Good to have FFF back now Aussie Survivor is finished.
7:30pm on Nine
Our families have no idea what's about to hit them. š± #9FamilyFoodFight starts Monday 7.30pm on @Channel9!
— Family Food Fight (@9FoodFight) October 24, 2018

I’m confused or forgetful or both. Was FFF the one that had four members of a family competing against other teams of four family members? And there was some shouting and one or two teams had a dominant male who always wanted things done his way? And there were judges, teams didn’t judge each other?
This year there are only two family members on each team, right?. That sounds more like MKR, but I’m hopeful it is minus the nastiness and threats of bodily harm.
Somebody set me straight, please. My reality tv brain seems to have gone on the fritz.
Half the judges and half the contestants this year , as far as I know, Von.
Planning to watch and see. No Hayden Quinn. Tick.
There are Nonnas and dead parent stories in the promos. Vomit. Family Food Fail.
Reckon I’ll give Bride And Prejudice a whirl.
Isn’t it a prerequisite in cooking comps that dead relatives feature? I tuned in when the Afghani women were introduced. The dishes shown in their bit looked really appetising…but I haven’t had dinner yet. The fangirling over the judges was too much. This show hasn’t grabbed me, but I will barrack for the WA guys anyway.
Bride and Prejudice I will avoid like the plague. Ignorance, racism, sexism, and homophobia can in no way be entertaining.
Looks like it is only me and you, Dave. Or only me. It won’t be very interesting me commenting at myself; boring in the extreme. I didn’t see the end of tonight’s FFF because I changed over to watch HYBPA.
Fta television is generally shit lately.
I’m watching tonight.
I am watching it now. Yes, teams have been halved to pairs but there are now a million of them. Some interesting cultural backgrounds, including Afghan and Pacific Islander. In the intro packages there was a lot of focus on meat dishes, so I hope they can do cakes, too. First challenge is four hours and they cook three dishes – one for each judge. But they canāt start work on dish two until dish 1 is finished. They are given a brief for each dish but itās pretty vague. Tom wants them to use spices. On team does Korean fried chicken, another mantu dumplings. Itās obvious some of the contestants just want to be on TV – letās hope they can cook also.
The team with one vegan member is doing Moroccan pumpkin soup with cashew cream. The brother is an ambo; vegan sis trained as a scientist and now is now in a feminist circus performing group. Yes, reallly. The Pacific Islanders do a laksa.
The barbecuing brothers in law have rubbed activated charcoal on their steaks and, via spy camera, the judges are freaking out. Nonna sneaks more chilli into the caponata when daughter is not looking as daughter does not eat spice and Nonna is worried they wonāt fit the brief.
The Afghan girls have time management issues and are worried their dumplings are not cooked enough but the judges love them, as well as the Giles sistersā Korean fried chicken. The vegan soup is ādullā. And the judges have to eat their words on the charcoal steak.
Next up is Matt Moranās brief, for a hearty protein that shows some technique.
The vegans make chicken wings using cauliflower instead of meat. Cue concerned judges. The other teams are mostly doing lamb.
Nonna has been devastated by the recent death of her hubby so daughter has entered FFF to get her cooking again. Itās actually kind of nice – even with a contrived shot of her sitting forlornly on her couch – and her pasta technique looks brilliant. Unfortunately they are 10 seconds too late and their dish canāt be judged
The judges love the Afghan lamb pilau – these girls are contenders. The bros do good lamb rack but their potatoes are rubbish. A married couple has served up two rubbish meals in a row. The Giles sisters had oven drama and their lamb is raw. The islanders do well with pork and end up in second spot. Tom likes the vegan dish but Matt is cranky at them. Final round is dessert. There are a few tarts. The Italians are making cannoli.
Barbecue bros are rubbish at spun sugar, even after the vegans kindly tell them how to do it. The vegans are using chickpea water for meringue, which is something I have cooked and it usually surprises people, so I hope they do well.
Judges love the cannoli. Bros put popping candy in their cream and the judges like it with the rhubarb crumble. The Giles sisters – who seemed so promising – have stuffed up their pastry and meringue. The judges can taste the chickpea flavour in the vegan meringue, which means they havenāt done it as well as they could. The judges love the Afghan rice pudding so the sisters are three for three and will be top of the leaderboard. So they are safe for the week.
Tomorrow night they cook for celebrities, including KAK and Michael Klim.
This must have been filmed before she signed back with ch 10 to go on Studio 10.
Thanks Juz I enjoyed watching it. Though found the vegan a little frightening. Possible from the vegan diet, she was a little bit delirious.
Those eyebrows….
If someone told me they were giving me chicken wings but it was cauliflower I would be pissed off. I HATE cauliflower.
So are the vegans only going to cook vegan? They couldn’t even do a proper dessert. They do know they are on a cooking show so will be expected to cook meat at some stage don’t they?
Felt sorry for the ones who were a few seconds too late.
I thought the ones who put the popping candy would backfire & the judges wouldn’t like it but they did. Was funny seeing their faces when they realised.
The encore was pretty good. Really activated me charcoals.
Maybe that was the rawest lamb I’ve ever seen on an rtv show, but at least Matt wouldn’t score it.
Also a rare event ~ a dish plated up late is refused. Not seen on Ma$terchef or MKR.
Bride And Prejudice is pretty bad, horrible types on there.
I do like the new format with pairs. Last season it seemed there were two people in each group who were just there to make up the numbers and could not really cook, except for the top teams.
I still don’t know why they keep Anna. Yes, she can set some sweets challenges. But she doesn’t say much and also don’t critique much.
Thanks, Juz, for the recaps of last night.
Tonight, did that chef (the bald man, don’t know his name) say that one team would “excape” elimination. Oh dear.
How many of the contestants were commenting about what celebrities eat? Probably celebrities eat the same as the rest of us most of the time, and eat more elaborate dishes at a fancy restaurant, just the way not-famous people do.
The dramatics are starting early on FFF. That woman’s migraine did not need to be so blatantly featured. Tomorrow the promo shows someone either falling down or collapsing *dun dun*. Sigh. Just have them cook; I don’t care about every blister, cut or minor burn.
Matt Moran or should it be, “Moron”?
The hot dogs look like hot ābogsā.charming, jazzman
I have just fast forwarded through the celebrity and fast food episodes. I quite like this show and once the teams are whittled down more I will probably enjoy it even more. The Maori mum and daughter are lovely
What a disappointment that the vegans pulled out. Really wanted to see them have to cook with meat.
The phrase on this show is ‘ you got this’