Love Island Australia is back on our screens in two weeks.
It starts Oct 7, after The Block.
I guess it’s cheap to make thanks to all those Insta wannabes.
And great news for the local waxing, spray tan and hair extension industry.

Cast revealed
I’m pretty happy in my decision to avoid this one.
“Love” isn’t what these people are looking for.
One of those dolts is looking for a “spiritual connection” at the same time looking like a bare chested, lobotomized Ken doll. He’s got this joint mixed up with Fantasy Island. How long will the born again Christian last with a pack of pretentious ,partying pagans?
“Love Island”, because “STI Cove”, “Fame-whore Bay” and “Unplanned Pregnancy Isle” were already trade-marked, I suppose.
There’s so many jokes I want to make about the girl who’s already in love with Jesus, but … I can’t, guys. I just, I just don’t have it in me.
I might give Lust Island a go. It depends what else is on. It will probably go like this….
Ashleigh, 26, quit school at 16. Qualified at beauty school with a certificate of participation. Her nose is her own. Her boobs and lips aren’t. Meets Gavin, 25, qualified gym consultant. 15 tattoos between them. Both hope to one day be rich and famous.
Not much different from Bach.
I’ve already learned a new word~ “Charismatsic” Running her own media company and everything, too. Welcome to Lobotomy Island.
You make it sound like such an appealing television option, tonight…
There’s a semi naked guy cooking breakfast and it’s only day one. Showing off his Kardashian buttocks. This is definitely not Q&A.
I think the prize is $50, 000. Paltry.
“There’s a semi naked guy cooking breakfast and it’s only day one. Showing off his Kardashian buttocks.”
Damn it, I missed that part.
Wow – this is like the Kyle Sandilands as Judge show to me – except I read these comments and feel super amused. . . . But the comments are way better than actually watching.
Dave, sometimes you just fucking nail it.
Thanks , Von. I know it’s smarter to watch SBS and ABC, but………these shows are fair game muted, with music played over it.
See. All this banter is why I thought I might watch. 😂
I haven’t yet gut it’s recdd.
Yep. I watched the 1st ep so far. I’ll probably keep watching.
I’m sad that I missed the naked butts in the kitchen, but you know, I can live with it.
Believe it I’m sad to tell you there were then two naked butts serving meals after the initial “cook”. Breakfast is brownies or brown eyes, viewers decide.
There can be no excuses for missing this, since it’s encored profusely on 9Life.
Bums on benches; kitchen benches.
It’s absolute drivel but I am watching. The conversations ALL go; “I like Maurice, but I don’t know if Maurice likes me”. “I like Anna even though she’s not normally my type”. “I like Alicia which is weird because I have never had a girl before”. “I can’t decide between Gerard and Max”. That’s it. No discussions on war in the ME, or even the meaning of life.
I’m still watching….with all the schoolies, and other teenagers. I’m loving the loving, losing, lusting and leaving.
Tonight, Jessie who was with Owen, but dumped Owen for Gerard “like” yesterday, has now had her fickle head turned for the new guy so fast her ponytail couldn’t keep up with her spinning head.