Bachie chat for Wed, Aug 31 and Thurs, Sep 1 (crikey – spring is here already!).
Olena is keeping her walls up… For now. 😉 #TheBachelorAU 7.30PM Wednesday
— The Bachelor Aus (@TheBachelorAU) 29 August 2016
So, Mean Girl Rachel is the only one left with brownish hair – is she next on Richie’s chopping block? Who’s the next closet to brunette – Kiki?
Thoughts on tonight
* Nikki gets the single date and now I’m worried that her edit is so favourable that she isn’t the winner after all.
Nikki just dropped the L bomb and we just dropped our hearts. ❤❤❤ #TheBachelorAU
— The Bachelor Aus (@TheBachelorAU) 31 August 2016
* I don’t like country music but that band was tight.
* I’m surprised they didn’t dress her in cowboy boots and denim; she looked liked Sandy at the end of Grease.
* I love how inappropriately dressed the girls were for the Tough Mudder challenge. Did they ask then to wear white?
* Judging from Olena’s reaction to the mozzie on her shoulder, she needs to go on I’m a Celeb next year.
* Love how Mean Girl Rachel thinks being awesome at a climbing a wall is how to get Richie’s attention; everyone knows the girls who are rubbish/cry/twist their ankles get the most Bachie attention because otherwise they look like douches.
That was seriously impressive from a girl who is scared of insects! #TheBachelorAU
— The Bachelor Aus (@TheBachelorAU) 31 August 2016
* Finally, we get to see a sense of humour from Olena after the mudpit: “Then you can check yourself for any leeches that are sucking your blood away.”
* Richie was right: A bottle of water tipped over her face transformed Olena from mud monster to elegant model in a second.
Is this the start of a deeper Rolena romance? 🌺🌺 #TheBachelorAU
— The Bachelor Aus (@TheBachelorAU) 31 August 2016
* Boy, Rachel is competitive. But I guess we do need to have a snarky narrator and she can at least string a sentence together.
* So, at this stage I believe Keira is the only person to go on a single date and not get a rose.
* Are there any potential Bachelorettes in this season? Nikki is not outgoing off; Alex too stalkery; viewers wouldn’t warm to Kiki; Olena too aloof. Rachel too mean; and Steph is a nonentity. Hmm, maybe Faith? She’s vivacious enough but we haven’t seen much of her.
* At the cocktail party Steph is again going for the 2am at a nightclub look. Her hair looks incredible brittle.
* Can someone please teach the girls the correct phrase is “so few people”.
* Awww, poor teary Faith at the cocktail party. She seems like a nice gel.
* No white rose drama tonight.
* We didn’t get to see any of Rachel’s convo with Richie at the cocktail party. Are they trying to hide a growing relationship from the edit.
* Those dresses Nikki and Olena picked were not flattering.
Olena and Nikki both received a rose from Richie after their dates. They are safe tonight. #TheBachelorAU
— The Bachelor Aus (@TheBachelorAU) 31 August 2016
* OMG he kept Steph AKA Jeanne Little’s granddaughter.
* Given Kiki was the only original left he hadn’t pashed, it’s no surprise Richie kept Faith. It was a gracious exit from her. Perhaps it was a case of Richie deciding it was easier not to draw out the Kiki thing when they were clearly not suited.
Tomorrow night
Hamish Blake crashes Faith and Richie’s single date and is their toddler for the night. This should be good. Like Richie’s old man date with Sam last season, they’ve picked a girl whom they know will be up for a bit of fun.

So, tonight on the Bachelor, will Richie finally vote the last brunette girl off the island and … oh wait, no, I’m confusing my reality shows. Never mind.
I still reckon he looks as if a good shower and hair wash wouldn’t go astray.
Maybe that’d help with the smell?
Meanwhile, is anybody a lot more into Rachel after the Tough Mudder date, or is it just me? She’s kind of a badass.
Seriously girlfriend, ditch Richie and get out of here. You’re better off without him.
Yes. I loved Rachel doing evil laugh. “Bwaaa aaa aaa”.
But I still think she has a mean face.
Rachel made a good kick-butt.
Olena looked gorgeous.
Richie was getting some Olena while he could. I think he might choose her.
Alex had a mean pouty face at the rose ceremony.
Alex really does look like a Bond villain when she’s displeased, doesn’t she? I think she turns it on and off whenever she wants, she comes across as not very genuine, to me.
But she soon brightened up.
Those teeth can’t be real.
The line, “I know you’re going to make some guy very happy one day”, is like getting, “Tries hard” on your report card”, or a “Means well”.
Did her best. C+
Great recap, Juz. Yes. I have done my share of seduction in my youth and it never involved being the best at soccer or mud runs. Not unless it involved a strategic underwear malfunction. 😙
Well, well, I think Alex has shot herself in the foot. She pulls out an album of her son’s baby photos so that Richie can put a face to a name and I think he’s now terrified. Reckon she won’t make the final three! Time to go Rachel and Alex.
If Alex is genuine, I think the reality of her child had to be brought up. It would have had to be an elephant in the room. I say gutsy move in this superficial game.
Aaaah. No wonder Megan left Richie. Two that got away.