By Daisy
It’s a busy night tomorrow for romance. I do believe we have First Dates and MAFS on Wednesday. I look forward to both.
Seeing that I am sitting alone in a café, waiting for my date to arrive, I thought I would write a FD spiel.
No, I do not have my boobs out. I am not wearing a stretchy, too tight dress. I do not have a weird laugh, or strange table manners.
My date might be a tattooed gorilla. I will be paying my own bill.
See you tonight.
First Dates screens on Seven, Wednesday at 9pm

But, Daisy, you didn’t say what you would order from the FD bar while you waited for your date …
Thanks, Juz. Yes I got my days confused. It’s either the privilege of the semi-retired….or just a senior brain.
My date did not show up. He must have gone on mafs instead. 😁
I had the spatchcock, then giggled because it had cock in it. 🤣
I thought Tyler was punching above his weight with pretty Chelsea….
Oh gosh, he was horrendous!
Oh gosh, he was horrendous!
So pretty…
Tyler just about wet himself…but poos trump’s weeks.
Young people these days don’t know what TMI is 😂
And perhaps this….
When Tyler conveniently went scrolling through her Instagram, it made me wonder if there were any younger people these days that don’t have an insta account full of selfies and butt shots.. seriously?! 😂
Kevin was back.
Zoe already had her date.
No wait……that’s her dad.
Michael got the l’oud gulping edit’. Bad mo but mum’s live him.
Take that damn thing off your face right now, young man!
Haha this is how he styles it.
I didn’t catch where he was from.. my bet was the northern beaches in Sydney 😆
Second date???
They discovered they are actually clones.
Oh look, Hayley is really pretty. She was just tricking with glasses and fat-face.
You can’t trust the sound editor.
They’re as obsessed with the noisy drinking sounds as I am with gifs tonight 😂
More slurping. More dates????
Who pays now?
” Would you like to go on a second date?”
It’s coming out both ends. Chelsea burped the alphabet.
Kevin was back..
And keen as mustard.
Come on Kevin. You can do this.
Will Kevin Kung Fu his way into Joanne’s heart?
She looks super familiar! I really want to know where they find these people. I feel like they honestly stalk them down on social media.
Oooo. Cheyenne loves Carl. She’s crushing.
She’s too good for this maggot.
They will probably bring her back.
I smelled a whiff of staging. Clark Kent was being too horrible
Hook her up with Kevin, you think?
😂😂😂😂😂 Noooo.
She’s already had one bad experience.
I know right. Man thinks he’s Clark kent/play boy. Creepy dude lol
Cheyenne I’m sorry you got setup with such a fake! You are sweet, beautiful and gorgeous at heart I hope you find someone worthy to appreciate all of you😊 I wish I lived closer 😁
But does Carl live Cheyenne.
Oh Carl. You dastardly devil.
Don’t let the matching spectacles fool you.
Poor Cheyenne. It was mean to pair her with such a rude dud. He was way more creepy than obsessive Tyler!
Bwaaah aah ahh. Young Carl was cruel love cheat.
Well why don’t my dates go like that?
It could be worse?
Next week……Richard Reid tries his hand at love.
Wait what? Rephrase.❤️
Now I will watch the old FD. I haven’t seen it before.
Nightowl 🦉 I just read your comments and gifs…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I like your work.
Thanks, Daisy. I didn’t watch but from your pix I now want to know: Did Kevin get the girl?
I like to leave everyone guessing, but I’ll tell you, yes and no.
They agreed to a second date but love didn’t blossom. I suppose Kevin might yet return to try a fresh approach.
Thank you
Haha a bit of late night fun 😂
We need to find out how Eliza gets gifs on.
How I post them? I just find them online, save them and then attach them with my comment.
So far I have had no success, but I will try again. Thanks.
I will storm watch FD today if elasticity holds.
Oh. I did send a First Dates Thread in on Monday but never mind.
I’ll say it anyway, I love this show. I did think that chiropractor might have been a set-up. He was too ridiculous.
Good Gogglebox afterwards.