Well, this is a bit weird …
Every Saturday morning I go out for coffee (ok, yes, and a pastry), scan the TV guide and set up the posts for the week.
But today, there’s no Bachie, no Block, no Love Island even.
Sure, Zumbo’s Just Desserts is starting but we know how bad that was first time round.
We are entering the Summer Dead Zone and it’s only mid-November.
So, what’s everyone watching?
Mr Juz and I just watched the gazillionth episode of Grey’s Anatomy and I am attempting to catch up on Outlander, although I am not as obsessed with at as some people are.
I do enjoy One Born Every Minute but I cry every time.
Mr Seven is currently addicted to Teen Titans and Ladybug & Cat Noir, although I recently let him watch Bondi Rescue and he was fascinated. I just fast forward through the drunk backpacker scenes.

Nothing…. there’s just nothing…..
I feel personally attacked by this cartoon.
Grey’s Anatomy has disappeared from free-to-air again. During the week, I don’t mind watching the really old episodes of Spicks and Specks and QI. I also like Insight, which is opposite One Born Every Minute, but OBEM is rerun, sorry, I mean encored, several times, so I’ll see it sometime.
Weekends, though, bleh, nothing worth watching is on. For some reason there is a selection of old WWII movies tonight, even on channel 44, which occasionally sneaks in a good movie. Thank goodness I haven’t finished the book I’m reading. For now, I’m going to hit YouTube for some comedy stuff and will probably fall down a rabbit hole there.
Oops forgot TAR but it’s not a hit for me (apologies to the diehard fans)
Apart from TARA, I find evening tv pretty bereft at the moment. Thank goodness the sport is picking up, but there is not much on weekdays.
I am recording a lot at the moment. Interesting, a lot of my recording happens between 11pm and 7am. I am discovering or rediscovering comedy series’ on the ABC comedy channel, in particular becoming more and more addicted to Upstart Crow. Very clever British “sitcom” about Shakespeare and his family/associates. One bonus is that, being historical, all the usual profanity is converted to very funny shakesperean-style insults.
I love Upstart Crow. I was distraught when I heard that there may be no more.
But then there’s talk of 2020. They play with my feelings.
And why do they revive crap shows and then become ambivalent about shows I like?
FYI – I watch it on iview.
And my apologies as I shoehorn this in here but I have been waiting months to use this meme.
Shakespeare and Tom Hiddleston together … a bit of bliss.
Good one, Bobi. I like David Mitchell in pretty much everything, Peep Show being the best (as a result Olivia Coleman is always “Sophie” to me. They are turning Upstart into a play.
Same, Juz. She is always Sophie.
I would love to see that play. I wonder what the chances are of it coming outside of the UK?
Me, too. Me,too. Me, too.
We can only hope.
Either that or we all do a group booking and fly over. Who needs to leave money to the kids.
Speaking of Olivia Colman – the new Crown series started last night! We watched three episodes till my husband forced me to stop on the grounds that we will run out of things to watch so quickly given there is slender pickings elsewhere.
I have been shotgunning the episodes today. Just started the one with the mining village. I had not heard of it before – got quite teary at the start
Hard core- I didn’t know about it either. All those children . Hard to watch.
I have been recording some of the SBS world movies. Walking on Sunshine was terrible. I started watching Mea Culpa. It made you think you were watching an edgy crime movie but the plot was weak and far fetched.
On another topic; aren’t the protestors in Hong Kong brave.
Watch Dark Angel on 7 plus. Its awesome and based on true story.
I am guessing not the Jessica Alba Dark Angel sci fi series
No, its an amazing story set around 1870’s about a woman who was regarded as Britain’s first female serial killer. She did 3 of her husbands in to get their insurance money. It is really well done. One of the better things I’ve seen for ages
The Mule on Netflix is great movie. Also based on true story. Clint stars and directs.
Thanks for the suggestions.
It’s going to be 42C in Adelaide on Wednesday – ick. Need some laughs after a sad ep of The Crown so firing up Silicon Valley. Although Mr Juz is making me watch The Rookie first
I love the article how they’ve hired Folau to write stories for them, based out of their Oxford Street offices.
There’s a very big part of me that absolutely suspects, in a few years time, Folau and his husband Tim will be selling organic vegetables from a farm and spa retreat in the Gold Coast hinterland.
Would have to get divorced first.
Ah, yeah, and fundamentalists don’t like divorce, either.
It’s going to be 37 here on Thursday and my air-con is broken (waiting for a computer part to be shipped in).
The dogs and I are going to bunker down in one room with the blinds drawn, flavoured ice-blocks on hand, books to the ready and start watching The Crown, inter dispersed with 8 Out of 10 Cats do Countdown – and Captain Underpants – for comic relief.
It feels like Armageddon.
If the part arrives early, and the tradesman installs it immediately, I will assume your prayers for me worked but I’m guessing that hell is more likely to freeze over.
Oh no, Bobi. Sounds like a day to order pizza for tea and drape a wet towel over yourself
I just read the interview with the Honey Badger on the conspiracies over whether there is a contract to stay together for 3 months.
Without going down that path, can I say, with really strong feeling, what an absolute narcissist. The absolute definition there of.
He didn’t pick someone because he didn’t want to break their hearts after 3 months of him lying to them? Almost an exact quote.
It doesn’t occur to him that, after 3 months in his company, the women may have had enough? Maybe they would have found him an absolute bore? I don’t remember his conversation being about anything except himself. And those appalling turns of phrase which were designed to stop all conversations dead in their tracks as everyone tried to figure out what he said … and btw were never funny. So annoying. And tedious.
No wonder he’s still single.
That sounds like an interesting read. Do you have the link handy?
Your Honey Badger couldn’t find a root in a wood yard. Not worth a pie.
Whoops. My bad. Seriously sorry.
And now I can’t find it.
Serves me right for getting het up about a manufactured television show.
Anyone watching the MAFS wedding on ACA?
2000 hand opened roses 😂😂
Whaaat!? Like they forced the petals open? Is that a thing?
Apparently it is a “thing”.
The celebrant has lost her voice.
There is more sponsor name checking than in an average episode of the Block.
That is a tonne of sponsor name-dropping, then.
I watched a short YouTube vid on it because I’d never heard of that. Hand opening looks sort of brutal to the poor roses that are just trying to live their normal life :).
Doing that 2000 times would mean a hefty bill from the florist. And they’re getting married on ACA. *snort* Tacky.
I thought spraying hormones on Melb Cup roses to get them open was cruel…..Israel Folau wouldn’t like humans fucking with God’s plans for any kind of wedding..
” Hand peeled roses” Overkill, not much?
Next we’ll need a hand peeled divorce lawyer.
Mmm….don’t think Cam’s Mum is over impressed with his choice.
How’s about the shit entertainment on the hen harbour cruise?
BYO Valium to the buck’s party. Too much for Pops.
Well, that was anti-climatic.
Elvis songs are bad luck at weddings. Just saying. This marriage needs no extra help failing.
Take care today, everyone in SA.
Update on the neck and jowls lift. (Don’t call me Jowlsy). It’s only been days but I am very happy with the result.
I had my eyes done as well and the stitches come out today. All that beaching came at a price.
Anyhow for anyone considering it at some point; it hurts but painkillers solve that. I hink it’s a matter of getting a good surgeon.. I would be too scared to go to Thailand for surgery of any kind. I’m really glad I did it, but it’s a once only.
Oh I am super interested in the eyes as I have the MOST HOODED eyelids imaginable. . . is that what you had done or something else?
I am glad the painkillers are working as expected! What on EARTH were we thinking going out in the sun as we all used to? I even have a pterygium on my eye which is steadily growing as a result of too much in the pre-sunglass era.
I have learned that the eyes are a relatively common procedure and if you are referred by an optometrist, it’s covered by medical insurance. I had my eyes done top and bottom at the plastic surgeon’s suggestion. Bruss, the eyes didn’t hurt at all. But don’t wear glasses after your op, like I did. I have bruising along the lower rim line of my glasses The eyes were the easiest part.
I think dealing with pterygiums is not too bad a procedure. DH had it years ago and I am pretty sure it was just done by the GP. Don’t quote me on that, but they can definitely be removed.
Until this year, I always said, “Never”. I was already confident, so I didn’t need more confidence. Mainly, I didn’t want my daughter having people think we were sisters. But I just came to the point where I thought, “Why the f*** not?” I do everything for my kids and grandkids.
I don’t look like Cameron Diaz.
Brussel, the eyes didn’t hurt at all. There was only some momentary discomfort, remedied by washing and applying ointment. But I was already on painkillers for my neck.
Try not to wear glasses after your op because for me, they will hinder the bruising going away. I am still bruised along my rim line.
I get my stitches out in an hour’s time. Until then, I look like Coralline but without the buttons.
yay!! thank you so much – I super appreciate the honest and unvarnished feedback. I might see what my optometrist thinks about the referral – I like the idea of getting it done on insurance. . .
Super interested, Daisy. Like BS, I have hooded eyes. I did have my boots doctor suggest it but I had a fear. I don’t like my eyes being touched – even had a problem with contacts.
And now I have run out of money. Having 2 elderly dogs is super expensive.
Gratuitous photo of of attached.
And another because they both deserve equal time.
And PS Botox, not boots
Love the way your friend has a whole cushion to lie on, yet chooses to squash up against the lounge. Hilarious!
Cheers. I don’t mind being the guinea pig. …or advance scouting party.
Should I get on the bus and have my scrotum tightened….or am I nuts?
I suggest you leave your delicate bids and bobs to Mother Nature. 😁
Having the stitches removed could make your eyes water.
Well, BDD, I guess if you have the balls …
I pass no judgement on Prince Andrew’s train wreck of an interview (okay I couldn’t stop myself – I will have words with myself later), but here’s commentary worth watching. For your entertainment. You’re welcome.
I wouldn’t have taken any notice of any of it but I saw a bit of his interview, and although I am very much a benefit of the doubt person, in my bones I felt, “Liar”.
I value loyalty to friendship.
A friend of mine once said to me, “Your enemy is my enemy”. Bless her.
And if there had been the slightest mention of this then he may have had a smidgeon of my sympathy, but he talked about parties and useful contacts.
At the very minimum, he’s an entitled nob.
Here’s a weird one we have been enjoying; Honey I bought a House. It’s on one of the 7 Channels, and I can’t tell you when but later at night. You can stream it on 7plus.
They separate couples for 3 weeks and one partner has to buy a house for both.
Sound dill? I like it. Old age I suppose.
Honey, I Bought A Whorehouse might liven it up a bit.