Welcome to a new site about watching TV. Whether you love a show or loathe it, this is the place to talk about it. Reality TV – especially Australian content – is my guilty pleasure but those with more highbrow tastes are also welcome. However, if you’re a fan of Two and a Half Men you may want to slink away to another corner of the interweb … Bear with me while I find my feet with this new-fangled technology.
Admin Juz
PS: You no longer need to register to comment. If the spambots attack this may change. If you want to email me, check out the contact page.

Thanks Juz.
Woo hoo – you were first, LIttlepetal! Thanks for coming. Next time your comment should appear straight away but give me a yell if you have any dramas.
Heya, as offered for Daisy recently: I could cover Project Runway episodes (even though it is not Australian, they usually have designers from ANZ). I can also cover Bake Off as soon as it starts as there are several fans here. ๐
Woohoo! Two and a Half Men is the worst! Hello Zhee!
2 and 1/2 men might be one of the 10 worst TV shows ever. I didn’t watch it, but I thought that remake of the Odd Couple looked excruciating.
Oh yep, skipped that one too. Sometimes after I am watching Frasier, Will & Grace or something on Foxtel, Two and a Half Men comes on before I get to change the channel. It is so horrible it hurts my brain. Disgusting show!
Oh I remebered another show I hate, but the young ones probably like;
Big Bang Theory.
I quite liked BBT at first, but now I don’t anymore. It’s annoying. Especially once my world was opened up to the brilliance of single-cam comedies that our stupid network channels neglect/ don’t give prominence to, like Parks and Rec, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Community, etc etc
Zhee, that all sounds fantastic. I watch both of those (when I can find a means to do so). I remember Sean from NZ on PR a few years ago with that white dress that dye trickled down as the model walked through the rain. GBBO is the best!
Hello Eliza – please take a glass of imaginary champers as a welcome drink …
My personal IT guru just enabled a widget thingy so users can upload pix. If you are on an iPad or phone you should be able to select from your camera roll, if you feel like sharing a photo. Here’s a test pic (an attempt to get my son to eat a tiny bit of strawberry – epic fail).
Juz, put the strawberries, some yoghurt and a bit of milk in the blender and drink it or make it into icy poles.
Daisy, believe me I’ve tried. Aaargh
Oh I forgot.. Looks like we have the same benchtop.. Caesarstone?
I think mine is a knockoff, but I can still put hot pans on it.
Thanks, Juz.
So cool we can post images! Here is Ron, perfectly summing up my current emotions. Don’t think anyone here likes cricket but the Sydney Thunder just won so a happy dance is a must!
Eliza, I don’t like cricket, but I like the dance.
It’s a versatile dance ๐
Also, so great we can now reply to individual comments!
Oh my gosh, Zhee.. that is the best! I love Ron’s smile. So creepy but so good! We can have so much fun now with the gifs ๐ ๐ ๐
Hi Everyone. Juz, I love the new features. It will take me learning some new computer skills. I went into gravatar to try and do a pic for my profile but it didn’t work for me. Also I am switching between my tab and laptop to see which is working better.
I am not sure if it is because our internet is dodgy at the moment.
Anyway, nice to be here for the birth of the new baby.
I have tickets to see the great man here in SA next month. I shall be consuming all the bacon and eggs I have before the show.
Great to have the site up. Thank you so much Juz and hi everyone.
Daisy! Yay! I don’t know what I’m doing either but we’ll muddle our way through.
Juz, you are amazing. In just a couple of days you have added so many features. Many thanks for all your efforts.
Ohhh!! That will be amazing!! Ron and Tammy 2.. Hilarity ensues!
Ron is the best.. you might like this I did: https://society6.com/product/ron-swanson-loves-bacon_t-shirt#11=50&4=100&5=17
I need to do a Ron Swanson face one too.. I will add it to the list.
We just got an email that Megan can’t make it due to working elsewhere. So even more Ron! Happy days.
Zhee GBBO started here this week on foxtel. There is a follow up show which is like a spoof of what happened in the ep. The eliminated contestant is also in it. It gave me a good chuckle.
No worries, All Happening.
Ron Swanson rules!
GBBO is usually starting in August here in Europe. I always get totally excited. It’s better than Christmas. ๐
And yes, Sean’s outfit back then was great, or I should better say: The show was great. I think it was for Avantgarde, but the dress itself wasn’t Avantgarde at all. But the effect was fantastic. ๐
I am watching PR for over 10 years now. Found it during my University days on Youtube. Like ANTM.^^ And got totally hooked. ๐ I stopped watching ANTM after 3 seasons or so but Project Runway is to date my favourite show. Although I totally miss Michael Kors. :S
Yeah, I prefer Kors to Zac Posen. And perhaps it’s time for Nina to take a break.
I tried uploading a random pic from my gallery just to see if I could but computer said “No”. “Too big”. Next step to get Woolif to show me what to do.
Eliza, good job loading the video.
Daisy you may need to take the pic down to a smaller pixel count so that makes the file smaller. I use a graphics program to to lower the quality of the pic for emails sometimes. Worth a try.
Hi Juz, thanks for the site, I’m just testing to see if I can get a photo.
Tried to resize but no go, I’m afraid.
Ooops, too big! How do I delete?
Pandy – if you right click on it does it give you any options? Otherwise I think I can do it from the admin portal?
Yes, you do it please.
Somehow, I googled avatar and gravatar, and wordpress, ( I had never heard of any of them and didn’t know what you were talking about) , so I signed up and added my owl picture, but thought it wasn’t working until this morning when I see it has come up!
I finally made it.
Thanks so much For the site and your help Juz ๐
Gorgeous puppy dog Pandy.
It’s about time, Gabby ๐
Thanks, I will figure it out eventually!
Hey Pandy, how are you?? Are you watching the NEW US Bach, Ben?? On 9Life. Ep 3. Not Ben from Sonoma, a new one, so exciting!
No Izzy, we haven’t got 9Life in our regional area as yet.
Oh that’s a shame. Can u watch it via catchup tv online on the nine jumpin website? There have been 3 eps so far. And I just carefully googled the ew recap for it and it aired in Jan 2016 so this is current season, straight from the USA! I can’t believe it!!
I will try that, thanks Izzy.
Love this. We are all learning new skills.
Took me awhile to download the avatar. Initially it keeps telling me I have low memory. After many tries without changing the size of the photo, it works. Not sure why.
Ha ha, Littlepetal. I was thinking the same thing…that we are all having to learn, although clearly some, eg Eliza already have it in the bag.
Oh and BTW Littlepetal….love the cake. But Itchy and Scratchy would have been cute too.
Haha.. well, I have just been doing a graphic design course so good to put some skills at work in the world of web… Although the Gravatar thing was a bit buggy for me too so it must be its fault ๐
Eliza you naughty girl. Why didn’t you put your own art on your avatar?
Isn’t my photography of my sweet little evil darling cat considered my art? ๐ I have been going crazy lately making lots and lots and lots of patterns! I can change it. You should put your drawings up!
Eliza, your kitten is very good enough. โบ
I put a couple of drawings up yesterday somewhere.
Hi all.
Well done on the new blog, Juz! It’s looking great.
Thanks, Rosie – glad you made it.
Juz, I love how you have included the edit feature.
I have my IT sidekick to thank for that. He’s playing with a few other features to make things easier for us, like getting numbers for each comment.
Hi everyone, Happy Australia Day!
Isn’t this great, it’s like we have all gone on holiday together. I’m really looking forward to this year.
Happy Australia day!!
Hi Sandiiiii and Gabby! Long time no chat! Happy Oz Day.
Now to start unpacking. And collect my bunny rabbit from next door.
I’m liking these like buttons the Sidekick has magicked up
We’ve wanted like buttons for ages! !
Yes.. I was going to ask for a ‘like’ button the other day but didn’t want to be annoying. It is amazing! Can it make it so you know who has liked your comment? Hehe
Where have you been, Iz? Was it you that went OS too like Daisy?
Hey Eliza! I’ve just been on a local SA holiday for 4 days. I WISH I went overseas! I’ve been sad that there were no comments on RR for ages. So happy to be all together again! !
We’ve visited Goolwa and Victor before but never had a family holiday there. Got as far as Aldinga Beach last weekend and the boy had a blast in the shallows.
Oh, nice. I still have never been to SA. I have just been down in Melbourne now back home. I am so exhausted from WATCHING so much sport haha!
Feels like a reunion! I guess we aren’t notified if we get a reply or a like or if there is a new comment? Is that correct Awesome Juz?
lol IT Sidekick is looking into a feature to send a notification about a new comment. I found some in my junk mail but I think it’s because I’m an admin.
Remember the very funny Carol(without the e)? I found her email address and let her know about talking. But I received an aotu reply and she is on hols atm. Probably OS.
Hopefully she will read my email and join us when she returns.
I wonder when BDD will rock up.
Hello, Izobel2 !! Lovely to catch up xx
Hey Iz you made it here and home! I hate unpacking after a holiday, have fun…
Are you still watching Come Dine With Me?
Hey Gab, haven’t watched it in a while, but still love it when I see it!
Looking forward to all the new shows coming shortly!
And have found the new US Bachelor is on Nine Life, ep 3 just aired so I’m going to eatch it on 9 catch up tv, woo hoo!!
Thanks Juz for all these extras you keep on adding to the site. You and your mousse cake loving partner are doing a bonza job.
He’s not bad, eh? He’s done some cool stuff I was at work today.
He’s amazing. (Reward sex tonight).
Oh, I mean from you….not me. Just in case that didn’t come out right.
lol, naughty Daisy. He reads some of these comments, you know … don’t give him ideas.
Yeah. I thought he might. I was setting you up. ????
But don’t forget…you have to be up early in the morning. Still….if you have been watching Bill and Katy on B&B, you will know you can multi-task in the kitchen while preparing the lunch box for school.
Hee hee. You are in for it now.
I have another thing to ad Juz.. (seeing as you’re on such a roll!)
In the right hand column “POLLS” ‘what shows will you be watching…’, if you’re going to watch lots of the shows RR used to have it so you could check of like 5 out of 7 or 3 out of 7. As it is now you can only choose one. Just thought you’d want to know.
But I’m not complaining, just very happy to be here!
Check it out, Izobel2 – I added more options and you can now pick 3 shows.
Just got home from a BBQ and so excited to see all the old faces and new innovations in the posts. Thank you Juz and Mr Juz, you have done a great job.
Just trying a photo again, plz delete if its massive again!
Sorry, Pandy, this was sitting in the admin trash folder, so he’s made a late entrance.
This site is like a magic genie.. you say what you want and it happens. Now I would like 1 million.. no make that 50 million dollars.
Funny. ????????????????????
I would like coffee and a croissant delivered to my house right now …. no, it’s not working ;(
Anyone heard from BDD?
I am hoping that when the new shows start some regulars we are missing will check RR and find their way here.
So glad I checked into RR today to find you’ve created this new space. Thanks Juz ????
Welcome, pollyb! Your comments will appear straight away from now on.
This one is for Bold and the beautiful fans. Ivy takes another fall.
The new gorl, Stacey is a ham actor.
Just tell me how Liam was able to get on the plane without a passport?
Speaking of actors, then , I see Cardinal Pell is smiling and driving around Rome on television this morning.. What a remarkable recovery from his being “too unwell” to come here to testify in front of a Royal Commission. Jesus Christ .
It must be a miracle.
Liam must have had his passport in his pocket. Ha ha. With or without a ticket, imagine if people could just get on andoff planes. Even luggage is removed if people don’t board in case someone plants a bomb. Well that might have been the most far fetched bit of plot yet.
Oh well that’s B&B. Things I find most far fetched:
No maids, cooks or housekeepers.
No security gates. People can just knock on their door. As if.
There kids are permanently at school. The most neglected kids in America.
No on knocks.
They can hide behind a plant and no one sees them.
Charlie was left in charge of the Hope Diamond.
Hope is walking around wearing the hoe diamond.
The girls think Liam is worth fighting over.
Every romance is a love triangle. Why no love squares, or love pentagons.
Anyway. I still enjoy the nonsense. And they don’t change partners quite as often a Stephie changes hair. At the moment I have decided since all the other Avants have moved in to mooch off the Forresters, why not Sacha too.
Favourite character : Quinn. Because she is a baddie who doesn’t pretend to be a goodie.
On Pell. Just hope everyone gets their due.
What’s everyone doing today? Probably just house work and slothing here. Watch 1st Dates.
What about the crate of Vodka gift that seems to turn up every time Brooke is on the verge of another meltdown? Only Bill (Brad Carlton to me) saved her from knocking the top off one the other day.
I had a free newspaper delivered today. It wasn’t stolen, so I’ll read it.
Iggy ate a literal shitload of treats I left in the bathroom .He snuck in there, ate the lot and left about three days worth of nuggets in the back yard.
Does your Zoomba still work,daisy? (Someone should invent a Zoomba to pick up dog shit)
I saw an ad for a thing called a vari desk , which adjusts height wise to put your computer on and blog whilst standing. Good idea if you don’t have a crook back.
Zoomba is Izobel’s dance class. Although Roomba can speak Spanish (and Russian, Japanese….), it still can’t do the rumba.
I’m down at Hallett Cove Beach Daisy, enjoying the kids play in the water. We surprised the father in law by rocking up with a full bacon egg mushroom tomato breakky and cooked it on his bbq. Lovely day.
You’re always off having fun, Bella. Enjoy. ????????????????????????
Ha ha, on the vodka. Hell yeah.
Here’s another one. My sister has a rampant affair with my hubby, and I decide it would be a great idea to bring her in to be his PA.
Yep. I still use Roomba, and a Dyson hand thingy rechargeable because ordinary vacs are too heavy. If I was a Forrester, I would get the housekeeper, or Alleeee and Ivy to do it. But no Dave, not advisable to be used as a pooper scooper. You may however be onto a winning idea for the next shark tank. Make it have a little lawn sanitizer in it as well for we OCD types. ???? ???? ????
Bloody Woolif and his Foxtel. I can’t get the grandkids off the telly to post a photo of Liam and his toilet cubicle accident. There have been a lot of accidents lately, all mysteriously connected to….not Stephie…but Ivy. Hmmm.
Back of the plane, crappy seats, even crappier plumbing. Surely a Forrester would have at the very least , a business class seat. I wondered about the passport as well.
The writers are really running out of even half plausible story lines. The repetitive nature of some stories is just getting too much. If they are not repetitive they are just down right creepy. Some doozies to come in story lines.
I back team Quinn too atm and team second best. I would love to see Wyatt with someone that Liam hasn’t manhandled. yukko!
And what was that accent on the hostie, was it an American trying to play an Australian trying to play a Kiwi? Ouch, my ears hurt.
Sounded Kiwi to me.
There are more creative ways to strand Liam in the toilet than have him knocking himself out (but he had to join the Mile High Club by clubbing himself unconscious)
Like getting his arse stuck to the toilet seat while he’s using it. I read that this actually happened to the drummer from Led Zeppelin, who flushed an aeroplane loo while still sitting on it and the suction held him to the seat. I have heard of folks having their entrails removed in this fashion. He was heard to mutter~” I’ll never trust a toilet seat again”
???????????????????????????????? OK, clearly you should be writing this show, BDD. I would vote for the suction bum.
It reminds me of a true story. One that gets retold in our family from time to time. Iron Chef was about 10 years old or so, and decided to try out one of those suction arrows from a bow and arrow set on his eye socket. He came running in to me with the arrow projecting ftom his eye saying, “Muuuum”. He was almost ready to tug at it and I go, “Nooooo. Don’t pull it”. I imagine his eye ball may have been sucked out. Anyhow I got it of easily with all body organs intact.
Dazed and Confused….in a toilet.
He could have been sucked arse end into a black hole.
Or turned inside out.
Still, it’s one way to clean out your colon.
There’s a great show today Griff’s Great Britain at 1.00 on the old ABC and soon NT Cops will be returning, which I look forward to.
Clean as a whistle.
Awww, Liam. You are so good to stow away for me.
Ehhostess doesn’t bat an eyelid to find she has a rogue passenger on the loose.
Liam gets the mile high colon flush.
Then discovers he has to fly economy.
The orange uniform on the hostie suggests they’re flying Jetstar, too..
The like doesn’t quite say it. ????????????????
Stephie waits for a long distance call from Sydney. And prepares for her new love triangle with Wyatt. If Liam, Ivy and Stephie are one triangle, and Stephie, Wyatt and Liam are the other triangle, and Ivy, Wyatt and Liam are the other triangle….what is the geometric diagram? And since all triangles overlap, how many triangles does that make?
I will get my trigonometry tables out and calculate it out for you Daisy. Even pythagorus is confused.
I am enjoying John Cleese on with Lazza and Kyles. Better feedback than the unfunny weekday Sunrise. You can tell it was fun for all of them. I think they could have gone out for drinks. ????????????
In the ‘olden’ days family of passengers on cruise ships could go on board to say goodbye. However, why do the producers think we are all so stupid to think that friends are allowed on board a plane to say cheerio and settle one’s loved one into a seat!!! Where’s the passport, boarding pass, where’s security! Is this now the time that Steffie ends up in bed with Wyatt and Liam loses his memory and ends up in bed with Quinn. It’s a terrible programme really and Daisy, you are right, what about Bill, Katie and Brooke – no good will come of that!!!
http://www.talkingtv.net/2016/02/random-chat/ Hi all, I’ve started a new thread for general chat as this one’s getting quite long. Feel free to wander over via the link, or find it at the top of the site.
Hi Talking TVers, IT Sidekick has to do some work on the site tonight so we can move it to a new host, as our current one can’t cope with its popularity.
If the colour bar at the top your Talking TV page is black you are still on the old site. You should still be able to comment BUT your comments may be lost in the migration to the new site.
If, however, you get a blue Talking TV bar at the top of the page, you are on the new site and can comment away.
The transition from old to new depends on your internet provider, but you should all have the new, “blue” site in time for Sunday night TV chat.
Cheers – Admin Juz
BrainDeadDave why don’t you comment on Neighbours? It’s such a fantastic show
If I truly thought this was Bob $aget, I’d answer that…..