Contestants must replicate chef Peter Gunn’s ‘Black Box’ from his restaurant Ides. The contestant with the least impressive dish will be going home.
Ides is a restaurant in Collingwood and they are currently serving the Black Box (or perhaps a version of it) as takeaway for $20.

Is it just me, or do the gingerbread biscuits inside the black box look like dried cat food?
Nothing about it looks pleasant. It’s one of those – “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” dishes
I like to try new recipes but not this one. Don’t have liquid nitrogen or some of the fancy ingredients they are using. Give me something that I can replace at home.
Very true, doesn’t look appetizing to me at all.
Oh? Doesn’t your coles have a liquid nitrogen aisle?
They reminded me of these dog treats.
Someone cut Simon’s hair. Its shocking
Sarah managed to make hers look like shiny black faux leather shoes.
So they had to give Sweet team the win last night so we couldn’t see people like Jess and Reynold crush the black box challenge?
Where were Jess and Reynold today? I didn’t see them at all in the gantry. They’d have both loved the challenge of this and I suspect Reynold’s would have been even better than the original. What a set up!
Didn’t see them either and wondered where they were. This would have been a great challenge for them and I think they would have had fun with it.
I only just noticed that when contestants talk to camera their Insta handle flashes up.
I’m all for a bit of theatre at the dinner table but I think I’d rather eat one of Poh’s panic bake cakes. Perhaps because it’s hard to imagine lingering over a dessert in a restaurant.
Red silicone mould alert – but they are not domes this time.
Woohoo barely a snippet of Brenno during the cook meant one thing – yaaay!
And his tasted closest to the original.
Knew they’d ditch red Sarah over Tiong. Tiong is way more interesting.
Too much Laura blah blah blah … hubby asked me if the box was made out of pasta? Lol
Laura was deeply unpleasant tonight. Yes I know I giggled uncontrollably that she had box of the day. But her behaviour to pork Sarah was horrid “did you get everything done? Oh. I did. I will go hug someone else”
I laughed more at Simon worried about his box having a hole in it. The innuendos that went spinning through my head 😆
I totally concur with you that Laura was a prize tool towards an obviously distressed Sarah. There is such a thing as being gracious in victory.
Twitter was going mad with box innuendo jokes
Like this
I was there for them too, because I have the sense of humour of an adolescent boy! oops.
Khanh IS very funny.
I thought she was acting like a spoilt b*tch toward Sarah. Who the fcuk does? Rubbed it right in just because she got all her elements.
It really hit a sour note with me. Until then I was fairly Laura neutral. I mean, good luck to her cooking pasta as she surely wanted to showcase her pasta restaurant and getting praise after praise for pasta – tick. HOWEVER, I thought that behaviour was just plain horrible. She lost a bucket of goodwill – remember how kind Jess was to Amina when she was struggling? That gave her ticks from me – but Laura being a right B*tch to the most positive and enthusiastic person around? NOT GOOD.
As we expected, Tess has been honed by the pressure of her recent season and capably executes the dish.
Oh it was not nice seeing poor Sarah T – usually the most upbeat contestant – suffering in that cook.
Although he had trouble with his box thickness, Simon is another one who is used to the MC pressure and using modern techniques because he was just on the last season.
Brendan’s looked very good – I take back all my worried comments.
Brendan was calm and in control. The relief.
I saw your worried commemts. I had to block them out haha.
Has someone stolen or killed the letter t? Tessa said that black box dessert was the best thing she’d ever “eaden”.
Impordant is bad enough, now id’s everywhere.
Maybe her Kiwi accent?
What is it with Poh that she has to squat and hang off of something – oven door handle, gantry railing – to get through the night? She’s not even cooking.
She’s 47. I’m a year younger and no way would I be standing up on that gantry for the four hours of filming. Leave it to the young ‘uns.
And a note to Jock: Telling someone “have confidence” just makes things worse.
Okay, Juz. Forty seven is not decrepit. I am just finding Poh particularly annoying this series.
I’ve not paid much attention tonight because my old dog is demanding lots of attention. Is the black box bit meant to be eaten?
I think during eliminations the judges should stand aside. Jock and Melissa going up to Sarah red hair and frowning over how behind she was could have only made her more stressed. There’s a mean streak running through this series.
Oh yes – the black box was edible – an appetising construction of white chocolate (automatically yuck in my book) and ASH.
And I’m a lot older than you Juz. I’d have been sitting!
I feel a bit sorry for Red Sarah. It’s not “what a shame Red Sarah has gone” but “thank goodness Brendan and Pork Sarah are safe”. Hope her restaurant makes it out the other side of Covid.
Red Sarah will not be in the right frame of mind. It is the time when Tasmania closed it border. She may be deciding whether to quit or continue. Usually they can go home during the weekend. Callum brought the wife and baby to Melbourne.
I liked Red Sarah too, but I now feel quilty that I was firmly on the “at least it isn’t pork sarah or Brendan” bandwagon. oops.