By Daisy
Liam and Bill are in prison for killing Thomas’s “BEST FRIEND”. Tell us again Thomas. Was Vinnie your BEST FRIEND? News flash Thomas. I think he was your only friend. With friends so scarce, Thomas didn’t want to lose one.

So who really killed Vinnie?
Thomas has been asked to mind Hope, as if she couldn’t afford a full time nanny, groundsman, housekeeper, cook and life coach (job for you at Forrester’s Coach Mike). She even has her interfering, gossipy, mother on site poking her nose in from the main house. But Hope wanted to flex her independent, modern woman muscles.

Steffy and Finn have almost dissolved in their own syrupy, sugary bliss. I wonder if Finn killed Vinnie. Or the Ghost of Little Emma. But wait, now Steffy is back doting on prisoner 095.

Ridge is angry at Bill for covering up the crime and dragging Hope and Liam through the mud. But Finn is being forgiving and pragmatic.
Wipes and Flo are as annoying as ever. I wish Sally would kidnap them both. Quinn’s marriage is dangling by a tiny wisp of a thread, and then who will Eric marry? He’s probably just about got time to fit in two more wives before he goes to that great big fashion house in the sky.

It’s now a job for Poirot; to discover who really killed Vinnie.

Thank you, Daisy
Oh well. Some of that is answered now.
As to who will marry Eric next……. $hauna, Katie or Cleavage?
The other question that is answered is why these actors have no wrinkles: Not a change of expression on any of the faces.
I figure Steffy’s been pregnant for not very long, but anyway, the labour pains are here. Her and Finn aren’t in a hurry to go anywhere ie the hospital.. Rasper suggests some idiotic names for his new grandson. This was all meant to be cute, but fell flat.
Eric’s ready to renew his vows and gerts Brooke’s nose out of joint by saying if you can’t support me, don’t bother turning up to the ceremony. Quinn sticks the boot in further and says don’t come back here , ever.
Paris is still on a moral high horse to adulterers Quinn and Carter. Quinn tells her to mind her own business. I won’t be surprised if Paris makes a move on Carter , based on what I saw today. She looks better than scarecrow Zoe.
I guess the roach will be a no show at Eric and Quinn’s shonky vow renewal shindig. Carter will officiate and pay for his sins.
Thanks Dave. And thanks to channel 10, we had to stream it again.
Quinn shoving Brooke’s nose in soon to be short-lived victory is a clear red flag that the tables will soon turn and miralizing Brooke, in her disgusting sea green knitted frilly silly dress, will soon be relishing once again in Quinn’s fall from Forrester grace.
Quinn drew the longer straw in the wardrobe department today because she got to wear a simple black and white number, no frill or strange belts, embroidered or rhinestone applique in sight.
Steffy’s home birth process begins with Finn and a midwife in attendance. The loving vibes are in the air as Steffy is ushered into a Bunnings children’s swimming pool. Steffy blisses out in the warm water but is soon pushing and groaning, albeit fully clothed for our benefit. The midwife makes sure we get the hand sanitizer is being used and even suggests hip hop as mood muzak. California.
Eric’s vow renewal looms. Carter is a case study in paranoia for the occasion. Quinn prepares upstairs but the hounds are snapping at her heels. First $hauna says how is Quinn going to stop Paris from blabbing. Then Brooke comes up and is asked to get out by Quinn. Then Paris comes in and verbally abuses Quinn for her nerve to renew her vows. Quinn tells Paris she’s too young to understand lifes complexities and shut to her idealistic trap if she wants a job at Forresters.(It’s such a bludge there, who’d want to lose their job?) Of course, Brooke is at the door , hearing all this go down. Two eavesdropping incidents today , care of Quinn’s door. Zoe has gone to Paris on a phot shoot while this mess is unfolding. Quinn’s portrait looks wobbly in the light of these events.
This should be some vow renewal ceremony. Special mention to Wyatt’s just seen ghost “hairstyle”. Curtain .
Well if course Brooke would know her way and barge into Quinn and Eric’s bedroom. Afterall it wasn’t that long ago that she kept HER nightie under those pillows.
When you marry your husband’s father, then divorce him and remarry your husband, it gives you interfering rights.
In fact, Brooke has spread her rights throughout all the close-knit family.
I must be tired. I had to read that last sentence twice. It sounds like a Benny Hill joke.
Any chance of a photo of the dress?
Sure. I will try and get it for you tomorrow. It’s pretty…ugly.
Brooke is a super spreader.
Sorry. I had the nerve to sleep through Eric’s vow renewal and Steffy’s home birth in the Bunnings swimming pool..
I can’t decide if the heart on the belt that is the most offensive thing on this dress or the ruffle around the neck.
It’s the small details.
It was very thick material like a horse blanket, and it had, I think a double row of knitted frill on the hem.
Finn and Steffy’s home birth must have been awkward for the midwife.
It could so easily be Liam doing this with Steffy. Vinny tried.
Naked in the bath, making a baby.
That’s the money shot. Thanks, daisy. Every birth is like this, right? We were forceped to endure this.
A bit of pre vow snooping.
“Is there anyone here who knows any reason why this man and woman should not be joined together in holy matrimony……”
Quinn tells Paris, “No whistle blowing”.
It’s 7.30 in the morning here and I turned on the tv to see the bathtub birthing scene. Deeply disturbing, deeply disturbing, deeply disturbing.
My eyes 🥺.
Luckily the scene changed to Brooke with her ear pressed against the door and I found that joyous. Who hasn’t wanted to do that? Or … 👀 … actually done that? 🤷
And then it switched again to someone I don’t know and Katie talking about the love that Eric deserves – like he’s a complete innocent in all his 9 (I looked it up on wiki) marriages.
I’m guessing that was the unveiling of his potential 10th wife? Very excited to actually see movement in a story that moves at a glacial pace.
Now I’m done. 😑
What was really funny about Donna telling Katy that she didn’t think Quinn could cut the mustard for Eric, was that Donna was once married to him herself, and Katy dated him. He sampled both of their mustards.
Yes, Bobi, little Kelly won’t be wanting her wading pool back. I gave birth 3 times and none of them involved sexiness or my childrens’ toys.
Brooke decides to ruin Eric’s vow renewal. It soon descends into a shouting match featuring Eric , Quinn and bitching Brooke. Paris comes down the stairs , guess she’ll throw her two bob’s worth in. Carter and Quinn look like scared kittens. Meantime Cleavage still carries a torch for old Eric. We actually see seedy old flashbacks of Eric rooting her as Cleavage remebers the “magical ” time. Wasn’t his libido destroyed with laced lemon bars?
Quinn tries to get everyone to go home. Brooke rounds on Carter but he’s silent. We go to an ad break. Is Carter going to spill his guts to Eric? Eight minutes says we’ll be left hanging. carter and Quinn look defeated.Time for a fire drill to distract everyone would save the day.
I loved the moment where Paris shrugged and said that Brooke put it together.
Neglecting to mention that the only thing Paris didn’t do — to help Brooke put all this information together — was take out a full-page ad in the LA Times.
There’s some more gossip between Cleavage and Katie about Eric’s love life, then we’re back to Carter sugar coating a long confession to Eric and a roomful of sinning vultures that he and Quinn had an affair. Quinn starts to bawl and Eric has a sour disposition all of a sudden. The romantic mood is killed stone dead. Cuckolded Eric asks Quinn if it’s true and demands an answer, but Quinn says nothing at all. The press better not get wind of this scandal. Donna’s portrait could be on the wall soon. Curtain. Not a bubble from the Bunnings swimming pool.
We’ll wait til Monday to see if cornered love rat Quinn confesses.
Carter drops a bomb.
A sex bomb.
Flubber is not impressed.
Carter rooted his Mum.
Oh yeah. I forgot everyone’s related.
Eric senses something afoot.
Brooke’s on a mission.
The barnacles show their disdain
“Did you know about this?”
“Does this mean we aren’t going to finish the vows?”
“Is this true?”, asks Eric?
Cry me a river, you old fool.
Probably true.
“Baby, please don’t go”.
“It wasn’t my fault”.
“Good party. Glad I came”, says Brooke.
“Are you going to hit me?”
“Not with my 10ft pole”.
Quinn is evicted from the mansion. What a scene of gloom.
Hope finds a roach phone in Justin’s desk. He plays dumb. Curtain.
Hope has followed Carter down into the Spencer basement, where the roach is being kept in the flimsiest casge on crumbs of junk food Justin brings him. Justin leaves and Hope uses her handbag to keep the sliding door open. Pretty soon the roach fills her in on Vinny’s suicide. The roach exhorts Hope to look for the key to the wobbly prison, her search is frantic, never thinking to get on her phone and alert family to what’s going down. Better still, a light blow to the roach’s cage and it would collapse.
Liam cuts a lonely figure in prison. He flashes back to Hope and his kids, then their wedding, then last time they had sex. Douglas has some words of insanity to throw in. It’s just a daydream Liam’s having, inspired by the insipid child drawings on his cell wall.
Rasper goes to Bill’s office , wanting to ask Justin where Thomas is. Justin’s struck dumb again, not a good look for a lawyer. Wyatt finds out about Hayes, who erupted from a Bunning’s swimming pool the other day. Curtain.
(One doesn’t have to be a genius to see Hope and the roach being cooped up in Dollar Bill’s bargain basement for a while. Use your goddamn mobile or text Brooke, Hope.)
Today, while Hope still hasn’t figured out that she should be using her phone to summon, she actually manages to find a crowbar, there in the storage room, and bust Thomas out of his cage the old fashioned way.
I was actually kind of impressed. It was Hope’s best moment.
Thanks Windsong. I slept through part of yesterday’s ep and part of this morning’s encore. Looks like crowbarring Hope may have got in just in time before Baker frogmarches Liam to some filthy prison down Mexico way. Loved Justin staring at the roach’s empty swag. We’re rolling here in a minute. Lay off the mini skirts, Flo.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Lay off the mini skirts.
A breath of fresh air. 🤪
I’d prefer the mini skirts to the puffy sleeves. Hope’s actually been wearing the clothes of a fashionable human being, lately. I’m hoping she keeps up the trend.
Liam’s arse is literally saved as Hope and the roach confront Baker with the video, before the crowded paddy wagon leaves for a squalid cell in Mexico.. The Hope /Liam reunion is pure Hollywood schlock. Like an ultra cheap rom com the two love birds run into each others’ arms in slo motion.. We don’t know who dropped the roach’s phone off at the jailhouse. We thought Justin deleted the suicide video.
Eric blasts Carter for sleeping with his wife( not that much sleeping was done), Carter’s drafted his resignation letter. No more marriage / divorce/ annullment certificates to draw up. But as Judge Judy would say, ” he ate the steak”
Brooke fires some parting shots to Quinn as she sullenly packs her stuff. Brooke’s lecture on marital fidelity is a masterclass in hypocrisy.
So Liam’s free. He’ll be in a rush to get to Steffy’s place. Who knows what has befallen Bill?
Masterclass was Brooke telling Eric that she took no pleasure in outing Quinn. Was that an orgasm she was having? No pleasure.
I’m watching Bold before I have to go out.
I am watching Carter say to Quinn that he doesn’t blame her for what happened.
I know I’m catching up here but perhaps someone could explain. Did I miss the bit where she seduced him and he wasn’t able to resist his manly urges because … men? Did she drug him and he fell in top of her … naked? Did he get amnesia and forget that he was sleeping with his boss’ wife? Idk?
Carter needs to turn down the heating in his apartment and stop answering the door shirtless. His hairless, oiled muscles are too in your face.
Funniest thing; a very judgemental, holier than thou, Brooke, Ridge, Steffy and Thomas, sitting in a room, taking inventory on Quinn’s shamefulness.
Here’s inventory;
At a minimum, Brooke slept with her daughter’s husband, her sister’s husband, her husband’s father.
Ridge has slept with, or at least had an affair with Quinn, his step son’s wife, his SIL, and for years gone between Brooke and Taylor.
Steffy has slept with and stolen, her step sister’s husband, and her father in law.
Thomas killed little Emma, raped his father’s wife and contributed toward the kidnapping of Hope’s baby.b
As Judge Judy says, “You have to come with clean hands”.
Justin and Carter should start their own kaw firm. They have so much dirt on Spencer and Forrester’s.
These people throw stones of infidelity from their glass houses.
Thanks, daisy. I woke up to see Justin crawling to Ridge and Roach, offering intel on Dollar Bill. Feeling same as ever after second Astra, fit enough to flatten some of the maskless boneheads I see at the shops.
Oh yeah. Eric’s directive to Carter to stay away from Quinn fell on deaf ears. They’re still both on heat.
This is the last time Quinn and Carter can be alone together. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
So Eric forgave $hauna but not Quinn. Then he forgave Carter not Quinn. Cherry picker.
Quinn is wasting time on Carter. She should be busy plotting her revenge on Brooke.
I thought today’s episode was fabulous.
The episode ends with Justin promising his eternal loyalty to Ridge and Thomas, promising to dish all the dirt on Spencer publications, provided they don’t press charges re: the whole kidnapping Thomas thing. I wanted Ridge to ask, “is that the same eternal loyalty that you promised to Bill? The loyalty that you threw away, the second it became convenient to do so?”
Meanwhile, Carter and Quinn are one seductive stare away from hooking up, again. Oh my gosh, Carter. Not only is that incredibly stupid (Eric and Quinn haven’t even formally divorced yet, Carter, and she’s still married to your boss!), it’s also unbelievably unethical and unprofessional (you’re carrying on an intimate relationship with the ex-partner of someone you’re currently representing, legally, as they divorce her). So unprofessional that he’d probably lose his licence to practice law, over that.
Good work Carter. You have the body of a Greek god and you live in a city of 10s of millions of people. Find someone to date other than your boss’s wife. Geez.
Thanks Windsong, I’ll be setting the alarm for the encore. The frisson between Carter and Quinn is fun. I feel that they’ll hook up inside a week.
Zende and Paris are getting it on, too. Zoe will come back and be shattered to see plan b gone..
Quinn was back to her ssssttttt sizzling self.
No grass growing under HER feet.
So breakfast time, and Bold, and continuing a theme.
I am listening to the “management team” (otherwise why is it any of their business) talk about what a honourable guy Carter is, a good friend, a good COO and how he just got caught up in “things”.
And then the scene moves to Carter explaining to Quinn how he going to represent Eric in the divorce proceedings. Like that isn’t a MASSIVE conflict of interest. (Let’s ask Christian Porter his view on that question given that it’s about to cost him a neat $550,000).
I’ve only got one explanation for this: this script is leftover from 1990’s and was written by a team of all white men who have just started working for their first woman boss.
As an addendum, it’s a toss up as to whether the writers are going through their own divorces or whether, in fact, they are just slightly cranky because the new office girl knocked back their advances.
And Daddy wants to thinks twice before he leaves useless Flubber at the helm next time he’s in prison. He wandered in and out of Spencer like a guest while Justin took calls, signed contracts and still managed to keep Thomas imprisoned in the basement long enough for his hair to grow long.
No janitors, plumbers, electricians or others to hear Thomas banging his tin cup.
Quinn is flattered and intrigued that Carter has hoarded her hearth portrait from the mansion. He couldn’t part with something so beautiful , he gibbers. muscles bursting out. Of course, “no one must see it”. Carter says he thinks about Quinn all the time. Impure thoughts on the job. Zoe would be thrilled about all this. Not to mention Eric The Forgiver. Black widow Quinn spins a web around Carter….and he’s happy to be caught, folks.
Ridge and Thomas accept Justin’s offer to turn traitor to Dollar Bill.It’sdog eat dog in their world and revenge bitten Rasper thinks Bill is a mongrel. Bill threatens to thump Justin if he sees him. Bill’s problem is two idiot sons inheriting his dodgy empire.
Eric stops by Carter’s office, but “he’s not there”. He’s about to ravish Quinn, actually, after she’s seduced him for half an hour.I thought it would take a week, but Quinn moves on so quickly. Last week Eric was her “whole world”
Finn proposes to Steffy. We go to the curtain before she answers. I say she’ll say no….because Liam’s out of jail.
Haha. I was reading your recount on Quinn and Carter simultaneously to watching it.
I too was thinking Zoe will want to redecorate his apartment when she sees his masterpiece. It’s worse than keeping a mannequin of Hope. I wonder if Zoe will walk in in Carter kissing Quinn and he tells her, “No. It’s ok, I was just kissing her life-like portrait.
BTW; is a boss allowed to fire you based on you keeping away from his wife? Soon to be EX.
The fact he’s Eric’s lawyer and representing Eric in divorce proceedings *against* Quinn, while also having sex with Quinn, would surely be grounds for termination, if not enough to have his legal licence revoked completely.
I would like to be a lock Smith or security installer in LA. It seems there is currently nothing on any of their doors to prevent people entering their homes uninvited.
Tick tock Quinn and Carter. Right in front of the door?
What’s the best Brooke didn’t race Ridge straight to the photographer to get a nice little portrait to replace Quinn. That’s my prediction.
I was watching Bold over breakfast. It is starting to be my favourite part of the day. What a master stroke of programming.
Watching Hope try to smile was the highlight. 🤣🤣🤣. Let’s see how that goes for the rest of the episode. Surely there’s someone around to say, “Enough to the Botox already”.
And Carter answering his phone on video chat with his shirt off and being called on it. Even the writers have had enough of that garbage.
My young 30yr old nieces reckon you need Botox while you are young to prevent wrinkles.
Everything is so different now.
I agree that Botox should be given early to prevent wrinkles but, firstly, Hope is not young anymore so she should loosen up (heh heh).
And secondly, there’s not a muscle on her face that moves anymore. Like, not a flicker.
Say what you like about Brooke’s acting but in reality she’s a 59 year old women who can still raise an eyebrow … literally ( ta dah 🎶. I’ve always wanted to use that word appropriately). She should pass on the name of her … health professional (?) to the rest of the cast.
Well Brooke said Carter should “stick it to Quinn”.
He did.
“Carter’s on top of it” ,saith Eric. Double entendres galore today
I know, right? At some point, you just want to smack the writers with their own keyboards and say, c’mon guys, seriously?
Eric said Carter would handle her.
He did.
In response to the question, “How could Quinn have given up everything good in this life that you offered her? Love. Money. More money?”, the answer is, “She is broken inside and nothing can ever fix that”.
Of course. How obvious. Why did I not see that? * face palm *
Here I was, more focussed on the sight of Quinn marrying a man who can’t move his lips when he speaks. 🤷
And let’s absolutely not to be sidetracked by the possibility that sleeping with an incredibly old man, 25 years her senior, with the personality of a flubber may revolt her to her very soul.
Of course not. There has to be a problem with the woman, says the writing team to a target audience of 25 – 54 year old women.
Ouch on the target audience, 🤣Bobi. My uncle loved B&B.
The thing about B&B is, it seems to be a parody of daytime soaps. It moves along at at a quicker pace, and its secrets spread faster than delta through NSW. Too soon?
Stay safe NSWians.
I had to be careful with “the target audience “ because, well, me.
So I looked it up. Factual evidence.
Green fingernails. Hide yer eyes. Look out Finn.
Eric faces financial ruin
Yep. Paris is a grasscutter. I told you that when she moved in on Zoe’s arena. So sweeeeet. So altruistic. She had Carter and Zende eating out of her hand in no time.
I’m not buying it.
BTW I didn’t get to see today’s yet because I was at a 50th highschool reunion. Holy hell! There were all old people there. 😮
I’m two days behind but….
Paris is settling in faster than the possum in our roof. She’s a cuckoo.
Finn and Paris warn Paris how hard life will be at their place, with no babies or children in sight. Paris says she “feels like this is meant to be”. Not the words of someone staying one or two nights.
I had a music lesson to give today and missed out. Let me guess that Quinn and Carter are still at it like rabbits and that Brooke is on to the sordid lliasion like a bloodhound.
Of course, the dress draped in Carter’s lust nest. Rasper has to recognise it. Feel free to update me.
Carter and Quinn are going to rob Eric.
Ok. I’ll fill you in.
Said Carter to Quinn.
I am about to watch.
Quinn kept her mouth closed.
The little grasscutter has her mower aimed on Finn.
So cup o tea in hand, I sit to watch Bold. Opening scene is Hope talking in a business meeting about how Paris was able to stop her child from crying, ialmost comparing it to how someone was able to solve world peace.
I am not here for this episode.
Firstly, business meeting, people.
Secondly, it’s not that hard to stop a baby crying. If this is such a miracle, can i suggest that a better option would be to join a mother’s group.
Cue, more of Carter and Quinn. This is getting old. Time to move on.
Today was one of the worst half hours of my life.
Rasper vists Steffy and coos over little whatitsname.. Steffy lies that she no longer loves Liam.
At Forresters, the prying grasscutter spins a web around Finn. He refers to Steffy as his “wife”. Not yet, pal. Go do another diaper run and andhave a reality check. Pony Ranch material.
Rasper persuades Steffy to marry Finn. We get that she doesn’t really want to. Not while Liam’s roaming free, like an unneutered sex starved alley cat.
The curtain brings welcome relief from the celebration of mediocrity that was today. Paris’ breasts were inflated to cause maximum problems for Finn and Zende. She ‘s burning both ends here.
No Carter/ Quinn material today. No prizes for guessing where they at.
Do not miss the brain numbing dialogue between Paris and Zende. All dwarfed by Paris’ over the top tight sweater, conveniently at Zende’s eye level.
I half-watched.
Zende’s cold feet stepped aside to leave room for a clandestine Finn/Paris affair.
Paris accepted being suddenly friend-zoned with Zende’s, “We’re colleagues”, speech as though she has already moved on.
Steffy is so thrilled to marry Finn that she accepts her dad’s proposal to do so.
All the kids at Forrester’s have decided to stop drinking grow fast, and just left.
Has Bold fired their stylist? The clothes seem … normal.
How disappointing.
I agree Bobi. It was a bit of a storyline in itself, to compensate for no storyline.
Tonight, so many things ran through my mind; incorrect grammar, nosy parkers,
everywhere, nobody working, not even Doctor Dolittle. Where IS his pager?
Threes a crowd in a marriage (well that’s what Princess Di said). Steffy and Not-on-call Dr DoLittle, except run errands for his girlfriend, have Paris, already invested in their relationship. And smiling coyly at her new housemate. She’s not at all phased by being suddenly friend-zoned by Zende. Colleague-zoned.
Katy and Brooke didn’t do a skerick if work, but gossipped all day in the CEO office. On and on and on.
Where is the line written in, “We better do some work”?
Audiences worldwide would be shocked.
Brooke can’t complain, Carter is truly “sticking it to Quinn” at every opportunity.
Don’t worry Eric, Carter is also totally “on top of things” He’s making the Italian Stallion look like a gelded Shetland Pony.
Fact is Carter is dragging his arse on the paperwork because he’s up to his neck…in Quinn.
The Forresters are puzzled why Quinn hasn’t a lawyer. In yer faces, she’s got Eric’s, literally by the balls.
Finn has a deep dark secret (besides his inability to act) Steffy says she won’t judge him. Finn is adopted and there’s the usual timely knock at the door. Bugger me if it’s not long lost Jack Finnegan, Finn’s adoptive parent. He looks like someone who would steal the steam off your shit. This is going to stuff up seating arrangements at the wedding. Curtain.
Oh no. I googled to see who Jack Finnegan is, and came across who Jack’s long lost mother is. My head is spinning as I try to work out the twisty branches of the B&B family tree to see if Finn can legally marry Steffy.
Now onto Brooke. Aside from the fact that her arms…and armpits don’t look great in the very wide armhole, sleeveless dress. she is behaving the nosey villain. Shut up Brooke.
“Am I do easily manipulated?” , Eric asks Brooke. “No”, says Brooke, “Just do everything I tell you and it will be ok”. For some reason Ridge can’t talk to Eric without clutching Brook to his side.
Quinn calls Carter then for some strange reason, greets him with a Cabaret look, although she did not side astride a kitchen chair.
Oooo. Knock. Knock.
“Hellooooo”. It’s Jack. I have no idea who he is. (As an observation, he seemed to have Parkinson’s).
On filthy in-house relations;.Hillsong pastor protects pedo????? That’s one thing they don’t do on B&B.
Houston, you have a problem.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. “Forgive me father”.
Or is that “Forgive m’father”?
If Finn’s dad turns out to be Eric, for instance, and Eric is Steffy’s grandfather, can Finn marry Steffy? Does that make Finn her uncle?
Short answer – no. Long answer – still no.
Even if they are step or adopted.
I sent in a very brief new thread.
I slept like an unattended Forrester baby for this episode. Sorry.
Won’t be long before Jack Finnegan causes problems. He’s the new, improved Dr Buckingham.
Finn’s parents took waaaay too long to drop by.
They didn’t come to meet Steffy when she was pregnant, nor did they come when the baby was born. Hmmm.
Steffy wants to see Hope. Perhaps she wants to ask Liam to give the bride away. 🤣
I have sent in a new thread.
What will Jelly’s surname be now? Kelly, Forrester Spencer Finnegan.
Today was Torso Tuesday.
Finn, Liam and Carter. How much do these buff guys spend on steroids?
Curtain. Carter’s still in Brooke’s words, sticking it to Quinn. My visitor called this “porn”
My take; Liam’s lady breasts are new. He didn’t used to be in the “shirts off” crew. It’s certainly not from carrying his children.
To many boring expressions of eternal lust tonight. But every time I see Quinn and Eric, I can only think of all the dried semen and other excretions on that couch. Upstairs, Carter has a bed, with, one would hope, a mattress protector and sheets that can be changed. If you visit Carter, sit on a kitchen chair.
Not a torso to be seen today, instead a hastily convened Forrester Mansion wedding for Finn and Steffy.Of course, it’s a wonderful idea to get pregnant and married when just six months ago you’re in the depths of narcotics addiction. Anyway , Stephanie’s portrait is back over the hearth. Hope helps Steffy prepare for her wedding, this is how Californians “move on” with people who’ve fucked her husband countless times.
Thomas is wearing a man bun for the occasion. Rasper makes a pitiful speech. The Wedding March couldn’t be cheesier. I wish I was asleep.
There’s a knock at the door and a starnge lady walks in, veiled , of course. I thought it was going to be Sheila but it turns out to be Lemon Bar Pam. Is Pam Finn’s biological mother? Things get even weirder when the celebrant arrives. Someone tell me it’s not Byrd from Judge Judy. I’m almost certain it is. He produced a short, wooden performance. We should be awarded damages for seeing it.
There’s sure to be more of this nuptial bilge tomorrow. Jack Finnegan is oozing evil. Curtain.
Just watching and I had to run for the phone. YES! It IS Byrd. I knew it straight away. Then I look and see that Dave has spotted him too.
What next? Robyn McGraw.
What the hell is Lemon Bar Pam wearing? She looks like a giant shiny blanc mange.
Anyhow. The kids are in ‘The Den”. Thomas has joined the local mafia. And Steffy is getting married…again. The pea green fairy from Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty looks like she’s carrying a bit of a layer of back fat. But no back drapes yet. (Harsh, I know).
Byrd came in dressed as a bishop. I think he is going to be the priest who marries them because Carter got caught sleeping with Quinn.
Steffy cames down the stairs to “Here comes the bride again”. Kelly blows her a kiss then runs back to The Den, where she shackles herself to the rest of the Forrester children, or when Donna collects them and takes them out for “ice-cream”.
And yes, Byrd IS the bishop. They must have found him just finishing an episode of Judge Judy and thrown him into costume. As usual, poor old Byrd doesn’t have a big speaking part.
Ridge can’t shut up from rasping all over the event.
Bishop Byrd will be officiating soon. Hope he doesn’t fluff his lines and say~
“The parties have been sworn in ,Judge. You may be seated”
Oh that’s funny. I hope he turns out to be Finn’s Dad.
Byrd makes like he’s officiating ay a funeral. Let’s call time on his acting career yesterday.
It’s a garden variety Forrester Wedding. Pam leaves early. The expensive champers is brought out, except for the recovering alcoholics in the room. Suddenly Finn is called to the hospital…but not really, he takes a phone call that indicates he’s into some shonky activities.
If this is not enough to ruin another wedding, Finn, whilst taking his dodgy phone call sees an apparition like figure in the semi darkness.
It looks like Sheila ……..and lo and behold , it is Sheila. She’s aged but I guess Finn is her bastard son and this means a bit of incest on the horizon. Curtain. Forget the meaningless pledges and Eric’s speech. Thomas ( a murderer) makes a banal speech. It’s a room ful of adulterers and hypocrites. Fast forward to the last eight minutes and we know (a) Finn is ebil. (b)Jack probably is . Sheila is Satan’s spawn , however. She tired of her boring job at Il Gardino and is back for another crack at Eric. She’ll bring the crazy in droves.
Stephanie’s portrait is already swaying. Curtain. These writers have to work hard to outwit us.
Forgive the typos. I got too excited after the drab first 20 minutes. Hold on to your hats.
I was busy today but did I see someone wearing a shower curtain?
It was a shower curtain, Bobi, but on this show , it’s called “haute couture”. Multi million dollar fashion house here. No time for idle gossip at Eric’s.
The Forrester wedding is all fun and frivolity, but those celebrating suckers are unaware of the sick scene unfolding upstairs. Sheila is Finn’s mother. He can’t wait to introduce her to his new family. Sheila’s understandingly reluctant, with her track record of insanity and evil. When that happens the celebrations are killed stone dead. Shady looks from Jack Finnegan. Gasps of “Sheila” from roach, Rasper , Steffy Eric and Brooke, who drops her glass. Sheila summons her trademark evil look as she sees the impact she’s made on the room. What the hell can happen next? Jack,Sheila and Finn are up to no good. As for Sheila’s bunny boiler obsesssion with Eric….that portrait of Stephanie wilol be trash soon. Curtain. Another successful weddding at the mansion. The wedding has to be invalid, for starters. Carter could sort that out, but he’dbe “busy” working on thosee divorce papers.
Byrd wasn’t invited for free drinks.
I love a dropped glass. How come it’s always a wine glass and how come they are never full.
Brooke is a recovering lush who used to order Vodka by the crate. It’s failure in the continuity dept that she was holding an alcohol vessel.
Sometimes on a soapie, when a glass is dropped , the drinker is dead. It’s classy to die at a wedding. Remember Bob Anderson on Days Of Our Lives? Way to ruin a wedding.
Eric boasted how good Forresters are at quick weddings.
He failed to mention the divorce rate and the child growth rate.
Casting are going to need to be careful to match the growing ages of the kids. Kelly has almost caught up to Douglas, and I suspect that Beth will be undergoing a growth spurt on her ice-cream rich diet with Auntie Donna.
I bet filling out a Census form is a real headache for Eric.
I remember an interview with one of the stars from Days. She mentioned that towards the end, her son was 2 years younger than her. She had a lovely sense of humour. It pays to suspend belief.