The FWAW reboot starts tomorrow (Sun) at 7pm on a Seven.

It has a decent track record for some of its farmers finding true love so fingers crossed this season will be the same. You can read a “where are they now?”
Will you be watching?

I’m a little bit excited. I loved this show last time round.
I hope it is not mucked up by some publicity seeking instagrammer.
Still, it will only take one or two genuine couples and I’m all in until the end.
It’s usually watchable. I’ve had to cull my viewing so I can juggle my pottery, and now knitting. But I’ll stick with Farmer.
I can relate.
After bridge, ukulele and painting, I’ve had to drop cryptic crosswords, pottery and my afternoon nap because of lack of time.
So much to do before I die.
I feel so much pressure.
I was juggling and trying to get all my crafts done, and then I said, “What’s the hurry?”
I didn’t realize Farmer was on tonight. I hope my knitting pattern reading is better than my TV guide reading.
In the interests of non gender biased language~ this could called be called Wife Wants A Farm. Just sayin’
Farm Needs An Extra Hand?
Farter Wants A Wife?
I am liking some of these people.
Sadly, the first proper contender for “wife” was sent home.
It seems to have been a bit wrong. She was an actual farmer. Clearly on the wrong side of the game. A bit of miscasting there.
No farmer is going to pick another farmer. Some one, and it is seldom the man, would have to give up her farm to be the “wife”.
I don’t have the energy to be sanctimonious.