If you are having trouble registering, see the below guide from my IT Sidekick. Cheers – Admin Juz.
To be able to participate in the social aspects of this site (such as commenting on posts) you need to be a registered user. This helps keep the spam at bay. Here’s how to register:
- At the bottom of any post, under the Leave a reply section, click the link that says You must be logged in to post a comment
- The next page looks like a WordPress login page – don’t worry, you’re still on talkingtv.net. You need to click the tiny Register link below the login box:
The next page looks very similar, but it is a registration page, not a login page. You need to enter your chosen username and a valid email address, and click the Register button:
You should see the below confirmation that you have successfully submitted your registration:
- Within 2 minutes you should receive an email, similar to the one below:
If you can’t see it, check you Spam/Junk Mail folder. Then, click on the first link, and you will be directed to a webpage to set your password (example picture below):
The page will display a default, VERY secure password of a jumble of characters. You can delete this and choose your own password. DON’T FREAK OUT that the message says it should be 12 characters long – it can be whatever length you want. The page will tell you how strong your password is as you type it. Click the Reset Password button to complete the registration process.Finally, the website will confirm your password has been set. Click the Log in link to log in and start using the registered user features of the site:
If at any stage you run into any difficulties, just email the admins ([email protected]) and we can help you out.
NOTE: The first time you post a comment, it won’t appear straight away on the site for others to see. A user’s first comment must be approved by the Admins. We’ll okay you to come play ASAP. All subsequent comments should appear straight away and you don’t have to go through any more password palaver.