I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here Australia starts on Sunday, January 3 on Ten.
JMo and Dr Chris will be back but there is no African adventure this year. Covid forced Ten to film closer to home where, as you know, we have way more dangerous animals. They are just a tad smaller than the African ones.
Who do you think is going into the jungle?
You can see the clues thus far at https://www.newidea.com.au/im-a-celebrity-clues
Will we be watching this one? Probably – nothing else is on.

I’m assuming the “renowned chef” will not be Pete Evans.
He got kicked off Facebook yesterday, completely. Good times.
In Australia , you don’t have to actually be a chef to be called a chef. ( Check out Ch 10’s afternoon cooking shows, a drover’s dog could be a chef))Thanks for that Ma$terchef. George Calombaris, Gary Mehigan and Pete Evans have dragged the noble occupation through the shite, too..
We have “renowned” chefs? Ha ha. Over my dead nonna’s body.
Hey, Windsong, hi!
No, not Evans thank god. I want to guess Manu or Colin, but it’s more likely to be someone lesser known.
As for who the rest of them are, I have no idea. I’ll watch one or two eps, to see who’s on. After that…there is nothing else on.
Hey Von!
I haven’t been posting much lately, I’m sorry. I haven’t been watching much TV, because there just hasn’t been much on, so I haven’t had a lot to say about anything lately.
Ha, no problem. I notice when a regular commenter hasn’t been heard from for a while, although no one owes an explanation of course.
True, tv is mostly unwatchable shit this time of year. I just miss the back and forth yakking. I could say I should get a life, but I have a life – still miss other interactions.
I am getting annoyed with the IAC promos saying the show is starting on Jan 3.
The month is January. January. It’s not hard to say, nor is it hard to centre it on the screen. Spoken language is getting so sloppy. Are we so lazy that four syllables is too hard to say? January goddamnit.
I’ll be watching. There’s nothing else on.
They have to have a chef/cook otherwise the cast will starve. Not that I’m complaining. We’ve had a good run with chefs. I’ve liked them all. And the drama is mild. Just that one occasion when some rando insisted that she could/should take over the cooking (she couldn’t/shouldnt) and, from memory, she was booted soon after.
The duo who are used to dishing it out could be Roy & HG or Hamish & Andy. I’m hoping the female comedian is either Judith Lucy or Kitty Flanagan. Both are hilarious. The HUGE mega star could be anyone. Their idea of a mega star & our idea of a mega star are usually very different.
I wonder if it could be Russell Crow. He’s not busy at the moment and could lose some weight.
I also think it could be something that he would see as fun.
The duo could be another Gogglebox pair
I’m hoping Roy and HG are the duo. They’d make it a much more entertaining show than it usually is.
Russell Crowe would be a great addition. He doesn’t seem to think of himself as above doing such a show. We’re probably wrong about all of them, and it will be a bunch of slightly-knowns as usual with one semi-big name.
Just saw another ad for IMAC but I had a different reaction this time.
I am a little bit excited for Monday. 😏 How odd.
Maybe it’s because it’s been a long time between reality shows, or decent tv shows of any description, but I am really looking forward to this one.
I know that there will be ups and downs, how can there not be when this show goes on forever, but hopefully overall more ups. Holding my breathe.