This a smart move by Big Bro: your most interesting housemate is voted out so you put them in the control booth.
No doubt this twist was planned ahead but they were waiting to deploy it when a suitable person was evicted. Other contenders could have been Kieran and Garth.

Will Ange have a chance to re-enter the house it is it just a few days of fun? She is great TV. I would love to see her go back in carrying a sackful of tea.
Big Brother airs on Seven Sun, Mon, Tues. Note the Sunday night show is on at different times, depending on your state, due to the AFL.
Daisy’s recap: RevAngela

Last week Kieran was an evil termite, white anting his way through the housemates. His not-so cunning plan targeting Dee, (not important enough to recall her name) worked, but back-fired. Now everyone knows what a dishonest sneak he is. And what a tiny victory; getting rid of someone who was no threat.

Nasty Tahlia has gone. Marissa dodged a bullet, but scared everyone with her raging bull scary eye.
We haven’t had time to observe much of the housemates’ conversations and behaviour because this is the new fast forward Big Brother, and because rising above the housemate flotsam and jetsam is Angie.

She played the tongue-in-cheek diva who challenged Big Brother for ownership of the house. I usually hate when producers save a reality TV contestant, but in Angie’s case I was glad.
After being evicted by the housemates, Angela has been moved into 4-star (the budget couldn’t stretch to 5) accommodation, where she will be allowed to spy on the housemates, pull their strings, yank their chains and locate their Achilles heels.

As much as I am enjoying watching her, it has very quickly become the Angie show. I hope we get to see more of the other contestants, too.
Cheers, Daisy

Poor Ian. Collateral damage. No one really wanted him out. He was a useful but expendable vote for the alphas, a patsy. Harmless other than that he was pliable and in the wrong hands.
I hope Zoe goes next. Poor Sarah got no say over the nominations. She wanted Garth and didn’t want Keiren and her reasons were strategic. Sarah needs to find her voice.
Yes – I am super glad Angela was saved, even though it goes against ALLL my principles.
She is so smart keeping Garth close to her chest and using him. She correctly identified what he would do too. She is fabulous.
When she was given the option to invite someone I turned to Mr Juz and said “Garth”. He has been adept at playing all sides and knows the value of strategic play
The laughter was infectious during the “Little Sister” tasks. I lived Angela’s “Bwaah aah aah”
and Sophie’s cry-laughing. That Sophie is a knockout. She could be the next Bachette, but we haven’t seen her personality yet.
The “cool kids” took a bullet last night. I don’t know why they see Dan as the chief. I think Casey and the bald guy are using him as a shield. Bald guy went up in my estimation when he said to Blubber Boy Keiren, “We’ll go together”, during the challenge last night.
bald guy Mat was the one I was rooting for going in as he is on Think Tank and was intensely likable. He is super smart on that – he specialises in sport but his general knowledge is insane – I assume he was being strategic. The only thing to keep a highly visible shield like Dan, who, in the nicest possible way, doesn’t strike me as a strategic mastermind!
Interesting to see how Mat reads the room going forward.
I felt sorry for Ian – but good call for Angela and her plans to weaken the alliance. Honestly, Marissa and Kieran may be annoying to live with, but they can’t possibly be threats for the win.
It’s the Survivor meat shield strategy.
It’s a problem when most of the meat is between their ears…ie Dan.
Bruss, 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Zoe was pretty strong with Sarah, who had a way more considered list for her eviction but completely lost!
That’s twice in the nom room Sarah has been bulldozed. I guess she’s in the army and takes orders easily.
Old Garth eats with his mouth open, yet Kieran is the punching bag for that behaviour. Kieran’s a slob but he’s the youngest and won’t have independent living skills honed.
I absolutely love the plans of Zoe, Brad Pitt, Dan and Bogan Girl turning to shit. Too bad for Ian, but he laid down with dogs.
“Laid down with the dogs”. Perfect.
Poor sap didn’t know he was their pound puppy.
“Keiren the punching bag”; 😂😂😂
I can just see a life size blow up, sad droopy eyed Keiren punching bag that has sand in the base and keeps popping back up.
I think Keiren has been too scared to poop in the house. He looks constipated.
I’m gutted Ian has gone. I liked him.
I remember a previous season on Big Brother with a spray tan challenge. Still funny second time round. We hardly know the hm’s as nearly all nomination talk. The old big brother would not have allowed any of this.
I love how they all get dolled up for the eviction ceremony, and then get whisked away in a car like The Bach. No live audience, screaming kids, and a stint on Rove these days!
Hey Bella Bellisima. Yeah, poor Ian.
I thought Dan the Plan was gone for sure tonight. Talk about being cocksure.
I think Pretty boy turned things around when he threw Garth under the bus for being the driving force behind Angiegate Eviction. They must have done a quick whip around for Garth right then.
I wonder if viewers get to vote at the end. I suppose we do. They can’t keep evicting each other when it’s the final 3. Besides the promos say, “You decide”.
Angela’s befuddlement that Zoe didn’t put up her or Kieran! Hilarious.
Did not love Garth’s bitchy “I was in the bunker room” comment to throw Angela under the bus – will be interesting to see how Angela deals with it. He did not come across as a nice or worse – INTERESTING – person AT ALL.
Yes. Garth was gossipy and “Miaow” like Ben who won in Estelle’s season. That was when I joined Reality Ravings which was the birth mother in a way of ttv.
Zoe said she has a “fun” side ……….oh well, you had three weeks to show us. Mostly, you were a bully. Goneski Too late for tears now.
Yes, I thought she had been hiding it for 3 weeks. Too bad she’s gone and we’ll never get to see it. 😂😂😂. I thought it was funny when she was boo hooing about being put up against two “popular” players to force her out. That’s what she did to Garth.
BTW did anyone else notice what a stupid plan Dan came up with last night.
Thank goodness Marissa didn’t follow Dan’s thinking and put up her own allies.
Has power gone to Angie’s head.
Oh, and I think BB was wrong. Sophie didn’t tell Chad about the secret challenge
She did no more than the boys did when getting him to run.
Oh, and I glimpsed Matt’s evil side a couple of times tonight but he quickly put it back in.
And finally…Zoe’s departing words, “I can’t believe I got out before Keiren”. 😆😆😆
Mat’s starting to annoy me with all those ockerisms he’s employing to reinforce that he’s a loveworthy larrikin from Broken Hill. He’d shit on yer leg and tell you it was a brown kitten. The Honey Badger crashed and burned on that schtick. Sure he’s got an evil side. He told Zoe he loved her…….but shat on her in the voting room. He’s apparently “unbeatable”
I think it was Matt who had a dig at Sophie, and then he let the dogs out briefly about his nomination. Then there was the, “I hate being bad at shit” moment. But to be fair, I have a dark side. Having failings just makes him normal rather than the house’s, “Mr Fabulous”.
Although I was very glad to see the last of spiteful Zoe….I mean fun Zoe, I think Mat would have been the better strategy vote.
me too BDD and I was disposed to like Mat. I think the housemates were idiots not to ditch him – if they think Mat is unbeatable and super likable why do they eject the not very likable Zoe?
Zoe didn’t have a dark side…… she was all dark.
Mat’s crack is appearing slowly, soon we may see more. A fair dinkum alpha would never say ” I hate being bad at shit”, also I don’t rate his smarts enough to either bung that on or keep a lid on being a bad loser for long. I feel sad for the defeatist minnows in the house that reckon he’s unbeatable. Folks said that about Goliath, right?
Macho Macho Mat
He got to be a Macho Mat
Team B had better win the next immunity challenge or the Boys’ Army will rule again. I think they will aim to break up Chad and Sophie.
Zoe will be forever remembered as the spiteful, horrible housemate whose “fun side” we missed out on because she was planning on showing it in week 4. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪