Honestly, I haven’t been watching any HR, whereas I used to at least fast forward through the room reveals. Should I be? Would Jamie irk me?
Tomorrow: Victorian brothers Tim and Mat see their renovated 1950s weatherboard cottage for the first time. Have the teams nailed the chippies’ house rules.
Tuesday: Sunshine Coast couple Shayn and Carly hand over the keys to their tiny double brick home. (Windsong – is this the one in your area?)

I haven’t Jamie too irksome at all, to be honest. He’s kind of bland, in the way of C-list celebrities who are still slightly relevant, but in an inoffensive kind of way.
The judges were quite harsh, on how the teams renovated Tim and Mat’s 50s weatherboard cottage … but I tend to agree with them. The renovation was terrible. Everything was dark and black (and there was no reason, certainly no house rule requiring it to be). Two good rooms, and everything else was a write-off. Also, the folding glass wall (that opened straight out into the garden)? Sure, it’s a nifty gimmick, but if you were gonna open that every day, wouldn’t just be a magnet to bugs and rats and all sorts of things that you really don’t want in your house? Particularly not a house with a newborn inside.
As for Tuesday — yes! The Sunshine Coast house is my area (literally. The house is one suburb away. It’s just over the hill and down on the right from where I live. I could walk there in about 2 minutes from where I live). And the neighbour is the brother of a kid I went to school with (Caloundra is small town). Like I said, both my uncle and my father work in a local hardware/building supplies place (and that uncle lives, like, a street away. His wife was approached by the producers to do interviews in their carport, in case of bad weather), so I’m looking forward to seeing it all.
The judging was uneven and harsh.
One couple was called lazy. Whatever your views of the final product, no-one who does a reno in a week is lazy.
The little girls room didn’t follow the rules but was praised for being a room she could grow into. I thought it was ghastly. It was peach with these horrendous green wreaths on the wall. Just, no.
I agree with you, Windsong, on the folding glass door. Too many flies would float through every time a meal was cooked.
Interestingly, Fancypants called the couches in that room, Meh. I have that same couch. I’m a bit offended.
I’m glad that Tim liked his renovated house. We didn’t hear much from his wife, and I really would’ve liked to, just to know her feelings, because it’s her house too.
Meanwhile, finally, tomorrow night, we’re on the Sunshine Coast! Can’t wait. It was filmed in the last week of January, because I remember, that’s when they were here.
I found very little to like in this renovation but it is not my house. The bathroom that Lisa and Andy did was especially horrendous.
Don’t understand why the architect or whomever created the layout added a mud room. It wasn’t necessary. Could have just been a larger entry.
The TV in the den was way too small.
Agree about the glass door in the lounge. Not practical.
Didn’t mind the kitchen that much although it was too dark and I didn’t like those folding cabinet doors.
Too much black throughout the house and did not like the dark flooring.
Something is going to be “unvealed”. We learned a new word, thanks to the deluded dolts that get on these shows.
I mean, who doesn’t love a good unvealing?
Cows, maybe?
That was pretty cool.
When the teams were heading towards the house, I totally recognised the road they were on. And the tile, bathroom and furniture shops, I recognised all those (one of the teams was talking to someone from a bedding shop. I’m fairly certain that’s the person I bought a mattress from a few years back). I imagine the hotel, they put the teams up in for the week, was the Rumba (it’s the most upscale place in town, and it’s on the main street, overlooking Bulcock Beach. Yes, that’s the name of the beach).
I’m super-interested to see what the boys do with this secret hallway.
Did Jo really need to tell the teams, “Oh yeah, they don’t care how much effort you all put into finishing those room, they just wanted to vote strategically”? Like, was that necessary? Talk about pulling the pin and throwing a grenade into the house.
Damn it, House Rules. I thought you were better than this contrived, producer-mandated drama crap. Eugh. Courtney was right. That *was* deflating.
Post announcement discussions showed Pete and Courtney being disappointed they had won in that way but wasn’t their choice of challenge team done strategically too? Pete thought they could easily beat the boys who only had an entry and hallway in their zone. The fact that Joh blurted the whole plan out made matters worse.
O my… what a disastrous renovation. And after last week’s beautiful job in WA. Most of that is going to be so hard to fix. Even if the teams had been told it would be a “bachelor pad”, it was still way too masculine, and I felt sorry for Tim’s wife. She will spend the next year repainting walls with colour, and changing furniture to try to counteract the gloom. And constantly washing a black floor that shows every ounce of dirt. Poor girl.
I was glad to see the judges being harsher, especially on the black, which every team had decided was what Tim meant by “sleek”. However, I think they were harsh with the wrong teams. Looks like they had been told to crack down on Alex and Katie, to bring them back to the pack, and bring the dancers and Andy and Lisa up. I don’t think it is in the spirit of the competition to say that more is expected of a team who has done well so far. And their zone, if the white was a bit bland, was not dull and gloomy, and a simple repaint of one wall would transform it. The kitchen was boring and dull, and Isabella’s room only looked okay because it was such a relief from everything else, but there were impractical and dangerous items in there. I was cheering for Isabella to pull the tutu down and stomp on it. They certainly did not deserve the scores.
I was please to see the wavy feature in the dining room, but nearly cried when Carly started painting it black! And banquettes are always impractical, and I can see that being pulled out soon.
Why add an extension to the house, and make it so small? Not once during the week did anyone acknowledge that this is a FAMILY home. In a couple of years there will be at least one more child – one lounge chair won’t cut it. And the wardrobe was a massive fail, yet not reflected in the scoring.
Tim and Mat are obviously too nice, and didn’t want to offend anyone. Giving the same score to all but one team, is playing very safe. I prefer if they rank the zones from best to worst and run the scores down from 10/9 in steps. That seems fairer to me.