Unfortunately MKR has stuck to the old format and decided not to shake up its cook-off judging panel. Fingers crossed for some fresh faces next year.
Colin Fassnidge, Karen Martini, Guy Grossi and Liz Egan join Manu and Pete for the first semifinal. Teams have to deliver the best food of their lives if they want a place in the grand final.

Watch Kim and Suong garb too much stuff out of the pantry … watch Nic and Josh lose their cool/suck up to the judges
Hey, it’s Colin, Guy, Karen and … that other blonde woman who’s there to make up the numbers.
Liz Egan?
Guy Grossi the Godfather of Italian Cooking?. A gross exaggeration.
Getting tired of the purphole valvet soot , Manu. Fineholes time.
I’m still not sure why Liz is there … but then, I’m not sure why I’m still watching, either. This has been a wretched season.
The woman who eats like she is placing a small turd in to her mouth – every single time!
She’ll raise her eyebrows mysteriously when sampling the turd.
They should rename the show My Cuisine Rules
Yeah, with a table full of Vietnamese and Italian cuisine, I wonder which meal came from the Vietnamese team and which meal came from the Italian team? Talk about a mystery.
Whenever Josh and Nic talk about their beef cheeks, all I can think of is the nude photoshoot they did with “No Idea”. It’s not a particularly appetising thought.
No, Josh, I’m not interested in your tender beef cheeks.
Stella and jazzy are nice girls but pastry gate has left a funny taste in my mouth.
Also, surely one of them could of learnt to make a simple pastry if they were going in a cooking show where everybody makes there own pastry
During the competition, usually remaining contestants will practice on techniques they are not familiar with. You will think Jazzy should have at least learned how to do shortcrust pastry.
But even if she can do the pastry, placing a stupid pastry on top of the dessert is suppose to be a pastry dessert
Bingo! Talk of leaving family behind
The viewers’ heartstrings have been abused by this show for years.
Hat + mouth don’t have much to say tonight. Who can blame them after last night.
Hat+mouth “All that seafood keeps cooking in a scanpan, it’s ruined”
Judges “…..and the seafood was cooked to perfection…”
What an own goal.
“The sauce is draping that pasta like a beautiful married couple.”
… I’m sorry. What?
OMG! I missed that! Who said that??
It was one of the Italian brothers. Just as they were finishing preparing the main, and they said that. And I was just like, that doesn’t even make sense.
I didn’t hear that either (strictly captions here) but I wouldn’t put that past Guy Grossi. He’s swallowed a few cookbooks and much more in his time. He’s now packing jowls that would make Matt Preston sweat.
You too can make a “cheap” Vietnamese soup for dinner. Probably $100 worth of protein in the broth alone. It does look awesome though!
Yes, their soups are usually full of flavour. But the amount of ingredients went into it will send me broke. Its not a poor man soup.
Careful not to get your nose caught in the pasta machine, Nic.
Mr and Mrs Hat not happy
Because they have to cook against them in the final?
I think it will be Mr and Mrs Hat against Kim and Suong in the final.
Mrs Hat over reacting to everything is driving me up the wall tonight. Can’t wait to see her completely lose her sh*t tomorrow night.
Well, 5 days until Masterchef. This one’s better be good! 😀 I wish they would have a season like season 2. It was the first one I saw and apart from some stupid things, it was great. Adam Liaw was pretty quickly my favourite.^^ Was happy he actually won back then.
Love Adam and Callum has done really well here in Adelaide, establishing a cooking school and teaching kids about food
Hope it’s at least better than MKR.
The soup and pasta looked delicious. Perhaps if the bros had been in the bottom more they would not have panicked with the entree. Kim and Suong has better make a decent dessert for the grand final, otherwise they won’t have made a single decent sewers the whole comp
Didn’t the brothers have to cook off in sudden death cook off in the Elimination House?
Oops sorry. They were the episodes I skipped out of sheer meh-ness!
I believe all the finalists had to cook in the Elimination House at some time
Hahaha Karen when Colin swiped her sweet !!! So pompous.
What about the size of the mouthfuls Colin takes? Shovels it in like there’s no tomorrow.
You could sort of tell from the look on Karen’s face, she was thinking, “Do I need the pay cheque this badly?”
BDD – I know, it is embarassing.
WS – Exactly! But ironic in the moment, her comtempt of Colin’s greed for good grub, whilst she’s shovelling in the cash for doing SFA.
I might have to watch the next episode just to laugh at Emily’s histrionics. However, don’t know if my ears can handle it.
Promo showed Emily crying during the critiques. Only means she is going to the final.
One team wants the money for their wedding. Another teams for their children. Where is the food dream?
So we’re thinking the grand final is going to be the Hats versus 5000 Ingredients?
Social media is in meltdown with the result. Surprisingly not many fans of Kim and Suong. If they scored the dishes individually, I think Nic and Josh would have won.
Are we going to see another soup for the final? There is a herbal duck noodle soup which they haven’t cook yet
It feels like the show spent so much time on the horrible drama-filled teams (or the teams who should be there but aren’t), so the only context we have for the Vietnamese mothers is that they’re awful at time-management. Like that’s it, that’s the only thing I know about either of them. Oh, and something about children.
Because to be honest, I don’t really care much for them either. Not in a, “They’re horrible” way, but in a, “They’re boring and there were much better cooks this year so why are they still here” kind of way.
But then I cared for the Italian brothers even less, so, eh.
Hardly unbiased judging when the two cuisines are Italian and Vietnamese.
Anywho, the Italians have got their prize, I saw their ice cream at Coles yesterday.
This is one Final where we really dont care who wins. Just like the one with Kelly and the other team that got to the Final with undercook chicken or duck