Hooray! Sophie’s here! I’m hoping for a season with far less pashing on than Matty’s Bachelor season.
We get a 90-minute premiere tomorrow and tomorrow night 70 mins for the first date.
(Matty’s first date was with Elora, and we know who that turned out. Georgia Love’s first date was with Jake, the tall, dark, brooding chap. Sam Wood picked Sarah. Umm, was she the blonde one who made final three? Sam Frost chose Dave the plumber and Richie picked Nikki.)
Interview with Sophie here.
One of the contestants is professional polo player Bingham Fitz-Henry, 25. Do we think this is his real name?
The Bachelorette Australia screens on Ten, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7.30pm.

Forget betting on which guy she picks. I’d like to bet on how long the relationship lasts once the cameras stop rolling. I don’t mean to sound cynical, but this is just going to be a very weird viewing experience. And I’m absolutely gonna be tuning in tomorrow night, so what do I know?
Difficult given she hasn’t the cream of the crop from which to choose. Why the hell have they given her twenty somethings who have little life experience?
I can see Sophie falling in love with a professional polo player. At least her teeth won’t stand as much amongst all those horses.
I heard an interview with Sophie this morning where she said she went in with full intentions to be chaste and then ended up kissing everyone. She said she felt the kiss was important as a yes/no.
I like her – but then I used to like Matty.
Juz, you will be disappointed. She kissed more than Matty. She admitted there is only one date without kissing. That poor guy will be gone pronto
It would take Steven Hawking to figure out how many gazillions of bacteria are being exchanged in these precious moments.
Ch 10 celebrate the worst flu season of all time like this.
Thank God the Bachelor is over and this version starts up again.
Wonder why the Bachelorettes (Sam and Georgia) are so much more appealing and charming than their male counterparts? 3 of the 5 recent Bachelors have been complete duds in this respect. (I’m looking at you Blake, Richie, Matty)
I was unsure about Sophie Monk at first but the more I read or hear about her, the more I’m starting to like her. Maybe it’s because she gives me a sense that she’s a 3-dimensional character… Fun, ditzy, (a bit) plastic, loud and embarrassing, yet in those pieces to camera, she laughs at herself and can be vulnerable.
I was dubious at first too but I’m being converted.
Hopefully Sophie is not a puppet (looking at you Matty)
She did say she could send some home straight away. Some are there for the wrong reasons. But kept them for some fun. Hope she has some fun with them!!!
Bingham Fitz-Henry sounds like my Jane Austen beau name!
There are only 3 or 4 worthy of my attention. Is it too soon for a poll?
I have put my money on this one early : Jefferson (meh), 30 (better), with (we are guessing) a beautiful accent.
I am a sucker for an Italian/Venezuelan type.
Nice smile.
Looks nice in this photo but who is he? I don’t remember seeing any good looking ones.
Apart from the fact that he didn’t get much (if any) air time in Ep 1 (which is never a good sign) – looks like he spent too much time drinking and less time wooing Sophie at he first cocktail party!
Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious. Who would’ve guessed that would happen when you take a bunch of twenty-year-olds and give them unlimited booze? I am shocked. Shocked.
I like the magician Apollo, although James the nervous financial advisor was pretty adorable too.
I also like Jarrod the winemaker. Very decent.
It’s the winemaker and the financial planner for me. The Uncle was such a letdown after his nephews built him up. There are some pretty dodgy ones in there (like Blake from WA, deja vu there). I’m totally loving Sophie Monk, I have high hopes for this series.
Dish mop hair.
Yes looks so over bleached must feel like cotton wool.
Apollo was a bit Incredible Hulk for my taste, and I went right off him when he ran the walk off. BTW what’s the dab dab thing about? Do we need to be in our 20s for tgat?
Blake … this season’s Jen? Which means we’re stuck with him for the foreseeable future.
Sophie will string him along!! As if Sophie cant see through his arrogance.
But yeesh, there’s some douche-nozzles in the crowd tonight.
Just like the Jens and Leahs of the world, it’s not hard to see why some of these people are still single.
She said there was one who made a great first impression but turned out to be “the biggest douche I’ve ever met”. I think Blake fits the bill.
Well spotted JayBlossom, that does sound like him.
I like the wine maker. Yummy !
She also had good banter with the magician 🎩
Blake – what an unfortunate name. Good gifts though !
I think a lot of the men are too young for her.
Ryan is way too aggressive.
The music changed for James and Luke, they showed Jarrods background (also Blakes but he is a douche) and positive banter with Appollo. Those 4 will be in the last ones standing….
James was the nervous financial planner, Apollo was the magician, Jarrod was the handsome vineyard owner and Blake was Douche 1. But who was Luke? I wasn’t paying attention.
Luke was the ‘business culture consultant’ – I don’t know what that is either… Sophie described him as George Clooney like – he bought a gift (in a big blue bag) but I don’t think they showed her open it or what it was?
I was reading something online and totally missed him. Heh. I also like Sam and his Adorable Nephews.
The hair was a real turn off with the Uncle.
No!! The nephews were so much better tv than wispy man bun uncle.
I hope Luke is not on the show to promote his business. His company is Soul Consulting.
Soul Consulting specialises in developing strong company cultures through the implementation of Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness Practises and Executive Coaching.
Sounds like a bit of a wank to me!
Good lord.
Jarrod has à n intro montage. He will definitely be Top 3
Eden, Appollo. Wtf were these suitors’ parents thinking?
Are we going to meet Thor or Socrates tonight?
We got us a “Jourdan “. Yee haw!
And he’s Douche number 2.
Let’s send him on a long drive to nowhere… by himself!
The double delight rose 🌹
Who comes up with this stuff ! Too funny for words.
Believe it or not , it’s a real name for that kind of rose.
I didn’t know and was just informed. How educational is this show?
Wow, Ryan.
How much self-awareness does this guy lack? I can’t imagine why he’s single.
Sophie should definitely not give him a rose.
She should, in fact, give him a restraining order. And quickly.
Could be the first one sent home. And he doesn’t have the good looks.
Isnt he like Rys ladt sesson
I’m cracking up laughing that he’s looking for “spontenuity”.
Sophie wants to meet someone without a massive ego, cut Ryan loose NOW!
Ryan might already have a couple of restraining orders. The aggression jumped out of my tv and bit me.
It’s a douche bun, Uncle Sam.
Sophie trapped in an enclosed space with Ryan. Is anyone else genuinely concerned for Sophie’s safety?
“Beautiful voice”, says Sophie. Her stalker has arrived in style.
“Me. You. You and me. Me and you. You. Me. Me. You.”
Did he write it himself?
Gee there are some weird guys for Sophie
I can see why she said she wanted to send 10 of them home after night one!
I’m hoping she’s got some restraining orders on stand by! They didn’t subject Georgia Love to this many weirdos.
No, they didn’t, did they? And it’s unsettling how transparent they are, just looking for weirdos who attract attention.
Or rude pigs.
Guessing Apollo is looking for publicity for his magic show.
True. But it could be because they think Sophie’s more likely to be diverted by that sort of thing? I know my depraved sense of humour is tickled pink by some of these morons.
I’m only half-watching this, I confess. I’m kind of embarrassed by it all.
And not even by Sophie.
But where the hell did the production crew even *find* some of these jerks? What the hell were they thinking?
Blake continues to ruin the name for the rest of the Bachelor franchise. Jourdan clearly needs psychological help, and as for Ryan? Seriously, Sophie. Restraining order. Get one right now.
Getting scalped would improve some of these gice appearances.
So guys in the running from the start …
1. Apollo the absurdly-handsome magician. He’s hot. He knows magic. He could easily make my pants disappear.
2. Jarrod the handsome vineyard owner. The guy owns a vineyard. Enough said.
3. James the nervous financial planner. He was nervous not in a bad way, but in a kind of adorable way. And the lead on this show generally responds well to people who are as nervous as they are.
4. Uncle Sam. Great personality, and sending his nephews in first was clearly a great move. He’s funny and quirky in a lovely, self-aware way. Just that hair-cut … it’s like he’s glued random strips of hair he’s found in the street to his scalp. I can’t understand it.
Guys leaving soon.
– Blake, douche 1.
– Jourdan, douche 2.
– Ryan, douche 3.
Agree with all of above Windsong. Just add in Luke as a contender.
Apparently her code name for the guy is ‘uncle dave’ I hope they didn’t give away the chosen one on night one!
Ryan thinks interrupting her makes him a ‘real man”. No, Ryan, it just makes you rude!
I mostly agree Windsong, the exception is Apollo, I think he’ll be kept in as the narrator and for aesthetic pleasure. Unless I didn’t see it properly I thought he’s only 2, way too young.
Ooops that was supposed to be 24 not 2.
2 definitely would be too young :).
I actually remember thinking when Apollo was introduced that there seemed to be a bit of an age-gap there. But I’d still rather spend time with him than with Jourdan-with-a-u.
He is more mature than a lot of them but I think the age will scare her off
Some of the 20 something guys look so old.
And a lot of them still seem so incredibly immature that I can’t believe she’d even contemplate dating them.
Ryan told Jourdan to “pus off”.
Poor Sophie.
I hereby bestow on thee my awesome family vineyard.
It was fun watching Blake miss out on the double delight rose.
What is with Jourdans limp, that comes and goes?
I have a limp that comes and goes depending on how tired I am. Having said that I am middle-aged and and it doesn’t come and go more than once in a single evening (once it comes it stays for the evening).
He is a very odd character and I think they’ll need life jackets for the flood of tears when Sophie turfs him (given that he cried at the memory of being unjustly accused of cheating).
Damn it, she kept all three of the douches! Sophie, c’mon, you gotta work with us here.
And the guys she eliminated, poor … uh … oh, like it matters.
Anyway. Next episode is the photoshoot group date, and all the guys get their shirts off. I’m okay with this.
I laughed so hard at your “…uh…oh, like it matters” that my chest is hurting!
It sure doesn’t matter that Michael Bolton was sent home.
I thought he looked like the guy from Nickelback. I can’t remember his name, but you know who I’m talking about.
I’m pretty sure I heard/read that Sophie kept some of the ones she knew were dickheads just to mess with them. But really, bad manners should never be rewarded and on that basis alone she should have sent Ryan packing (not to mention her own personal safety).
My biggest surprise is how much I enjoyed Sophie as the Bachelorette.
How they behave in the group dates probably tells her just as much if not more about them then she gets on single dates. Good to keep a douche or two and see how the guys she really likes, behave around them.
I’m really enjoying her too.
Now that I’ve gotten past her strangely proportioned and somewhat immobile facial features, her self deprecating and rather insightful remarks have pretty much won me over.
Well, she’s admitted that the cosmetic work on her lips was a mistake. I don’t think we could disagree too much there.
But LOL at her strangely immobile facial features. I had that exact same thought last night, that gale force winds couldn’t move her face. It was a little unsettling.
Good grief. That led me down the rabbit hole of googling lip augmentation to see if it was reversible, and some of those images are now seared on my brain.. ugh
Pretty much sums up all our thoughts.
I have this weird feeling … and I hope I’m proven right as the season unfolds … that Uncle Sam is due for a makeover episode, where he visits a stylist and gets a hair-cut, and it turns out, he’s absolutely gorgeous without the odd hair. And Sophie’s just like, “… damn, man, you clean up good” or something.
Good thought Windsong, he has a nice face but that man bun/half dreadlock/ half mullet number wouldn’t be a good look on anyone.
Right now he looks like a homeless Brad Pitt.
The guys on The Bachelorette are so much more supportive than the girls on The Bachelors.
I saw more competition than support last night as they all jostled unpleasantly for position.
A couple of “dudes” or should I say “duds” were laughing at Jourdain limping , while ‘roid rage Ryan wanted him removed spontuniously from proceedings when he started bawling.
You can put monkeys in suits , but they are still monkeys.
Just because you put a bloke in a suit, doesn’t make them a man.
A lot of adolescent behaviour from this group.
Loved Sophie’s humorous confessionals but that dress was not flattering – and she would look great in most outfits. But between her accent and Ryan’s spontan-uity I thought I’d flicked to
Kath & Kim by accident. And sudden limp-weepy-impeccably dressed guy – is he, ummm, on the right show? I had to fast forward through some of the extra testosteroney moments.
Bland colour dress, awful cut. And yes, “bewdy mite”.
Yeah, I’m glad someone else said that, because I thought that dress was really bad. Why wasn’t she wearing that gorgeous red dress from all the promotional ads? She looked amazing in that one.
The wardrobe person should be fired.
So far the top contendets are in their 30’s. Apollo may just be too young for Sophie.
They’ll keep him in to narrate and prompt the other guys into making fools of themselves.. Walk Off.. What!
Just in case that wasn’t rhetorical, it’s a Zoolander reference Peski.
I reckon a lot of “normal” guys would have been scared off by the news it was Sophie, as they had to tell them beforehand.
I don’t watch The Batchelor or Batchelorette, but I like Sophie so thought I’d watch this one. Don’t know half of their names but that Ryan was a rude prick. She was all set to give her speech & he just interrupts & drags her off to make sure she was in it for the right reason. Is he kidding? Who is he to judge. She should have told him to wait his turn. Then the others decided to go in too & he kicks them out. Who put him in charge?
I missed the last half hour because I changed over to Doctor Doctor. Hopefully there’s an encore tomorrow.
I’m like you and don’t watch either of the programs but only watching because of Sophie. Too bad she couldn’t eliminate more than 2 in the beginning…dump Ryan, Jourdan and Blake….top 3 douches. Didn’t even see her interact with the 2 she dumped. They will probably have her keep the 3 douches around just for conflict and faux drama.
I thought it was too soon to get rid of anyone. How do you get to know anyone properly with such a big group?
From tonight…Blake was dressed like a movie theatre usher. Sophie has always had a face that is pretty, but not pretty at the same time, but she has a great personality. I loved when she threw the mask in the bushes.
But biggest take-away….it might be my age, but I found most of those guys loutish and really disrespectful. I would feel insulted if a guy thought he could treat me like a slag and be as rude as some of those guys, and I don’t just mean Tom Hanks the undie thrower. If I was Sophie I would be looking behind the louts to the guys who were polite. I love funny, but not loud. Too many 20 year olds acting like drunk 17 year olds.
Most of those guys are punching too far above their weight. May I suggest……
Fell asleep half way through. Will catch up through this blog.
Was there anyone older than Sophie in the group?
Too many 20 some year olds who are very immature. I can’t see her choosing any of them.
There was a list in one of the magazines. They seem to range from 24 to 37. They said only one was older than Sophie.
This one episode was more exciting than any episode concerning the most recent season of the Bach. Sophie was a great choice for this – beautiful and self deprecating sense of humour. I don’t think she is going to suffer fools easily and I hope she really does find love here. She has enough personality to carry the show on her own and I think will have a lot of fun especially with the whole silly/theatrical side of things. Go Soph!
Early fave is wine guy. He reminds me of Cam Cranley.
Not just self-depreciating. She didn’t mind taking a harmless swipe at the guys which was unexpected and funny. Also I liked when she said, “I want a man like you, Dad, but handsomer”. Although “handsomer” isn’t a word btw.
She said in a magazine she had found love. Whether it’s from the show or someone not related to it who knows.
How prepared was Sam with the thermals?? Didn’t make for a romantic strip down for the undies run!
I hope he gets a haircut too.
I hope she can choose someone out of this crazy bunch!
And what about the fact that he had to strip down 3 layers while Sophie is standing there half naked in that (questionable) dress..
My thoughts exactly and from what I saw only one of them gave her his coat.
I think the underwear shows a sensible side, like someone who would remember mozzie repellent for a barbeque. I think Sophie appreciates that. 😉
On Sophie’s lips and Brad Pitt’s make- over….seeing these old girls on studio 10 ( yes someone here drew me in to occasionally watching it) with their tight faces, makes me take comfort in my old face with its au natural sags and crinkles.
Ladies, keep your lived-in faces. It’s like a good old leather chair that’s seen better days, compared to a vinyl knock-off.
I wouldn’t mind looking like Jane Fonda at 80, although she had a head start.
On the studio, Sophie is naturally funny. Lovely. Ding Dong tries 2B funny. Annoying.
Who is Ding Dong?
Who is Ding Dong?
LP Ding Dong is Denise Drysdale.
Thanks Erin!