’s very out there so there seems to be very little hidden. On one hand he’s easily made cranky but on the other hand he’s kind. I’m wondering how long he lasts.
I note there’s another trial tomorrow designed to have Joey take his shirt off. I’m not complaining but the sound will be on mute.
Tonight’s episode was interesting in places. It kept me entertained but I was pottering about at the same time. It’s never been the sort of show that you concentrate on.
It was bits and pieces tonight.
There was a challenge – Joey and the pretty one – with screaming. Meh.
And then more Joey with his shirt off.
The singer is very clever and a bit funny.
Poh is a talented artist. I knew she could paint (not really my style) but she has some serious drawing skills there.
And gossip here and there.
Tottie touched on her family backstory. A bit sad.
A secret mission for Poh and Nathan.
So, you see, a bit of everything.
It was okay. Not completely boring.
Yes I am struggling to sit and concentrate on the whole episode but some good tidbits.
I will say it is nice to see them getting along and we are being shown stories of their past etc, rather than a reality tv soap opera.
Joey is a bit of a weenie. He screamed more than, I forget her name, Miss Universe. And he kept calling non-slimy creatures slimy.
It was an odd ep tonight. I liked the challenge because it was different but still there was something lacking. Better than a food challenge is the best I can do.
I liked the conversation between Nathan and Cal. It wasn’t just that Nathan came across as thoughtful but so did Cal.
Brooke sang. She has a lovely voice.
Umm. Not much else got my attention.
I wouldn’t want to be on long drop duty after everyone had Macca’s spicy burgers.
I hope I never have to see Beau eat again. I know he’s been without any nourishment at all for months, but yuk dude, chew your food instead of inhaling it.
Elimination night.
I had to take the dog for a walk in the middle so I only really watched the beginning and the end. It was very hot today and I had to wait a long time before we could leave the house but I didn’t get the impression that I missed much.
The final 3 were Davina, David and Maria.
I am sorry that it was Davina who was sent home. She was one of the more interesting people.
David can go home anytime soon. Now that his little game is over, I’m finding him a bit of a bore.
Maria is probably the prettiest celebrity that we’ve ever had on. Wouldn’t it be nice to still look lovely even after roughing it for a week.
Novak Djokovic was eliminated tonight, too.
Oh, the shame that I did not see that joke 🤦♀️.
He’s Djubai’s problem now.
добро си га се отарасио! ($erbian for “good riddance”)
I guess he didn’t want to face security.
I didn’t feel like it tonight.
They started with everyone imitating Joey. That couldn’t hold my attention for more than a minute. I may be okay with one Joey but everyone doing it is just irritating.
Fortunately I missed the start. I came in at the bad smell challenge, which I thought was stupid. Poh’s and Maria’s chat was semi interesting, but then they had to start making high pitched squeals at that poor koala, and giving him advice on which tree he should be in. Aw, jesus, shut up, he knows what he’s doing.
I will go wash my hair instead of staying with this tonight. Bleh.
I watched tonight.
I enjoyed the challenge, bizarrely. Maybe I just enjoyed the celebs beating their heads on eggs on a table. Idk
Let’s face it. We are all just hanging in there, waiting for eliminations. Obviously it will be rigged so Joey doesn’t go early – because they will want their monies worth – which is a shame cos he is becoming more and more irritating by the second.
There is very little else on to take my attention.
So they played battleship. Good challenge. They can do that one again.
I like Julia’s new stylist. She’s been looking nice.
Mostly, I had the show on mute so if anything exciting happened, I missed it.
I don’t have it on mute, but am leaving it as background noise while I do other things. If something sounds interesting I will watch for a while.
I was getting so annoyed with Beau and Joey constantly whining about being hungry, hovering over whoever was doing food prep so they could grab anything not used, and then gobbling their food so quickly that they make hyenas look like masters of etiquette, that I can’t watch any bits with those two in it. I know it’s a frivolous show meant to be entertaining, but those two piss me off. I doubt either of them knows what it is to be really hungry.
Julia and Chris both have better stylists this season. I’m glad Julia has taken her performance down a notch and is less irritating and not so loud.
Yes, their whinging about the lack of food irritated me no end. They are there for a few weeks then they go back to their lives & will be eating better than most of us. Going to fancy restaurants & stuff. Some people that is their life. There are a lot of people doing it tough living in poverty not knowing where their next meal is coming from. These priveleged entitled people really piss me off.
I liked the battleship challenge. Agree I could watch that again.
I am surprised how long it took for them to get fed up with Boey and Joey.
Anyone got thoughts on who (if anyone) actually quits tonight?
It really could be anyone.
Except possibly Joey. I’m sure his contract is huge and I would imagine has some tight clauses in it about quitting, especially after that disaster with the idiot tennis player.
Generally it people with kids that struggle most.
Cal is my best guess but maybe it’s someone not shown in the promo. Ch 10 would be low enough to do that.
Well, it’s Beau.
That explains a lot.
Beau’s exit is no loss. Missing wife and kids was a face-saving excuse, he left because he didn’t think he was getting enough food. He didn’t care that everyone else was in the same situation.
OMG Von. Thank goodness for having the best premier eveeeeer.
I will sleep a lot better tonight. He’s got big kahunas, making that call.
Yep. There was a lot of speculation over what would merit a night time announcement. But it could only be one thing. We’ll have to open sometime, but I am relieved it’s been put off for a while. Very ballsy move on Mark’s part. He will get a lot of flak in various newspapers tomorrow.
Yes he has been copping a lot of flak but bloody good on him. I’m in Qld & since our border opened we are a basket case. I felt so safe in our bubble here when our border was closed.
I think Beaus exit was some what scripted/planned. They didn’t even mention his charity in his chat with Chris and Julia.
Might also be some truth to the rumours about how much he was paid.
Lol Daisy and Von, not sure that those stuck over East are as happy as you but I can understand why want to keep the gates shut.
I didn’t even notice the lack of mention of charity 😲.
Maybe they thought that he would suck it up more, given that he’s a blokey bloke. I mean, it’s only been just over a week (?). Some of the others that pulled out lasted longer than that – except Tomic. 🤷♂️
They are on at least day 15. Plus any quarantine time they’ve had to do. (Although they would have had phone and food during that time). Beau was making all sorts of wild claims on Vile and Tacky Ho this morning that have me questioning anything that comes out of his mouth.
Forgot the quarantine as well. 🤦♀️
I should be more empathetic.
I tend to look at this as a job for which they are very well paid and they know exactly what they are in for, and then they can have a very long holiday after.
But of course it would always be worse than they expect especially that sitting around thinking business. I do really, really badly at that which is why I could never do this show unless they paid me an incredible bucket load of cash.
I haven’t heard Beau being interviewed. He isn’t someone that endeared himself to me on the show. Unlike Davina who certainly ended up repairing her reputation.
His stories are getting wilder as the day goes on. One is that he was so hungry, when he saw a possum in the bush, he was planning to kill it and eat it. Sure you were, Beau, sure you were.
And some truly sad news, Meat Loaf has died.
Yes I was in shock when I heard the news last night. He was my idol & favourite singer. I met him a few times. He was always gracious to his fans & humble & very funny. He could tell some great stories.
Todays story from Beau was that he didn’t understand how much money it would cost him to leave until after his manager explained it to him.
As someone who has had to explain contracts to people regularly, I don’t believe that for a second. There are only about 5 things things that Beau would have had to understand and that would have been number 2 on the list.
If he wanted to leave that badly, he could have just thrown an eviction.
I’ve heard interviews where he says he just got a top up on his ch 10 contract. 🤨
He also said there was only 5 days of filming left. Only he would be able to say how much he was truly suffering but must have been pretty bad to not be able to hang on for another 5 days.
I missed most of tonight. Balmy evening and the dog was happy outside.
I caught Maria’s exit.
She seems very nice but I was truly over the Joey thing so she won’t be missed by me.
She stayed pretty to end. Dunk me in a pond and I would give more than a passing resemblance to a bunyip.
Beau’s departure was 110% bullshit. It’s a liar , get it out of there.
I wouldn’t want to be in the trenches with that soft, insipid arsehole. I never knew who he was anyway, now I know what he is. A whingeing machine on legs.
I watched the beginning and the end.
I enjoyed the challenge. I much prefer challenges that are more on the silly side with a bit of fright thrown in.
Thank god the eating challenges have taken a back seat. I think everyone, and mostly the viewing audience, are bored with the repetition. Who cares if it’s a penis or a tongue or an unidentifiable piece of gob. It’s just a celeb gagging. Hohum.
And Derek is going home. I liked Derek. I didn’t really know who he was before he went into the jungle but he seemed like a lovely bloke.
Yes I liked tonight’s challenge. And I think that’s why I like the battleship challenge last week, a little gross but mainly a bit of fun. I also have no time for campmates that won’t give trials a go (Joey, I’m looking at you).
My friend and I have called Beaus exit a ‘scripted exit’. So either planned or we think he started to get nervous his reputation was getting ruined.
Also they really need to cut down the amount of air time spent on the eviction. Guestimate and length of weight and then stick your hands in a box and count. We get it. Now speed it up.
Sorry we haven’t been watching guys. We tried but couldn’t get into it. Too much Julia and Chris.
We watched The Tourist. That was good.
Bobi, I’m waiting for your round-up so I can skip watching most of the show. Help!
There was another disgusting food challenge, not the worst there has been but pretty gross nonetheless. I hope Joey goes home tonight.
I’ve changed my mind.
“and he was, like…and I was, like,…and then I, like… and then we, like…
I, like, really want, like, Emily, to, like, go home.
Sorry Von. I watched the food challenge. Boring as expected. David is really annoying.
And then the focus was on Emily and Joey and I decided to abandon the show.
I had my booster on Monday and yesterday was a bit ordinary. Juz told me to take Panadol. I did not. I’m an idiot. I’m good today.
Google says the latest departure is Tottie. I like Tottie. She was exactly as I expected which is not a bad thing.
No need to apologise, Bobi. If I’m that interested in the outcome of the show I should sit my lazy butt down and watch.:)
I get my booster shot tomorrow. I am so relieved to finally be getting it that I haven’t even thought about side effects. Panadol is on hand if it’s needed.
I did not take Panadol after my booster, before bed, and regretted it
Yesterday and today I’ve been achey all over and foggy. Panadol is my friend. And, I’m boosted :).
These guessing challenges are ridiculous. It’s just a matter of luck. I would just put my hand in for a few seconds & just pull a number out of my arse. You have no hope of actually counting them. They are all moving around. Last night I was in hysterics when Cal put it on the curtain.
I missed the beginning. These lovely evenings are too good to miss and won’t last long.
The challenge was fun. I did giggle a little – twice. No one’s even pretending it’s fair any more and the name of the game is just to dump foul smelling stuff on the celebs. Mostly, they took it in good spirits.
And cue Joey getting his shirt off. Much as he’s annoying, I can still appreciate the show. Nathan’s not too bad for an old fella, either.
I didn’t like to make fun of Joey’s lack of knowledge before. I once had a little to do with a charity that worked with children who had arrested development, mainly due to illness. I am thinking that Joey probably falls into this category because of his family history.
Still, tonight, I also think he’s not very bright.
And talk of pot calling the kettle black, I’ve just put my English teacher to shame but I am too tired to put the effort into making corrections. We can all have a collective cringe.
And it’s Cal.
I’m so so sorry it’s not Emily or David.
David is so, so, so annoying. And ungracious.
Still, only days left.
I think part of it is Joey not being very bright but I also think he is putting some of it on.
I thought Cal would make the final, can now see they setting up for a Dylan win.
Or Nathan. He is being paid mega-bucks.
Tonight was a filler episode. Now that it’s over I can’t remember anything except many scenes of camp mates professing undying love for each other.
Poh has left the camp.
In one respect I am glad that it was Poh because she was able to show us more of her very lovely drawings. I am envious of her talent. I am much more slap dash.
There was a focus on her charity. I am wondering if there will be a similar focus as the last are whittled down on Sunday.
It’s voting from here. I did not realise that but, in hindsight, I should have.
Maybe people will vote for charities, after all that’s how the money is distributed, but my guess is that if is done on popularity, David is next followed by Emily.
Then it’s anyones guess. The others will have their own following and in terms of likability, they are all on same/same. I am lumping Joey in here because there will an enormous crowd of 13 to 14 year old girls spending their weekly phone allowance placing their votes.
Dr. Chris is another one who looks pretty good with his shirt off.
I forgot about voting, too. I hope Dylan wins. I was hoping Emily would be evicted; I think she is annoying and dull.
I haven’t enjoyed this season as much as previous ones.
No, me neither. It started out well and then it hit some sort of wall.
I know it all depends on the celebs. Maybe there wasn’t enough variety and too much Joey.
David should have been evicted as soon as his challenge was over. Producer mistake. Of course these nice people were going to let him stay. He was as boring as bats**t and then he was annoying. So it was like they were always down one. There was a need for another interesting person.
Julia is looking lovely tonight.
The celebs look odd with makeup.
It’s hard to tell because they’re all sitting down but I think they are nicely dressed as well.
It’s very repetitive and filley so far. I’ll come back when someone gets chucked out.
Joey first. I’m a little surprised at that and then David. Seriously, no surprise.
Apparently Australia have been voting up a storm. I didn’t quite understand but something like, there were more votes for Joey, and he lost, than for the winner last year. Or something.
I think they are comparing apples and oranges. This is the first opportunity that the great unwashed have had to vote, and it’s a one time only, so of course the number of times and the way people vote is different. Duh.
I gave a passing thought to voting, then smacked myself for being so silly. The promos said that voting in WA would close at 450 pm today. I’m sure late votes from over here were counted. Ha.
Emily, next.
I don’t been to be awful but she is vastly improved by makeup and a hairdresser.
His highlights were relatively interesting. I got to like him. I think I’ve said before that I’m not a fan of footy fella – most beautiful of them are boofheads – but I found Nathan intelligent and considered.
Just casually and with no particular intent, I am a little bit over big burley men doing the gay guy imitation. I would have thought that we had moved past that.
It’s down to Brooke and Dylan.
The winner is on a tiny, tiny envelope. I am a little amused.
And they can’t read it because the writing is so small so they have to go to an add break. I snickered as only someone who needs reading glasses for a restaurant menu can do.
And Dylan is the winner.
So apart from Joey, it all went according to plan … or the edit.
Overall, not a great season. It was an okay season and everyone was likeable but I just don’t know.
I don’t know what I was expecting and I don’t know what was missing but this was not it.
Agree mostly, Bobi. I didn’t find all of them likeable. Having two silly young men and vapid Beau as part of the group put me off. And Poh…needs to stay off television for a while.
Calling it an okay season is accurate. It was mostly bleh.
I didn’t watch any of the season but are you all happy with the winner? I remember being happy when he won Celeb Big Bro (which I did watch) in 2002. But then I was in my 20s when he was the Recovery host, so he was already known to me
I like Dylan and am happy he won. A couple of the others were likeable, but I think Dylan was the most genuine and did the least bullshitting.
Still, it’s a tv reality show and I’ll have forgotten the result in a day or two.
I do very much like Derek Kickett too, but an introverted person was unlikely to win. He’d have had to create some sort of drama, and that is not his style.
I was happy with Dylan. I found him the most likeable and the most interesting.
He was a combination of someone with a lot of stories whilst, at the same time, he had this lovely ability to being able to entertain himself.
I suppose that made it easy for the producers to put him on screen in snippets and the viewing public weren’t annoyed with opinions.