Over to Daisy to catch us up on I’m a Celebrity – thank you!
No surprises on who was left with no names on his dance card last week. It seemed Dilruk tried his best, but he wasn’t funny, interesting, loud enough, or crushing on another camper. I am guessing he also may not have already had a huge following. The last three were Dilruk, Erin and Dale. I was surprised Erin was there. She’s not loud or extroverted, but she can crack a good joke with a straight face. She has a great friendship with Ronda and made an outstanding minion, or slave.
Last week we saw Tom face his greatest fear, phobia, to be precise: snakes. After that he seemed kind of glassy-eyed and loopy which made him more endearing and appealing imo. He innocently, and gullibly, is in awe of psychics. Cosentino, who by the way seems really nice, tried to demonstrate to him that not everything is to be believed. Instead, Tom was left even more astounded that there are mystical powers.
Rhonda is weird and funny. She hasn’t been brilliant at trials but is going really well as a camper. She was shocking the younger ones with her 70s tales. I couldn’t help thinking she should have returned that green Triumph.
Myf seems a sweetie. She’s a slow burn in the camp. Not much I can say about her because she is more listener than speaker.
Charlotte made a beeline for Ryan in week one, telling Tanya she had a crush and then hopping into bed with him, but last week she did a “bait and switch”, crying over not being ready to move on from her previous boyfriend who could, according to Charlotte herself, only bare to kiss her once a day. I noticed a few times, when the camera was on the group, that Charlotte burst into a jumpy dance around the group. She’s working hard for the camera attention. And fair enough, I suppose. It’s her job. As is talking about herself alot.
I am liking Billy Brownless. He comes across as authentic. His co-footy camper Daisy (how dare he steal my name) has less life experience under his belt so is taking a back pew to Billy’s stories. He had a few stories of his own.
Tanya is a good sport. She and Cosentino made a good connection and gave it their all when they had to jump into and roll around in all kinds of horrendous goop.
Miguel has continued to be a ball of energy, and a valued chef. He can turn a pigeon into a fabulous pigeon soufflé that feeds 12. Well, not quite, but he keeps their mouths watering.
Overall it’s a good group. Aside from the blue between Ryan and Tanya over socks, there has been no fighting or passive aggressive bullying so far this year. The only meltdowns (if you don’t count Tom) have come from Nikki, which is understandable as she is a mum, missing her son.
Anyhow, I will leave it there, in anticipation that this coming week, we will see some of the layers of the campers’ personalities peel back as it becomes harder for them to keep up any pretenses. Here’s hoping that those Australians who pick up their phones and vote, choose well for those of us who just sit and watch.
Perez Hilton is the gossip guru going into the jungle.

Charlips was lucky. I used a flattering photo of her.
……….or you cropped her lips with Photoshop and haven’t told us. Thanks.
I’m not that kind…or good with Photoshop. 😂
If the camp gets hungry, there are sausages.
Thanks Daisy- I guess TEN is looking for some drama by bringin in Perez.
My guess is that, for a lot of people, a combination of liking the celeb and a strong feeling for the charity is required to actually pick up the phone. We are lazy buggers.
Donations with benefits.
Diruk’s charity was for Shake It Up Australia (Parkinson’s), plus no sob story. It probably doesn’t resonate as much as something like autism, etc.
Good point, Bobi. I forget about that part. I am blinded by the celebrity. I will get up and vote now.
You voted for the wrong person. I did not see that coming.
So much for my theory. Nice celeb with a charity that I thought would get a lot of support.
Part way through recording, I’m wondering what Charlotte’s bonus increments are for each stage of exhibitionism, opps, I mean intimacy she achieves with Ryan.
I can’t believe this screaming banshee has 7 million followers on something SMH in disbelief.
Like. ✔️
I was also thinking tonight in terms of ‘narrating the story’ so to speak, we seem to be only getting Charlottes side of the story. I don’t see Ryan running to the toktoki everytime something happens.
I thought it was a boring episode tonight, if who left the toilet seat up is the biggest drama they have going on, I can only imagine how boring it must be to actually be there!
I only saw the bit where they tried to kill national treasure Myf
Someone in the jungle must have died…….and made Charlotte boss.
Tom should have told her to get stuffed when he said he’d do cooking and she said, “No you’re not. You’re doing dishes”. Put a sock in it bossy boots.
Don’t get Charlotte started.
Tanya and Erin were impressed.
Here we go again, the Charlotte Hour. Charlotte initiates pash; face time with Ryan. Ryan pulls out first. Charlotte runs off screaming. Face time with camera.
Now I know she HAS been hit in the face with a cricket bat. Surely.
Get her off the tv. I’d even rather watch Julia and Chris.
Daisy I find Chris and Julia fun to watch
That seems to be the only time and place we have differed, Bolders. 🤔
Lols -nobody’s perfect
Meanwhile me stomach’s turning listening to Chargob’s loud smacky kisses with Rypuss
Oh it would be like kissing a giant jelly fish or full cow udder.
What’s Billy doing?
I think he just realised he’s got boobs, and is trying to lift them a little.
Best line of the night was Dale subtly throwing shade at Charlotte. 🤣
Apart from the trial which looked scary, and good on those three for doing it because I would have pulled the plug, the entire ep seemed to pander to Charlotte.
I hope we are getting a lot of money from her o/s followers because she is as boring as bat s**t to me. If she wins there will be collective, loud boos heard all over the stratosphere.
I read IAC fb last night. Most of the comments were get boring Charlotte off. Someone even wrote that her carry-on with Ryan was inappropriate for a family show.
oh YAY. That is good. It is way too contrived and way too much. Like her lips.
Don’t get your hopes up. The a lot of the young trashy ones will keep voting for her. Charlotte is making Julia and Chris tolerable. Perhaps that’s the plan. 🤔
The best procedure for Charlotte’s lips would be to have them sewn together.
I must have missed that. I will have to replay.
I looked at her Instagram and she looks like a completely different person. Shows the power of makeup
OMG Make up these days is actually using faces as canvases, painting a face on the face. I’ve watched recordings of the application. That is def what she does. She’s a full bore scrubber mate 😉 with a face full of paint. And the fake tan. No style, no substance. Send her back to blighty where she belongs.
I am SOOOOOOO over Charlotte. What a painful individual! I usually like the brash out there character – eg i quite liked that Geordie Shore girl Vicki – but this one is certainly not doing it for me. Maybe it is just a bit of a boring cast and so they are over-exposing the one who is DOING STUFF TO GET NOTICED? As talking tv Erin says, if toilet seat drama gets to air. . . there mustn’t be much going on. AND I would like to have more of contestant Erin, so I’m not just prejudiced against reality show contestants extending their 15 min of fame! End of rant.
Erin is my favourite. I love her laid back humour and jokes at herself; like “Do my eyelashes still look alright”, as she’s 100s of metres in the air.
What is interestin gb to watch is Charlotte when the cameras aren’t on her alone. She jumps around like a witch doctor to try and get camera time.
Other than that, I like everyone who isn’t Charlotte. But I would love Erin to win, although I doubt she will.
My favourite was Nikki and she’s gone now.
I will wait until the group is whittled down and then strategically vote for any one but Charlotte.
It will be the only way.
Good idea Bobi. I’ll help. 🤣
But Daisy the teeth!
Yeah. Woolif calls it “horsie”, but I can’t refuse her nice dry, understated humour.
They have to real. No one would do that deliberately.
Now it will be all I see….if I watched TC.
🤣🤣🤣🤣Someone on the IAC site, under the Nikki post, wrote, “Why is the Root Rat still in?” Followed by a picture of a girl with blown up lips.
Yes. Who would deliberately make themselves ugly
I look past Erin’s horsiness because of her dry wit.
Who or what is that?
Agree Erin’s dry wit is great – meanwhile I’m watching Charlotte giggle about Ryan as though she’s 15 – it’s not fun
I don’t know who she is but I read that it’s concrete. Ouch. Better to get drunk and get a tattoo of Dr Chris. I 🤣🤣🤣
Oh dear. Concrete and glue. She died, poor girl.
Nikki’s interview https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/im-a-celebrity/im-a-celeb-nikki-osborne-spills-on-her-horrendous-experience/news-story/09a001bd9303fc662cbee388bfc88a38
She talks about Charlotte being a professional reality TV person
‘glad Australia knows who I am now, even though I’m slightly concerned that they think Tom Williams has more charisma than me,” she laughed’ Love it, thanks Juz.
That was the best line. I hope we see her on HYBPA or similar
She was great on The Project tonight.
I think a new generation is coming. My 13yr ols grand daughter is pretty cool and hates make-up.
Another boring episode, so sick of the Ryan and Charlotte show.
Honestly I reckon we didn’t see at least half the camp tonight. Do they have have anything else to put to air?
Am I the only one seeing Ryan as genuine and therefore repeating his previous reality tv experience – trusting a fame whore in a ‘love’ relationship and ultimately being chewed up and spat out?
Ryan has zero idea he is being played, poor bloke.
I think he knows it’s a storyline and he’s all in. This is the guy that married a stranger to get on tv so he’s totally aware of what is going on.
Oops I forgot that bit!
I agree that he is totally aware but I also think he likes her.
Whereas she is just full of bs. She is old enough to have kissed a guy before, ffs, without getting a fit if the giggles and then running off to tell as many people as possible.
And mentioning the “marriage” word after spending a week with him … and 12 other people. Goodness me. Insert huge eye roll here (she is not even worth me searching for a meme).
That was so romantic when Charlotte was telling Tanya about her feelings for Ryan. Especially when she stuck her thumb up her noise and started digging around. Blarg. She is a waste of space. For once, this series could have been mostly fun, with little bitchiness and drama, but they had to focus on that dumb attention whore.
We open tonight with Charlotte talking about herself and picking her nose.
Did anyone see Nikki on the Project? Well said, Nikki. Yep. With Charlotte around, who needs Metamucil.
Okay we didn’t watch it till later as the tennis was on and I ended up drifting off and eventually going to bed. What a non event episode.
This may even force me to vote to keep someone, anyone, as long as they are not Charlotte. I AM OVER HER. SHE IS SO CONTRIVED. AND SHE PICKS HER NOSE.
The whole fakedy-fake-fake confessional/chat with Tanya was “oh, I don’t want Perez Hilton to find out what I’m thinking” just made me heave. FFS. You are constantly being filmed and you completely know it so you are now pretending to be worried? Who ARE these millions who follow her and can we round them and send THEM to a jungle? A jungle without wifi and without “infuencers”?
In short, not even vaguely interested in you darling and you’re the reason I’m tuning out.
Listen, I think this following is a bit of a furphy.
I follow the ABC on the Twitter, but I still get my news from the normal newsfeed. It’s a set and forget. All that happens is that occasionally I get an email from people commenting on a news item. If I stop the emails, then nothing happens. Zip.
I think there were some followers from Georgie Shore days and now people have just forgotten to un-follow.
Hence the slight sound of desperation in her voice. She knows how this works. Any day she will lose her income and then what? She’s not qualified to be a check-out-chick. No offence to Check-out-chicks – it’s not a job I’m qualified for either.
STOOOOPPPP!! Bobi, you just had my imagination….my visual imagination, look up as I go to greet my friendly check-out chick, and it’s Charlotte with her stringy hair, black roots and lips in their blazing glory. I got a fright.
When Charlotte is on you seldom notice her horrible hair but nice legs.
If you can watch Nikki on the Project, she’s good. She sees what I see in Erin, I think.
I liked Ronda at the start but then I started sending some camera grabbing. I might be wrong. Also, could she really not jump that beam. It was so low she could have stepped over it. I’m just a little suspicious.
I always go for the most authentic, nicest and funniest. I don’t want much, do I. By funny, they don’t have to be trying to be funny non-stop. In fact they shouldn’t TRY to be funny at all.
Sensing not “sending”. Busy little auto correct.
Charlotte: guards her privacy, but has had sex on TV, has told Ryan they will have sex when she gets out, picks her nose on TV and while chatting to a friend.
What are her secrets that they can be worse?
It’s funny, isn’t it, how quickly I go from liking them all to having “Opinions“.
I love Miguel. He has been such an unexpected revelation.
I like Billy and Myf. They seem genuine.
I am starting to like Rhonda and Tanya. I think they are both playing the game but in a nice way. – just by being entertaining in a competitive environment.
I could like Dale, Erin and Ryan given time. They all have a sense of humour that I like but are being drowned out.
Tom is a snoozefest.
It is too soon for the newbies.
So the elephant in the room is Charlotte.
I know. It doesn’t sound like I have “Opinions”. Maybe it’s just an increasing dislike for Charlotte and the amount of airtime she gets.
I loved Dave’s reply when stupid Charlotte asked why Jalepeno had a J in it. Quick, quiet wit. Just naturally funny.
Not, “Look at me, look at me, listen to me”.
I just want to be able to see more of the ones who haven’t had much in camp air time.
Agree on Billy. I love his laid back manner.
From Facebook – no doubt more fake drama
Fake yes. Making a speech about it doesn’t matter what you look like, then worrying about how she can straighten her hair in camp, and getting all that surgery and enhancement. Well which is it? You don’t do that to yourself if it doesn’t matter to you.
BTW Julia announces Perez spills the beans on his feud.with Lady Gaga. But he didn:t does anyone feel like they learned any details on that?
I call more bulls**t.
Please, no one talk her into staying.
Second that. Damn I can’t watch until late tomorrow night.
I missed some of the show because I switched over to watch Unforgiven. But I heard Rhonda (I think it was Rhonda) sounding displeased at Perez’s presence because she didn’t like gossip. After he arrived, she was giving him the death stare. What was going on there?
I’ve never seen Perez on anything, so don’t know if his gossiping is really bitchy and malicious or not.
It annoys me that Perez has already been added when I am still trying to see Erin, Myf, Billy, Dave and even Miguel. I want to see beyond his cheerfulness to more of his serious side.
As for Charlotte and Ryan, I feel like I am watching highschoolers. Charlotte is like the sort of girls who was in the E, F and G classes, who screamed “Slag!” at each other, and fought after school. Rough. They were rarer in the 60s but they still existed. They weren’t role models then. 😜
I like what Julia is wearing tonight.
It suits her and is age, and time, appropriate.
About time.
Yes, I really like it too.
Agree! I actually have liked a LOT of her outfits this season. The pink jacket and white shirt at the ducking challenge also looked lovely. The previous night was a very fitted at the top geometric stripe dress and it looked really great on her. This year the clothes fit and flatter and don’t make her look like silly. Two thumbs up from me!
Charlotte is upset because she is not the centre of attention.
I can’t even.
Charlotte is master of reality tv, she knows exactly how to make sure she gets all the airtime.
Sorry guys, asking for an update again. I left to put my bins out and missed why fishface spat her dummy. My impression is that she’d gone too long without being the center of attention and Erin was because she didn’t eat???
Charlotte lost it when everyone was feeling for Erin and not for her and Charlotte went on a temporary hunger strike, refusing the vego food Erin won. Your impression is spot on , Von.
B.Brownless didn’t mention Charlotte once in his post mortem interview.
He probably thought, “Ho hum”.
Thanks,Dave. It’s disappointing that Charlotte didn’t leave after all. I wish the stupid cow would just fuck off – for any reason.
A ‘vote to wvict’ would see her gone.
As an IAC viewer, I feel ripped off by them serving up Charlips to us. Who the hell do they think we are. It’s not “Disney Channel – up late.
The continual comments about Tom’s lack of personality from evictees are very funny.
It does make you wonder who, and why, people are voting for him.
At some point we are going to have to get involved 🤷.
I am finding him funny…in a quirky, oddball way. He’s constantly like a rabbit in headlights. There’s a personality there. It just is thinking not broadcasting itself. But Gawd knows how he got work in TV.
Forrester models have more personality.
Do you mean store mannequins?
No accounting for my weird taste.
I have been on the IAC official FB page pleading producers for a vote to evict night. The phones will run hot.
Can’t be that hard to get a tranquilizer gun in Africa to take down wild influencers. The lips are are a big enough target . Crate it up and send it back to the UK. It’s not a celebrity , get it out of there.
( Note how spellcheck coughs on “influencers”)
Julia is looking very nice again tonight.
They must have hired a new stylist after the appalling dresses from last season.
Agree! I feel so shallow but she is looking lovely this year.
I think they’ve heard the feedback on Charlotte.
There is less of her and the occasional joke at her expense.
I wonder if Ryan is fed up and how could he possibly extract himself?
Anyway, good on them for the tucker trial. It looked particularly horrendous tonight.
Ryan was foolish to saddle himself to Hotlips, although out of all of them he is the most like watching paint dry. All he can be is in her shadow. She makes him look like her pet turtle.
.BTE, on FB I told producers to PUT ON THEIR LISTENING EARS AND HAVE A VOTE TO EVICT so we could boot out the UK import.
I put it in Capitals like that so they would see it.
And still, Tom is not even in bottom three.
Go figure.
Tom is a follower of the “less is more” concept, whereas Charlotte adheres to, “No amount of me me (or lip filler) can be enough”. With Tom, it’s the crazy- eye
Billy Brownless was funny on the Project. So why do we have to endure Charlotte, Chris and Julia.
Just joking. I’ve had Woolif in stitches as I walk around the lounge room, clicking like a chook. I hope you recognize sarcasm there.
Aaaaaaaaah!!!!!! How is that funny????? Oh well Kindy kids would laugh.
I’m loving Tanya tonight. And Tom was killing me, gagging before it was his turn to eat.
Line of the night…or was that last night? Myf saying, “I don’t want to die like Elvis”.
Who wants to die alone on a toilet seat eating a hamburger?
Boni, you are right. The funniest tucker trial yet.
This is a mildly boring episode, except the Rhonda stories which I missed. Of course I’m intrigued by what I didn’t hear.
Whose a diva?
Nicole Kidman. When filming Australia wanted the cows to be stopped mooing !!
The cows could have got together and made a better movie.
No……………..it’s a baboons bum.
Watching Miguel moonwalking toward the snake/balloon box while being shocked was one of the funnier things I’ve seen in a while. I wonder if he can moonwalk in work boots at other times.
but Chargob did attack Miguel by saying he was touchy about food and Miguel did ask for support from everyone else standing there with their mouths open
Ryan is tedious – why do we have to watch him?
I have no idea what happened with Banana-gate but I automatically assumed that Charlotte and Ryan were wrong.
Good assumption Bobi
I think Charlotte and Ryan went on the attack.
It went like Ryan saying Charlotte needed more banana because she didn’t use wouldn’t eat oats. (Hmmm). Charlotte made some comment like, “Let it go because we all know how Miguel gets in the morning.” (Woh). So they weren’t yelling too much but they were a bit of a two headed monster. Now we all know that Charlotte is loud and it’s hard to get a word in, so it’s not surprising that when Perez wanted to bring some, “Excuse me?” to the debate that he felt the need to raise his voice. IMO, Ryan’s decision making is warped because he favoured Charlotte. In spite of who said what afterwards, it started when Ryan wanted Charlotte to have more banana than anyone else. Was there something Freudian in that?
I know it is all a bit contrived but messages from home always reduce me to a blubbering mess.
Daisy’s new post is up https://talkingtv.net/2020/01/im-a-celeb-with-daisy/